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INDU Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 1
Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology met at 9:03 a.m. this day, in Room 213, Wellington Building, for the purpose of electing a Chair, pursuant to Standing Order 106(1).


Members of the Committee present: Robert Bouchard, Peter Braid, Gordon Brown, Serge Cardin, Hon. Michael D. Chong, Marc Garneau, Mike Lake, Brian Masse, Hon. Dan McTeague, Anthony Rota, Dave Van Kesteren and Mike Wallace.


In attendance: House of Commons: Julie Lalande Prud'homme, Committee Clerk. Library of Parliament: Mathieu Frigon, Analyst; Dillan Theckedath, Analyst.

The Clerk of the Committee presided over the election of a Chair.

On motion of Marc Garneau, it was agreed, — That Michael Chong be elected Chair of the Committee.


On motion of Mike Wallace, it was agreed, — That Anthony Rota be elected First Vice-Chair of the Committee.


On motion of Mike Lake, it was agreed, — That Robert Bouchard be elected Second Vice-Chair of the Committee.


Michael Chong took the Chair.


At 9:06 a.m., the Committee proceeded to sit in camera.

The Committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to Committee business.

Pursuant to Order made by the House on Wednesday, March 3, 2010, the routine motions in effect at the time of prorogation of the previous session are deemed to have been adopted by the Committee in the current session:

That the Committee retain, the services of one or more analysts from the Library of Parliament, as needed, to assist the Committee in its work. These services may be requested at the discretion of the Chair.

That the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure be established and be composed of the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs, a government member and a member of the New Democratic Party and that each member of the Subcommittee be permitted to have one staff.

That the Chair be authorized to hold meetings to receive evidence and to have that evidence printed when a quorum is not present, provided that at least three (3) members are present, including one member of the Opposition and provided that if no member of the Opposition is present ten (10) minutes after the designated start of the meeting, the meeting may proceed.

That when the Chair and Vice-Chairs are unable to act as Chair at or during a meeting of the Committee, the Chair shall designate a member of the Committee to act as Chair at or during the said meeting and that such an acting Chair shall be vested with all the powers of the Chairman at or during the said meeting.

That only the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to distribute documents to members of the Committee and that all documents which are to be distributed amongst the Committee members must be in both official languages and that the Clerk advise all witnesses of this requirement.

That the Committee hereby authorize the Clerk of the Committee, in consultation with the Chair, to make the necessary arrangements to provide for working meals, as may be required, and that the cost of these meals be charged to the Committee budget.

That each Committee member in attendance shall be permitted to have one staff member attend at any in camera meetings. In addition, each party shall be permitted to have one member of the Whip’s staff attend in camera meetings.

That one copy of the transcript of each in camera meeting be kept in the Committee Clerk’s office for consultation by members of the Committee.

That forty-eight (48) hours’ notice be required for any substantive motion to be considered by the Committee, unless the substantive motion relates directly to business then under consideration; and that the notice of motion be filed with the Clerk of the Committee and distributed to members in both official languages.

That, as established by the Board of Internal Economy and if requested, reasonable travelling, accommodation and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses, who are invited to appear before the Committee up to a maximum of two (2) representatives from any one organization, and that if requested, reasonable childcare expenses of the witnesses shall be reimbursed and that exceptional circumstances payment for more representatives be made at the discretion of the Chair.

That the witnesses be given up to ten (10) minutes for their opening statement and that, at the discretion of the Chair, during the questioning of witnesses, time and sequence be allocated as follows, and that a member may yield their time to another:

Round 1: seven (7) minutes: - Liberal Party - Bloc Québécois - Conservative Party - New Democratic Party.

Round 2: five (5) minutes: - Liberal Party - Conservative Party - Bloc Québécois - Conservative Party - New Democratic Party - Conservative Party - Liberal Party.

Round 3: five (5) minutes: - Conservative Party - Bloc Québécois - Liberal Party - New Democratic Party.

Round 4: five (5) minutes: - Conservative Party - Bloc Québécois - Liberal Party - New Democratic Party.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology invite the Minister of Industry to speak to the Supplementary Estimates (C) on March 18th, 2010 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, deemed referred to the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology on Wednesday, March 3, 2010.


It was agreed, — That given the recent cabinet decision on Globalive Communications Corporation, that the Committee begin a review of Canada’s foreign ownership rules and regulations under the Telecommunications Act, the Radiocommunications Act, the Broadcasting Act and any other legislation deemed appropriate.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities meet jointly with the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology, and immediately engage in a study into the recall of vehicles manufactured by the Toyota Motor Corporation.


It was agreed, — That the Committee undertake a study of employment in Canada’s manufacturing sector, including the trends in manufacturing job numbers, wages, job sharing and income security.


It was agreed, — That given the loss of jobs at US Steel, Vale Inco and Xstrata, that the Committee begin a review of the Investment Canada Act to ensure Canada’s foreign investment legislation serves the best interests of Canadians.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology undertake a study to review the barriers to internal trade and produce a report exploring further steps the federal government can take to encourage increased movement of investment, trade, and labour within Canada, and that the work plan for this study be determined at a later date.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology complete its study on the Recent Economic Performance of Small and Medium-size Enterprises by extending its study to an additional three meetings.


It was agreed, — That given the current need to support Canadian entrepreneurship, that the Committee begin a study to examine methods of support for Canadians starting their own businesses, and produce a report on how to create a stronger entrepreneurial culture in Canada, which will be reported back to the House of Commons.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology complete its Statutory review of the Canada Business Corporations Act by taking into consideration the evidence previously received, and producing a draft report that will be reviewed by the committee.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology devote four meetings to study strategies aimed at strengthening Canadian e-business.


It was agreed, — That the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology devote meetings to study strategies aimed at increasing tourism revenue in Canada.


At 10:56 a.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Michelle Tittley
Clerk of the Committee

2010/03/09 4:13 p.m.