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Appendix A: Past Planning Reports

Date Report title Purpose Prepared by Prepared for
1905 Todd Report To produce a master plan to transform Ottawa into a capital representative of the country F.G. Todd, Montreal landscape architect Ottawa Improvement Commission
1915 Holt Commission Report To offer a solution to the problem of expansion on Parliament Hill Commission chaired by Sir Herbert Holt Federal Plan Commission
1925-1928 Cauchon Studies To offer advice on city planning Noulan Cauchon, Planning Consultant City of Ottawa
1938-1950 Gréber Plan To produce an overall master plan for the Ottawa-Hull federal district Jacques Gréber, Parisian town planner Government
1969 Ottawa Central Area Study To formulate development principles commensurate with the Capital’s historic and symbolic character Consultants City of Ottawa, National Capital Commission (NCC) and Ontario Department of Highways
1970 Report of the Advisory Committee on Parliamentary Salaries and Expenses (Beaupré Report) To review the financial arrangements provided for Senators and Members of the House of Commons Committee chaired by T. Norbert Beaupré Government
1971 Core Area Plan To suggest a strategy of development to build an exemplary National Capital NCC NCC
1976 Report of the Advisory Commission on Parliamentary Accommodation (Abbott Report) To advise as to the amount and type of accommodation and facilities Parliament will require to operate effectively in the future Committee chaired by Douglas C. Abbott Government
1985 Report of the Special Committee on Reform of the House of Commons (McGrath Report) To examine the powers, procedures, practices, organization and facilities of the House of Commons Committee chaired by James A. McGrath Government
1987 DuToit Plan To prepare a draft long-range development plan for the Parliamentary Precinct Area NCC with Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) NCC
1988 National Capital Region Investment Strategy To address capital investments in the National Capital PWGSC PWGSC
1992 To the 21st Century: A Construction Program for the Parliamentary Precinct To develop a government position on the Parliamentary Precinct development plan Accommodation Branch, PWGSC Treasury Board and Cabinet
1992 Report to the Senate and the House of Commons on Matters of Joint Interest Analysis of Parliament-wide issues (security, upkeep of heritage asset, potential and existing joint services) Office of the Auditor General of Canada Government
1992 Long-Term Capital Plan To address necessary repairs and renovations on Parliament Hill PWGSC PWGSC
1994 Beyond the 20th Century: A 25 Year Accommodation Plan for the House of Commons To study the accommodation requirements of the House of Commons, to the year 2018 Accommodation Planning Office of the House of Commons (HoC) Speaker of the House
1997 Conservation Guidelines for the Interior of the Centre Block, Parliament Hill To guide architects, designers and managers of historic properties for future interventions to ensure protection of heritage character of the Centre Block Heritage Conservation Program (HCP), Real Property Services for Canadian Heritage and Environment Canada Parliamentary Precinct Directorate (PPD) of PWGSC
1998 Parliamentary Precinct Accommodation and Investment Strategy (PPAIS) To identify major parliamentary projects from 1997 to 2013 Parliamentary Precinct Directorate (PPD), PWGSC Parliamentary Precinct Directorate (PPD), PWGSC
1998 Preserving the Hill To document approved work as part of the program to preserve the Parliamentary Precinct PWGSC Minister of PWGSC
1998 Parliament Hill Landscape Plan Design Brief To form basis for design framework to guide conceptual design work Phillips Farevaag Smallenberg Inc. PPD of PWGSC
1999 A Capital For Future Generations Present a vision of the Capital’s future, on both a physical and symbolic level NCC NCC
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