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TRGO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 11

Thursday, April 26, 2001

The Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations met at 11:10 a.m. this day, in Room 237-C, Centre Block, the Chair, Ovid Jackson, presiding.

Member(s) of the Committee present: Larry Bagnell, Andy Burton, Jay Hill, Ovid Jackson, Mario Laframboise, Ghislain Lebel, Dominic LeBlanc, Serge Marcil, Marcel Proulx, Alex Shepherd, Brent St. Denis, Paul Szabo.

Acting Members present: Dale Johnston for Brian Fitzpatrick

In attendance: From the Library of Parliament: John Christopher; Grant Purves, researchers.

Appearing: From the Public Works and Government Services Canada: Alfonso L. Gagliano, Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada.

Witnesses: From the Canada Post Corporation: The Hon. André Ouellet, President and Chief Executive Officer. From the Public Works and Government Services Canada: Janice Cochrane, Deputy Minister; Jane Billings, Assistant Deputy Minister, Supply Operations Service Branch, Public Works and Government Services Canada. From the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: Jean-Claude Villiard, President and Chief Executive Officer. From the Canada Information Office: Marc Lafrenière, Executive Director.

The Order of Reference dated Tuesday February 27, 2001, was read as follows:

Ordered: - That the Main Estimates for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2002, laid upon the table earlier today, be referred to the several Standing Committees of the House, as follows:

(16) to the Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations

-Public Works and Government Services, Votes 1, 5, 10, 20 and 25

Minister Gagliano made a presentation and answered questions.

At 11:38 a.m., Jay Hill took the chair.

Andy Burton sought unanimous consent to move: - "That this Committee form a sub-Committee to review government contracting processes and procedures"

Unanimous consent was denied.

Mario Laframboise moved:

"WHEREAS concern was raised about the safety of the locks in the St Lawrence Seaway in the report of October 17, 2000, by Coroner J. Roger Laberge, I therefore move:

THAT the Standing Committee on Transport and Government Operations meet no later than May 18, 2001, to hear in particular from the following witnesses:

Mr Pierre Gauthier, President of Local 4320 of the CAW – Québec;

Mr Stéphane O’Brien, of Local 4320 of the CAW – Québec;

Mr Michel Drolet, Vice-President (Operations) of the St Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation;

Mr Alain Messier, of Public Works Canada."

And debate arose thereon.

The question being put, the motion was negatived by the following division:


Andy Burton

Dale Johnston

Mario Laframboise

-- 3


Larry Bagnell

Dominic Leblanc

Marcel Proulx

Alex Shepherd

Brent St. Denis

Paul Szabo

-- 6

At 1:10 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair


Paul Cardegna

Clerk of the Committee