The Chair presented the Eighth Report from the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure which read as follows:
Your Subcommittee met on Monday, January 31, 2011, to consider the business of the Committee and agreed to make the following recommendations:
1. That the witnesses schedule for the open government study be approved as presented.
2. That the Committee instruct the House administration to invite the three potential suppliers, for the E-consultation on the open government study, to a bidder’s conference; and that the House administration return to the Committee with one recommendation.
3. That the Clerk draft a letter on behalf of the Committee to the government of Canada encouraging them to move forward with an open government initiative; and that the Committee write a letter to the Speaker of the House recommending that the Board of Internal Economy study the possibility of an open parliament initiative, and that these letters be considered at the next meeting of the Subcommittee.
4. That the Clerk draft a letter on behalf of the Committee to the Speaker of the House recommending that the Board of Internal Economy study the possibility of additional in-house resources for future E-consultation projects undertaken by committees, and that this letter be considered at the next meeting of the Subcommittee.
5. That pursuant to the Order of reference of Wednesday, December 15, 2010, the Committee proceed with the review of Section 14.1 of the Lobbying Act starting tentatively on Wednesday, March 23, 2011.