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JURI Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]

Monday, October 6, 1997

• 1541


The Clerk of the Committee (Mr. Roger Préfontaine): Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.


Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Members of the committee, I see a quorum. In conformity with Standing Orders 106(1) and (2), your first item of business is to elect a chair.

Mr. Jack Ramsay (Crowfoot, Ref.): I have a point of order, Mr. Clerk.

The Clerk (Mr. Préfontaine): I'd like to remind members that I am not authorized to receive motions other than a motion for the election of a chair.

My colleague Luc Fortin and I are ready to receive motions to that effect.

Mr. Jack Ramsay: I have a point of order. I would propose that the committee consider electing our chair and vice-chair by way of secret ballot, and if there's a consensus to do that we can proceed in that manner.

The Clerk (Mr. Préfontaine): I see no consensus to that effect.


Members of the Committee, I see a quorum. In conformity with Standing Orders 106(1) and (2), your first item of business is to elect a Chair.

My colleague Luc Fortin and I are ready to receive motions to that effect.


Mr. Ramsay.

Mr. Jack Ramsay: I would nominate Shaughnessy Cohen as the chair of our justice committee.

The Clerk (Mr. Préfontaine): It is moved by Mr. Ramsay that Shaughnessy Cohen do take the chair of this committee as the chair. Is it the pleasure of the committee to adopt the motion?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Clerk (Mr. Préfontaine): I declare Shaughnessy Cohen duly elected chair and invite her to take the chair.

The Chair (Ms. Shaughnessy Cohen (Windsor—St. Clair, Lib.)): Thank you. I want to thank everybody for their support.

The second order of business is the election of vice-chairs. I should say that Standing Order 106(2) states that each standing or special committee shall elect a chair and two vice-chairs of whom two shall be members of the government party and the third a member in opposition to the government.

With respect to the election of the first vice-chair, I would receive a motion.

Mr. Paul DeVillers (Simcoe North, Lib.): I nominate John Maloney as the government vice-chair.

The Chair: Is it agreed that Mr. Maloney shall be first vice-chair?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Chair: Mr. Maloney, welcome.

May I have a motion for the election of the second vice-chair? Mr. Speller.

Mr. Bob Speller (Haldimand—Norfolk—Brant, Lib.): Madam Chair, I would like to nominate Paul Forseth, the member for New Westminster—Coquitlam—Burnaby.

The Chair: Is it agreed that Mr. Forseth be the second vice-chair?

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Chair: We have a series of routine motions that are attached in draft form to the agenda. I am going to suggest that over the next couple of days I will contact a member from each party and that we get together and try to work these out. Obviously, the balance is very different in this Parliament from the last Parliament, and if we can do it by consensus I think that's what we should do. So if you will allow me, I'll adjourn to the call of the chair, and in the interim I'll talk to everyone and see if we can't strike some agreement.

Some hon. members: Agreed.

The Chair: We're adjourned.