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HEAL Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 37

MONDAY, April 27, 1998

The Standing Committee on Health met at 10:45 o’clock a.m., this day, at the "Complexe Desjardins Hotel", in Montreal, QC, Canada, the Chair, Beth Phinney, presiding.

Members of the Committee present: Elinor Caplan, Pauline Picard.

In attendance: From the Research Branch of the Library of Parliament: Odette Madore, and Gérald Lafrenière, Research Officers.

Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the Committee resumed consideration of natural health products. (See Minutes of Proceedings dated Thursday, November 20, 1997.)

Witnesses: From the "Institut de pharmacopée chinoise": Arlette Rouleau, President and Acupunctor; Luc Martineau, Vice-President and Acupunctor. From Immunotec Research Ltd.: Chuck Roberts, President; Dr. G. Bounous. From Eel River Bar: Gordon LaBillois, Band Manager; Gilles Soucy, Coordinator- Heritage Gardens. From the Association of Quebec Chinese Herbalists: Ing Dan Tran, President; Mieu Tu Huynh; Shao. Li Ping; Robert Wong. From the "Association de médecine chinoise et d’acupuncture du Québec: Stephen Hui Chun Kee, President; Dr. Yu Guang Sheng, Vice-President; Wong Shi Wing, Vice-President, Xie Zhi Ang, Executive Director. From the "Syndicat professionnel des homéopathes du Québec": Florent Tremblay, Vice-President and Homeopath; Claudine Larocque, President and Homeopath. From the "Association des diplômés en naturopathie": Nicole Renaud, President and Naturopath. From the "Syndicat professionnel des acupuncteurs et acupunctrices du Québec": Luce Prévost, Treasurer; Luc Martineau, Vice-President – Information/Training. From the National Heath Products Association: Denise Poirier, President, "Robert et Fils Inc."; André Aubé, President, "Les Produits Naturels Magistral Inc."; André Lavallée, Executive Director, "Le Naturiste JMB Inc."; Roger St-Laurent, President, "Laboratoire du St-Laurent E.H. Ltée"; André Gagnon, President and Vice-President, "Santé Naturelle (AG) Inc."; Lise Lefebvre, Director, Yves Ponroy Canada Inc.; Guy Bohémier, Naturopath and Consultant. As Individual: Dr. Yves Roy. From Mannatech: Mark Perlstein.

The witnesses made opening statements and answered questions.

It was agreed, - That the Committee assume the costs of a working lunch in Montreal, on this date.

At 12:23 the meeting was suspended.

At 2:10 the meeting resumed.

At 5:27 o’clock p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.






Clerk of the Committee