FAIT Committee Meeting
Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.
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Meeting No. 51
TUESDAY, MAY 12, 1998, 1998
The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade met in camera at 10:08 o’clock a.m., this day, in Room 237-C of the Centre Block , the Chair, Bill Graham, presiding.
Members of the Committee present: Sarkis Assadourian, Colleen Beaumier, Raymonde Folco, Bill Graham, Ted McWhinney, Bob Mills, Julian Reed.
Acting Members present: Monique Guay for Maud Debien.
In attendance: From the Parliamentary Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Gerald Schmitz, Research Officer.
From the Republic of Bulgaria: Yordan Sokolov, President of the National Assembly; Blagovest Sendov, Vice-President of the National Assembly, Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Left; Ekaterina Mihaylova, Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Union of the Democratic Forces and Chairperson of the Parliamentary Friendship Group Bulgaria-Canada; Svetlana Dyankova, Deputy Chairperson of the Parliamentary Group of the Union of the Democratic Forces; Stefan Lichev, Member of the Bulgarian Agrarian National Union, Parliamentary Group of the People's Union Democratic Party; Emel Etem Tochkova, Parliamentary Group of the National Salvation Alliance; Boyko Radoev, Deputy Chairman of the Political Council of the Bulgarian Euroleft, Parliamentary Group Euroleft. H.E. Slav Danev, Ambassador to Canada from the Republic of Bulgaria.In accordance with its mandate under Standing Order 108(2), the Committee proceeded to meet with a delegation from the Republic of Bulgaria headed by the President of the National Assembly.
Yordan Sokolov made an opening statement and, with other members of the delegation, answered questions.
At 10:15 o’clock a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.
Janice Hilchie
Clerk of the Committee