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CHER Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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(Meeting No. 35)

TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998


The Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage met at 3:44 o’clock p.m., this day, in Room 237-C, Centre Block, the Chair, Clifford Lincoln, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Clifford Lincoln, Mauril Bélanger, Sarmite Bulte, John Godfrey, Joe Jordan, Dennis Mills, Jacques Saada, Jim Pankiw, Suzanne Tremblay and Mark Muise.

Acting Member present: Gerry Byrne for Pat O'Brien; Paul Crête for Caroline St-Hilaire; and Angela Vautour for Wendy Lill.

In attendance: From the Parliamentary Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Susan Alter, Research Officer. From the Committees and Legislative Services Directorate: Richard Dupuis, Legislative Clerk.

Witnesses: From the Department of Canadian Heritage: Tom Lee, Assistant Deputy Minister, Parks Canada; Wendy Bergeron, Director, Human Resources Management Strategies, Parks Canada; Michael Fay, Director, Strategic Business Services, Strategy and Plans Directorate, Parks Canada; and Laurent Tremblay, Executive Director, Quebec Region, Parks Canada. From the Department of Justice: Henry Schultz, Legal Counsel, Constitutional and Administrative Law Section.

Pursuant to its Order of Reference of the House dated Thursday, March 19, 1998. The Committee resumed consideration of clause-by-clause of Bill C-29, An Act to establish the Canadian Parks Agency and to amend other Acts as a consequence. (See Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence dated Wednesday, April 1, 1998 -- meetings #26, 28, 29, 31 and 32)

The witnesses answered questions.

Clauses 14 to 18 carried severally.

On Clause 19

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 19 be amended by striking out lines 27 to 42, on page 9 and substituting the following therefor:

" 19. (1) The Minister shall, not later than six months after the coming into force of section 3, introduce in the House of Commons a bill setting out a specified amount of money to be appropriated from the Consolidated Revenue Fund for an unspecified period of time and that provides for the operational and capital expenditures of the Agency, provided that the Minister's advice to the Governor General to recommend that bill to the House of Commons has been accepted by the Governor General.

(2) Money may be appropriated by Parliament from time to time by way of a vote in an appropriation Act or any other Act of Parliament, for the period that may be specified in this Act, providing financial assistance to the Agency in the form of grants and contributions."

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Clause 19 carried.

Clause 20 carried.

On Clause 21

Angela Vautour moved,--That Clause 21 be amended by striking out line 32, on page 11, and substituting the following therefor:

"(c)" to maintain or restore any national"

And debate arising thereon.

Paul Bonwick moved,--That the amendment be amended by adding immediately after the word "maintain" coma and the word "develop".

The question being put on the amendment, to the amendment, it was agreed to.

The question being put on the amendment, as amended, it was agreed to.

Clause 21, as amended, carried.

Clauses 22 to 31 carried severally.

Clause 32

Angela Vautour moved,--That Clause 32 be amended by striking out line 37, on page 14, and substituting the following therefor:

"commemorative and ecological integrity, resource protection"

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 32, as amended, carried.

On Clause 33

By unanimous consent, Clause 33 stood.

Clauses 34 to 36 carried severally.

New Clause 36.1

Mauril Bélanger moved,--That Bill C-29 be amended by adding after line 27, on page 16, the following:



" 36.1 The Official Languages Act applies to the Agency and to its sub-contractors."

After debate, the question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to on division.

New Clause 36.1 carried.

Clauses 37 to 45 carried severally.

On Clause 46

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 46 be amended, by striking out, in the English version only, line 14, on page 19 and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 46, as amended, carried.

Clauses 47 to 48 carried severally.

On Clause 49

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 49 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, line 25, on page 19 and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 49, as amended, carried.

On Clause 50

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 50 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, line 30, on page 19 and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was carried.

Clause 50, as amended, carried.

On Clause 51

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 51 be amended by striking out in the English version only, lines 5 and 6, on page 20 and substituting the following therefor:

a) "or employee of the Parks Canada Agency established under the Parks Canada Agency"

by striking out in the English version only line 13, on page 20 and substituting the following therefor:

b) "persons employed in the Parks Canada"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 51, as amended, carried.

On Clause 52

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 52 be amended, in the English version only, by striking out lines 20 to 22, on page 20 and substituting the following therefor:

" 2. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the Parks Canada Agency established under the Parks Canada Agency Act (in this Act"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 53 to 54 carried severally.

On Clause 55

John Godfrey moved,--That Clause 55, be amended, in the English version only, by striking out lines 10 to 15, on page 21 and substituting the following therefor:

""superintendent" means a person appointed under the Canadian Parks Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of a park, and includes any other person appointed under that Act who is authorized by that person to act on that person's behalf."

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 55, as amended, carried.

On Clause 56

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 56 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, lines 19, on page 21 and substituting the following therefor:

"appointed under the Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was ageed to.

John Godfrey moved,--That Clause 56 be amended by striking out line 20, on page 21 and substituting the following therefor:

"Act or the Public Service Employment Act and designated by the Minister may"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 56, as amended, carried.

On Clause 57

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 57 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, line 28, on page 21 and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 57, as amended, carried.

On Clause 58

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 58 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, lines 2 and 3, on page 22 and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency established by the Parks Canada Agency Act under a"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 58, as amended, carried.

