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AANO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development



Tuesday, December 5, 2006

[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]



    I call to order this meeting of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development of Tuesday, December 5, 2006.
    Committee members, you have your orders of the day before you. We'll be dealing with Bill C-292, An Act to implement the Kelowna Accord. We'll be going through clause-by-clause.
    We also have as a witness Mr. Roger Valley, who will be discussing some of the issues around Pikangikum so that we can respond to the minister's letter. I think what we'll do is listen to what Mr. Valley has to say and then discuss whether or how we're going to respond to that at the next meeting.
    I have a bit of news regarding the trip to the United Nations in New York. There was a vote that took place, and it has been decided to postpone any further vote until September 2007. So I've instructed the clerk not to further pursue any trip.
    Finally, Madam Crowder has brought forward the fact that there's an opportunity to hear from a couple of witnesses, because these people are here in Ottawa right now. She wanted to make the committee aware of the possibility of having these folks in as witnesses on Thursday of this week. What is the pleasure of the committee? I'd like to have some direction on that.
    Do you want to leave it until after and discuss it, Madam Crowder?
    I have an announcement, too, that I have to leave at 9:30, and I'll be turning the chair over to Madam Karetak-Lindell.
    We'll move into our business pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, October 18, 2006, Bill C-292, An Act to Implement the Kelowna Accord. We'll go through the clause-by-clause. Pursuant to Standing Order 75(1), the preamble and clause 1 are postponed.
    How would you like to deal with this? Would you like to have a vote on each clause?
    Some hon. members: Yes.
    The Chair: Is the committee ready to deal with this?
    (Clauses 2 and 3 agreed to)
    Shall the short title carry?
    Some hon. members: Agreed.
    The Chair: Shall the preamble carry?
    Some hon. members: Agreed.
    The Chair: Shall the title carry?
    Some hon. members: Agreed.
    The Chair: You're consistent, committee, so that's good.
    Shall the bill carry?
    Could we have a recorded vote?
    I'll ask the clerk to call it out, please.
    (Bill C-292 agreed to: yeas 7; nays 4)
    The Chair: Shall the chair report the bill to the House?
    Some hon. members: Agreed.
     That dispenses with the business to do with Bill C-292. That was very simple.
    I would ask Mr. Valley to take the witness chair, please.
    Ms. Crowder, before we speak to Mr. Valley, do you want to inform the committee as to what--
    Thank you, Mr. Chair.
    I understand there was an opening on Thursday. The Assembly of First Nations is having its chiefs meeting this week, and Robert Morales, the chief negotiator for the first nations, is in Ottawa this week. He's the chief negotiator for the Hul’qumi’num Treaty Group, but he's also the chief negotiator for the first nations in British Columbia.
    Given the recent Auditor General's report on the B.C. Treaty Commission process, it seems it's an opportunity for us to hear from the chief negotiator from British Columbia while they are in town, which would not require another trip. I would suggest that when we come back in February we probably will want to have the Auditor General come about the BCTC process anyway, so it seems like an opportune time, given that we have an opening.
    What is the pleasure of the committee? From the government side, how do you feel about seeing these witnesses on Thursday?
    Well, it's the holiday season. I think we should extend that same spirit to Ms. Crowder's request.
    You've had a change of heart within seconds.
    Okay, I'll instruct the clerk to contact them, if you would, Mr. Préfontaine.
    Before we start with Mr. Valley, is it the pleasure of the committee to have this in camera?
    Some hon. members: Agreed.
    [Proceedings continue in camera]