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HUMA Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Minutes of Proceedings

44th Parliament, 1st Session
Meeting 122
Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 11:03 a.m. to 12:59 p.m.
Robert J. Morrissey, Chair (Liberal)

Library of Parliament
• Antoine Dedewanou, Analyst
• Vanessa Preston, Analyst
City of Toronto
• Abigail Bond, Executive Director, Housing Secretariat
Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
• Justin Marchand, Chief Executive Officer
Wesgroup Properties
• Beau Jarvis, President and Chief Executive Officer
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Monday, February 12, 2024, the committee resumed its study of Federal Housing Investments.

Abigail Bond, Justin Marchand and Beau Jarvis answered questions.

At 11:09 a.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 11:14 a.m., the meeting resumed.

At 12:09 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 12:16 p.m., the meeting resumed in camera.

The committee proceeded to give drafting instructions to the analysts for a draft report.

The committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to committee business.

It was agreed, — That the proposed budget in the amount of $15,000, for the study of compensation disparities between unionized and non-unionized workers in Canada, be adopted.

It was agreed, — That the committee invite Ministers of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages, Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities, Labour and Seniors, Families, Children and Social Development, and Citizens’ Services to appear separately before the committee for no less than 2 hours each, within 28 days of the adoption of this motion, in relation to Supplementary Estimates (B) and their priorities for the return of parliament and their mandates.

It was agreed, — That the deadline for the submission of briefs in relation to the study of compensation disparities between unionized and non-unionized workers in Canada be Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

ORDERED, — That the clerk and analysts of the committee, in consultation with the Chair, prepare a news release for publication on the committee’s website to invite the public to submit briefs in relation to the study of compensation disparities between unionized and non-unionized workers in Canada by no later than Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

It was agreed, — That the deadline for the submission of briefs in relation to the study of Canada without barriers by 2040 be Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

ORDERED, — That the clerk and analysts of the committee, in consultation with the Chair, prepare a news release for publication on the committee’s website to invite the public to submit briefs in relation to the study of Canada without barriers by 2040 by no later than Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

It was agreed, — That, in relation to the committee’s study of Canada without barriers by 2040, members be invited to submit their initial lists of proposed witnesses to the clerk no later than Friday, September 20, 2024.

It was agreed, — That, notwithstanding the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, February 8, 2024, the committee’s study of Canada without barriers by 2040 include no less than three meetings.

At 12:59 p.m., the committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.

Philip den Ouden
Committee clerk