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HRPD Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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(Meeting No 1)

Wednesday, October 8, 1997

The Standing Committee on Human Resources and the Status of Persons with Disabilities met at 3:39 p.m. o’clock , this day, in room 371, West Block, pursuant to Standing Orders 106(1) and (2) for the purpose of electing a Chair and Vice-Chairs.

Members of the Committee present: Diane Ablonczy, Reg Alcock, Carolyn Bennet, Claudette Bradshaw, Bonnie Brown, Brenda Chamberlain, Paul Crête, Libby Davies, Pierre de Savoye, Jean Dubé, Albina Guarnieri, Dale Johnston, Larry McCormick and Robert Nault.

Other Members present: Stéphan Tremblay, Diane St-Jacques.

Acting Members present: Rahim Jaffer replaced Rob Anders, Nick Discepola replaced Joe Comuzzi and Byron Wilfert replaced Claudette Bradshaw.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament
: William Young and Sandra Harder, Research Officers.

The Clerk of the Committee presided over the election of the Chair.

Carolyn Bennett, seconded by Brenda Chamberlain moved, -- That Reg Alcock do take the Chair of this Committee as Chairperson.

The question being put on the motion, it was agreed to and Reg Alcock was declared duly elected Chair of the Committee.

The Chair took the Chair.

On motion of Brenda Chamberlain, seconded by Robert Nault, it was agreed, -- That Bonnie Brown be elected Vice-Chair of this Committee.

On motion of Diane Ablonczy, seconded by Robert Nault, it was agreed, -- That Dale Johnston be elected Vice-Chair of this Committee.

Nick Discepola moved, -- That the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, the Parliamentary Secretary and one member from each of the other parties compose the Sub-Committee on Agenda and Procedure.

And debate arising thereon;

Jean Dubé moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended by replacing the word "Sub-Committee" with the following:

"Steering Committee".

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Committee resumed consideration of the main motion as amended, --That the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, the Parliamentary Secretary and one member from each of the other parties compose the Steering Committee on Agenda and Procedure.

And debate arising thereon;

Robert Nault, moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended by adding after the words "Parliamentary Secretary" the following:

"to the Minister of Human Resources Development".

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Committee resumed consideration of the main motion as amended, -- That the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources Development and one member from each of the other parties compose the Steering Committee on Agenda and Procedure.

And debate arising thereon;

Pierre de Savoy moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended in the French version only by adding after the word "chaque" the following:

« autres ».

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Committee resumed consideration of the main motion as amended, - That the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Human Resources Development and one member from each of the other parties compose the Steering Committee on Agenda and Procedure.

The question being put on the main motion, it was agreed to.

On motion of Larry McCormick, it was agreed, - That the Committee retain the services of one or more Research Officers from the Library of Parliament, as needed, to assist the Committee in its work, at the discretion of the Chair.

Robert Nault moved, -- That the chair be authorized to hold meetings in order to receive evidence when a quorum is not present, provided that five (5) members of the Committee be present and provided that one member of the Opposition be present.

And debate arising thereon;

Dale Johnston moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended by replacing the word "five" with the following:


And debate arising thereon;

The question being put on the amendment, it was negatived on division.

The Committee resumed consideration on the main motion.

After debate, the question being put on the main motion, it was agreed to on division.

On motion of Dale Johnston, it was agreed, -- That as established by the Board of Internal Economy and at the discretion of the Chair, reasonable travelling and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses invited to appear before the Committee, up to a maximum of two representatives for any one organization.

Bonnie Brown moved, -- That witnesses be given 10 minutes for their opening statement and, that during the questioning of witnesses, there be allocated 5 minutes for the first questioner (of each party) and that thereafter 5 minutes be allocated to each subsequent questioner, at the discretion of the Chair.

And debate arising thereon;

Robert Nault moved the following amendment, -- That the motion be amended replacing the words "5 minutes" by the following:

"the remaining time, if any."

And debate arising thereon;

The question being put on the amendment, it was agreed to.

The Committee resumed consideration of the main motion as amended, -- That witnesses be given 10 minutes for their opening statement and, that during the questioning of witnesses, there be allocated 5 minutes for the first questioner (of each party) and that thereafter the remaining time, if any, be allocated to each subsequent questioner, at the discretion of the Chair.

The question being put on the main motion, it was agreed to.

On motion of Robert Nault, it was agreed, -- That the Committee authorize the Chair, in consultation with the Clerk, to take the necessary arrangements to provide working lunches, from time to time, and that the cost of these lunches be charged to the Committee’s budget.

On motion of Robert Nault, it was agreed,- That the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to distribute documents, to the members of the Committee in the language received, and to ensure that such documents are translated and distributed as promptly as possible.

On motion of Carolyn Bennet, it was unanimously agreed, -- That the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities request the priority of use for committee room 237-C on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. That this priority be allowed due to the size of the Committee (one of the two committees with a membership of eighteen members) and due to its additional mandate of proposing, promoting, monitoring and assessing of initiatives aimed at the integration and equality of disabled persons.

Diane Ablonczi moved, -- That, whenever an Order in Council for appointment or a certificate of nomination for appointment is referred to this committee, the Clerk shall obtain and circulate to each Member of the Committee a copy of the Resume of each appointee or nominee.

And debate arising thereon,

It was agreed, -- That the debate on the motion be adjourned until the next meeting of the Committee.

At 4:20 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Monique Hamilton

Clerk of the Committee