On Clause 59

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 59, be amended by striking out line 9, on page 22, and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 59, as amended, carried.

On Clause 60

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 60, be amended by striking out line 14, on page 22, and substituting the following therefor:

"Parks Canada Agency"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 60, as amended, carried.

On Clause 61

Mark Muise moved,--That Clause 61 be amended by striking out, in the English version only, lines 21, on page 22, and substituting the following therefor:

"operating the Parks Canada Agency Enter-"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Angela Vautour moved,--That Clause 61, be amended by striking out lines 35 and 36, on page 22, and substituting the following therefor:

"purposes of maintaining existing infrastructures that the Treasury Board"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Clause 61, as amended, carried.

New Clause 61.01

John Godfrey moved,--That New Clause 61.01 be amended by adding, after line 9, on page 23, the following therefor:

"Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act

61.01 The definitions "park warden" and "superintendent" in section 2 of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act are replaced by the following therefor:

"park warden" means a person appointed under the Canadian Parks Agency Act whose duties include the enforcement of this Act or the National Parks Act and who is designated by the Minister as a park warden.

"superintendent" means a person appointed under the Canadian Parks Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of the park, and includes any other person appointed under that Act who is authorized by that person to act on that person's behalf."

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

New Clause 61.01 carried.

Clause 62 carried.

Schedule 1 carried.

At 5:30 o'clock p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 6:45 o'clock p.m., the sitting resumed.

On Clause 1

Jim Pankiw moved,--That Clause 1 be amended, by striking out, in the English version only, lines 1 and 2, on page 3, and substituting the following therefor:

" 1. This Act may be cited as the Parks Canada Act."

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 1, as amended, carried.

By unanimous consent, the Committee reverted to Clause 33.

John Godfrey moved,--That Clause 33 be amended by adding, after line 10, on page 15 the following:

"at which time the plan shall be made available to the public on request".

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

Clause 33, as amended, carried.

On the Preamble

Jim Pankiw moved,--That the long title, be amended, in the English version only, and substituting the following therefor:

"An Act to establish the Parks Canada Agency and to amend others Acts as a consequence"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Angela Vautour moved,--That the preamble be amended by

a) by striking out lines 23 and 24, on page 1, and substituting with the following therefor:

" (a) to protect significant examples of Canada's natural environment and cultural"

b) by striking out line 29, on page 1, and substituting with the following therefor:

" the nation and their importance to global biodiversity,"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Angela Vautour moved,--That the preamble, be amended by

(a) by striking out line 30, on page 1 and substituting with the following therefor:

"(b) to present Canada's natural and cultural heritage in natural parks, national historic sites, marine conservation areas and related heritage areas through interpre-"

(b) by striking out lines 34 to 36, on page 1 and substituting with the following therefor:

"Canadian public, thereby giving expression to our identity as Canadians and encouraging stewardship of Canada's natural environmental and cultural heritage,"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Angela Vautour moved,--That the preamble be amended by striking out line 38, on page 1, and lines 1 to 3, on page 2 and substituting with the following therefor:

" obligations under the World Heritage Convention, the Convention on Biological Diversity and other agreements to protect, conserve, restore and enhance that heritage and natural environment and to contribute towards the protection and enhancement of the global heritage,"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Angela Vautour moved,--That the preamble, be amended by adding after line 11, on page 2 the following:

" (e.1) to recognize Canada's rich and ongoing aboriginal traditions and aboriginal connection to place,"

And debate arising thereon.

Mauril Bélanger moved,--That the amendment be amended by striking out all of the words on the amendments and substituting the following therefor:

"including Canada's rich and ongoing aboriginal traditions"

The question being put on the amendment to the amendment, it was agreed to.

The amendment, as amended, was agreed to.

Angela Vautour moved,-- That the preamble be amended by striking out line 16, on page 2, and substituting with the following therefor:

"(h) to maintain or restore the structure and function of marine ecosystems as a prerequisite to the ecologically sustainable,"

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived.

Angela Vautour moved,-- That the preamble be amended by

(a) striking out line 24, on page 2 and substituting with the following therefor:

" ty to enjoy Canada's special places,"

(b) striking out line 27, on page 2 and substituting with the following therefor:

" national parks and national historic sites, and

(m) to manage visitor use and tourism to ensure both the maintenance of ecological and commemorative integrity and a quality experience in such heritage and natural areas for this and future generations;"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

By unanimous consent, the Committee reverted to lines 34 and 38, on page 1 and line 3, on page 2, on the Preamble.

John Godfrey moved,--That a) the words "encouraging stewarship" be added immediately after the word "pride" on line 34, on page 1;

b) the words "and agreement" be inserted in between the words "obligations" and "to" on line 38, on page 1 and;

c) the words "and biodiversity" be added immediately after the word "heritage", on page 2.

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Preamble, as amended, carried.

On the Title

Jim Pankiw moved,-- That the long title be amended, in the English version only, by substituting with the following therefor:

"An Act to establish the Parks Canada Agency and to amend others Acts as a consequence"

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Title, as amended, carried.

The Bill, as amended, carried.

ORDERED,--That the Chair report the Bill C-29 with amendments to the House.

ORDERED,--That the Committee order a reprint of the Bill for the use at Report Stage.

At 9:15 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Norm Radford

Clerk of the Committee