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FINA Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Minutes of Proceedings

42nd Parliament, 1st Session
Meeting 208
Monday, May 6, 2019, 3:34 p.m. to 8:13 p.m.
Hon. Wayne Easter, Chair (Liberal)

Library of Parliament
• Andrew Barton, Analyst
• Michaël Lambert-Racine, Analyst
Department of Finance
• Robert Sample, Director General, Capital Markets Division, Financial Sector Policy Branch
• Cynthia Leach, Director, Housing Finance, Capital Markets Division, Financial Sector Policy Branch
• Kathleen Wrye, Acting Director, Pensions Policy
• David LeDrew, Senior Advisor and Economist
• Oliver Kanter, Economist, Pensions Policy
Department of Industry
• Mark Schaan, Director General, Marketplace Framework Policy Branch
• Darryl C. Patterson, Director, Corporate, Insolvency and Competition Policy Directorate, Marketplace Framework Policy Branch
• David Spicer, Vice-President, Regulatory Modernization
• Carl Cotton, Vice-President, Program Development Directorate
Department of Employment and Social Development
• Marianna Giordano, Director, Canada Pension Plan Policy and Legislation
• Nathalie Martel, Director, Old Age Security Policy and Public Pension Statistics Division, Seniors and Pensions Policy Secretariat, Income Security and Social Development Branch
• Karen Hall, Director General, Social Policy Directorate, Strategic and Service Policy Branch
• Hugues Vaillancourt, Senior Director, Social Development Policy Division, Social Policy Directorate, Strategic and Service Policy Branch
• Atiq Rahman, Director General, Canada Student Loans Program, Learning Branch
Treasury Board Secretariat
• Deborah Elder, Senior Director, Pensions and Benefits Sector, Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
• Simon Crabtree, Executive Director, Pensions and Benefits Sector, Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer
• Jeannine R. Ritchot, Executive Director, Regulatory Policy and Cooperation Directorate, Regulatory Affairs Sector
Department of Health
• Greg Loyst, Director General, Policy and Regulatory Strategies Directorate
• David K. Lee, Chief Regulatory Officer, Issues Management, Health Products and Food Branch
• Tolga Yalkin, Director General, Consumer Product Safety Directorate
• Jason Flint, Director General, Policy, Communications and Regulatory Affairs Directorate
Canada Revenue Agency
• Tim Krawchuk, Manager, Excise Duty Operations – Alcohol
Department of Transport
• Susan Archer, Director, Legislative Modernization
• Sylvain Souligny, Director General, Legislative and Oversight Management
• Sara Wiebe, Director General, Air Policy
• David Reble, Manager and Senior Policy Advisor, National Airports and Air Navigation Services Policy
• Keith Jones, Acting Director, International Marine Policy
• Joel Fryer, Policy Advisor, International Marine Policy
Public Health Agency of Canada
• Cindy Evans, Director General, Centre for Biosecurity
Department of Justice
• Katherine Richer, Senior Counsel, Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada Legal services
• Adèle Berthiaume, Counsel, Judicial Affairs
• Christopher Meszaros, Senior Counsel
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
• Michel Tremblay, Senior Vice President, Policy, Research and Public Affairs
• Mark Young, Director, Legal Services
Department of Veterans Affairs
• Elizabeth Douglas, Director General, Service Delivery and Program Management
Parks Canada Agency
• Kevin McNamee, Director, Protected Areas Establishment Branch
• Michael Nadler, Acting Chief Executive Officer
Department of Public Works and Government Services
• Crawford Kilpatrick, Director General, Strategic Sourcing Sector
• Shawn Gardner, Senior Director, Real Property Services Management Contracting Directorate
Pursuant to the Order of Reference of Tuesday, April 30, 2019, the Committee resumed consideration of Bill C-97, An Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2019, and other measures.

Mark Schaan answered questions.

Marianna Giordano made a statement and answered questions.

Nathalie Martel made a statement and answered questions.

Deborah Elder made a statement.

Jeannine Ritchot made a statement and answered questions.

Mark Schaan made a statement.

David Spicer made a statement and answered questions.

Greg Loyst and David K. Lee made statements and answered questions.

Tim Krawchuk made a statement and answered questions.

Mark Schaan made a statement.

Tolga Yalkin made a statement and answered questions.

Sylvain Souligny made a statement and, with Susan Archer, answered questions.

Jason Flint made a statement and answered questions.

Cindy Evans made a statement.

Sara Wiebe made a statement and answered questions.

Keith Jones made a statement and answered questions.

Adèle Berthiaume made a statement and, with Katherine Richer, answered questions.

Cynthia Leach made a statement and, with Rob Sample and David LeDrew, answered questions.

Michel Tremblay made a statement and answered questions.

At 6:16 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 6:52 p.m., the sitting resumed.

Karen Hall made a statement and, with Hugues Vaillancourt, answered questions.

Elizabeth Douglas made a statement and answered questions.

Atiq Rahman made a statement and answered questions.

Kevin McNamee and Michael Nadler made statements and answered questions.

Michael Nadler made a statement and answered questions.

Michael Nadler made a statement and answered questions.

Crawford Kilpatrick made a statement and, with Shawn Gardner and Chris Meszaros, answered questions.

It was agreed, — That a proposed budget in the amount of $53,900.00, for the study of Bill C-97, an Act to implement certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 19, 2019 and other measures, be adopted.

At 8:13 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

David Gagnon
Clerk of the Committee