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FEWO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 2
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Standing Committee on the Status of Women met at 3:31 p.m. this day, in Room 7-52, 131 Queen Street, the Chair, Hélène LeBlanc, presiding.


Members of the Committee present: Stella Ambler, Niki Ashton, Joyce Bateman, Joan Crockatt, Hélène LeBlanc, Tilly O'Neill Gordon, Annick Papillon, Djaouida Sellah, Susan Truppe, Terence Young and Wai Young.


Acting Members present: Scott Simms for Kirsty Duncan.


In attendance: Library of Parliament: Martha Butler, Analyst; Laura Munn-Rivard, Analyst. House of Commons: Joann Garbig, Procedural Clerk.

The Committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to Committee business.

Niki Ashton moved, — That in the Standing Committee on the Status of Women, the Chair may receive a motion to move in camera only for the purpose of discussing:

(a) wages, salaries and other employee benefits;

(b) contracts and contract negotiations;

(c) labour relations and personnel matters;

(d) a draft report; and

(e) documents or matters requiring confidentiality, such as national security.

And that furthermore, that all votes taken in camera be recorded in the minutes, including which member voted which way when recorded votes are requested.


After debate, the question was put on the motion and it was negatived on the following recorded division: YEAS: Niki Ashton, Annick Papillon, Djaouida Sellah, Scott Simms — 4; NAYS: Stella Ambler, Joyce Bateman, Joan Crockatt, Tilly O'Neill Gordon, Susan Truppe, Terence Young, Wai Young — 7.


Susan Truppe moved, — That the Committee proceed to sit in camera.


The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to on the following recorded division: YEAS: Stella Ambler, Joyce Bateman, Joan Crockatt, Tilly O'Neill Gordon, Susan Truppe, Terence Young, Wai Young — 7; NAYS: Niki Ashton, Annick Papillon, Djaouida Sellah, Scott Simms — 4.


At 3:40 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 3:43 p.m., the sitting resumed in camera.


It was agreed, — That the Committee retain, as needed and at the discretion of the Chair, the services of one or more analysts from the Library of Parliament to assist it in its work.


It was agreed, — That the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure be established and be composed of the Chair, the two Vice-Chairs and the Parliamentary Secretary.


It was agreed, — That the Chair be authorized to hold meetings to receive and publish evidence when a quorum is not present, provided that at least three (3) members are present, including a member of the opposition and a member of the government.


It was agreed, — That only the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to distribute documents to members of the Committee and only when the documents are available in both official languages, and that witnesses be advised accordingly.


It was agreed, — That the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to provide working meals for the Committee and its Subcommittees.


It was agreed, — That, if requested, reasonable travel, accommodation, child care, other care that is needed, and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses not exceeding two (2) representatives per organization; and that, in exceptional circumstances, payment for more representatives be made at the discretion of the Chair.


It was agreed, — That witnesses be given ten (10) minutes to make their opening statement; that during the questioning of witnesses, the time allocated to each questioner be as follows: on the first round of questioning, seven (7) minutes to a representative of each party in the following order: Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, Liberal Party. On the following round of questioning, five (5) minutes per party in the following order: Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, Conservative Party, Liberal Party.


It was agreed, — That each Committee member in attendance shall be permitted to have one staff member attend at any in camera meetings. In addition, each party shall be permitted to have one party staff member attend in camera meetings.


It was agreed, — One copy of the transcript of all in camera meetings be kept in the Committee Clerk’s office for consultation by members of the Committee.


It was agreed, — That forty-eight (48) hours’ notice be required for any substantive motion to be considered by the Committee, unless the substantive motion relates directly to business then under consideration; and that the notice of motion be filed with the Clerk of the Committee and distributed to members in both official languages; and, that completed motions received by 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday be distributed to members the same day.


It was agreed, — That, in relation to Orders of Reference from the House respecting Bills,

(a) the Clerk of the Committee shall, upon the Committee receiving such an Order of Reference, write to each Member who is not a member of a caucus represented on the Committee to invite those Members to file, in a letter to the Chair of the Committee, in both official languages, any amendments to the Bill, which is the subject of the said Order, which they would suggest that the Committee consider;

(b) suggested amendments filed, pursuant to paragraph (a), at least 48 hours prior to the start of clause-by-clause consideration of the Bill to which the amendments relate shall be deemed to be proposed during the said consideration, provided that the Committee may, by motion, vary this deadline in respect of a given Bill; and

(c) during the clause-by-clause consideration of a Bill, the Chair shall allow a Member who filed suggested amendments, pursuant to paragraph (a), an opportunity to make brief representations in support of them.


It was agreed, — That the Subcommittee on Agenda and Procedure meet on Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 3:30 p.m.


At 4:27 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Julie Geoffrion
Clerk of the Committee

2013-12-20 10:36 a.m.