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NRGO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 49

Tuesday, December 1st, 1998

The Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations met at 11:00 a.m. this day, in Room 362, East Block, the Chair, Brent St. Denis, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Réginald Bélair, Gilles Bernier, Gerry Byrne, David Chatters, Roy Cullen, Pierre de Savoye, John Duncan, Marlene Jennings, Carolyn Parrish, Carmen Provenzano, Werner Schmidt, Ben Serré, Brent St. Denis.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Jean-Luc Bourdages; Jack Stilborn, Research Officers.

The Committee proceeded to discuss future business.

Mr. Bernier gave notice of a motion which was read as follows: That pursuant to Standing Order 108, this committee send for all documents related to the decision by Canada Post Corporation to change the fee structure of the Canada Post franchisees and to the consultation process of the corporation with its private vendors regarding the implementation of the new fee structure. This order should exclude documents that may be of a commercially sensitive nature.

Carolyn Parrish made a statement on the fee structure of Canada Post franchises.

By unanimous consent John Duncan moved, concurrently.

--That the Standing Committee on Natural Resources recommend to the Government adoption of the first 6 points of the Call to Action Plan regarding international marketing initiatives as outlined in the November 26, 1998 joint submission by the IWA-Canada Local 2171 and the Chief Foresters of Western Forest Products Limited and International Forest Products Ltd.

--That the Standing Committee on Natural Resources recommend to the Government adoption of the recommendation dealing with toughening laws to prevent foreigners from illegally blockading forestry operations as contained in the November 26, 1998 joint submission by the IWA-Canada Local 2171 and the Chief Foresters of Western Forest Products Limited and International Forest Products Ltd.

--That the Standing Committee on Natural Resources recommend to the Government adoption of the recommendation dealing with closely monitoring and guarding against trade barriers preventing the sale of Canadian Forest Products as contained in the November 26, 1998 joint submission by the IWA-Canada Local 2171 and the Chief Foresters of Western Forest Products Limited and International Forest Products Ltd.

--That the Standing Committee on Natural Resources request the joint presenters to prepare a plan and budget to request federal spending priority to address the 6 points of the marketing plan strategy contained in the November 26, 1998 joint submission by the IWA-Canada Local 2171 and the Chief Foresters of Western Forest Products Limited and International Forest Products Ltd. for submission to the Standing Committee on Natural Resources for their consideration and recommendation.

By unanimous consent, Gilles Bernier moved,--That the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and Government Operations send a delegation of members to the mid-coast of British Columbia to meet with representatives of the BC forest industry, forestry unions, environmental groups, Greenpeace and aboriginal groups. Through their meetings, the delegation should assess current practices in the industry, sustainability and environmental issues and report back to the committee upon their return.

After debate, John Duncan, by unanimous consent, withdrew the first three motions.

The Committee agreed to invite witnesses to appear before the Committee on the subject matter of the first three motions.

After debate, it was agreed to amend motion 4 by replacing, in the first line, "request" by "invite".

After debate motion 4, as amended, was agreed to.

After debate, the motion moved by Gilles Bernier, was agreed to.

At 12:17 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Susan Baldwin

Committee Clerk