I'm very pleased to reappear before you today to discuss one of the programs under my direction, which is the Canadian innovation commercialization program.
We touched on this topic briefly during our appearance earlier this week and welcome the opportunity to speak about the program in more detail.
Returning with me is Ms. Shereen Benzvy Miller, the director general who oversees the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises and the client engagement sector of the acquisitions branch.
The goal of the Canadian innovation commercialization program is to bolster innovation in Canada's business sector by assisting Canadian businesses in commercializing their innovative products and services. A key driver for the creation of the program was this committee's 2009 report entitled “In Pursuit of Balance: Assisting Small and Medium Enterprises in Accessing Federal Procurement”.
In response to that report, the government stated the following:
The Government recognizes that innovation drives business competitiveness, quality and productivity improvements and ultimately economic growth for Canada. In the past, the Canadian government has used different procurement programs to support innovation in high technology sectors.
Through the modernization of the procurement process, the Government will work towards making the procurement process less prescriptive, improve considerations of quality and favour the incorporation of innovative goods and services.
Consequently, Budget 2010 included a commitment by the Government of Canada to promote economic growth through innovation.
The Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program was launched in September 2010 on a pilot basis for two years. The program covers four broad areas of innovation: environment, health, safety and security, and enabling technologies.
The program works with Canadian businesses to match their innovative ideas and products with a federal department, to test, evaluate and receive critical feedback on their innovations.
The program is based on two complementary components; the first component is an innovation procurement fund and the second component is an outreach strategy that informs and educates Canadian businesses.
The innovation fund is delivered as a procurement. Consequently, Canadian businesses must be successfully pre-qualified through a competitive call for proposals process.
These calls for proposals require that Canadian businesses submit information on their innovations, business plans and testing requirements.
The evaluation process is completed in three stages.
The first stage of the evaluation is completed by Public Works and Government Services Canada, and it serves to verify whether each proposal is in compliance with the mandatory criteria. This includes whether the business is Canadian, the proposed innovation includes 80% Canadian content, the proposal is under $500,000, and whether it is at the appropriate stage of development for the program.
Those that are compliant move forward to the second stage. This constitutes reviewing the level of innovation provided by the proposal, the business and commercialization plans of the business, and the benefits of the innovation to Canada. This stage of the evaluation is carried out by the National Research Council's industrial research assistance program in their capacity of recognizing and understanding innovations. PWGSC receives a ranking of proposals from highest to lowest.
The third stage of the evaluation is completed by an innovation selection committee, which is currently comprised of mostly private sector experts with relevant experience in innovation and commercialization. The selection committee reviews the top-ranked proposals to validate the conclusions of the second stage of evaluation. To protect the interests of the bidders, members of that selection committee are required to sign non-disclosure and conflict-of-interest agreements.
Following the validation by the selection committee, PWGSC selects the highest ranked proposals based on available funding for that call for proposals. These bidders are notified of their pre-qualification and can begin a search for a test department that is suitably matched to test, evaluate, and provide critical feedback on the innovation. To support this search, the program works with the pre-qualified businesses to identify potential test departments and to facilitate communications.
Once a pre-qualified innovation and a test department are matched, contract negotiations proceed and the specific details of testing are worked out between the business and the applicable department. In some cases, negotiations will take into account the size and scope of the proposed test and the capacity of the department to accommodate it. The final step is the issuance of a contract, which outlines the final costs, the timelines and the expected outcomes.
To support the promotion and education of the opportunities that exist through the program, as well as other opportunities that may exist to do business with the federal government, an outreach strategy has been included as an integral component of the program. The outreach effort is delivered by the regional offices of the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises, allowing it to build on its experience working with small and medium enterprises.
Additionally, the program also reaches out to other government departments to allow for an opportunity to identify what potential innovations exist in Canada that may support their operations and mandates.
To follow this overview of the program, I will now provide you with information of what has been achieved to date.
There have been two calls for proposals released since the launch of the Canadian innovation commercialization program in September of 2010. It's been one year.
The first call for proposals was released in October 2010, and in response the program received 375 proposals. Based on available funding, 27 proposals were pre-qualified to be matched with government departments, the majority of which have already been matched. The second call for proposals was released in July 2011. We have received 335 proposals, and the evaluation process is currently under way.
Given that this program has been operating for only one year, no products have completed their testing. It is anticipated that up to five to ten years may be required for full commercialization of many of the successful program participants. Such is the notion of innovation.
One measure that we can report against is the budget 2010 commitment for the program to support up to 20 innovations. It is anticipated that this commitment will be exceeded in the first round, with over 20 of the 27 pre-qualified proposals proceeding to negotiations and to contracting.
However, the current best measure is early results and feedback from Canadian businesses and associations, which have shown a strong desire for a program like the Canadian Innovation Commercialization Program. With over 710 proposals submitted for two rounds of calls for proposals, feedback from businesses suggests that demand exceeds the resources available through the program.
Positive feedback has also been received from high profile and well-known Canadian innovators. For example, in September 2010, W. Brett Wilson of Canoe Financial stated:
[The program] is about the government recognizing that the gap between innovators' ideas and the marketplace is simply someone willing to bet on them, willing to take a chance on their product, and then willing to give them feedback so they can grow their business.
We trust this program provides this type of opportunity through a unique approach to procurement that can support Canadian businesses and innovation in Canada.
I would be happy to answer any of your questions.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
I would like to welcome you once again.
Last time, we had the opportunity to enjoy your web site. You'd think there's something in the air because we also talked a little about web sites today. I just hope it didn't cost $73 million.
You're presenting a program to us. A key driver for the creation of the program was a report entitled, "In Pursuit of Balance: Assisting Small and Medium Enterprises in Accessing Federal Procurement".
In response to that report, the government stated the following:
Through the modernization of the procurement process, the Government will work towards making the procurement process less prescriptive, improve considerations of quality and favour the incorporation of innovative goods and services.
The program is a consideration.
Certain environmental proposals were accepted. Reference was made to a New Brunswick business that farms sturgeon—Acipenser brevirostrum—on a sustainable basis. The fish is being processed for caviar and flesh.
For exactly what department do we want to produce caviar? Who do we want to supply?
Thank you for your question, sir.
It's important to know that we aren't buying caviar. We will be buying information of prime necessity from our departments in order to carry out our mandate, which is to ensure that food products are well tested and that the tests meet approved international standards.
In overall terms, we are going to review this company because it has an innovative way of manufacturing the desired product. Then we're going to test it with the federal government to ensure the process meets all international food products standards.
It's true that this is a small New Brunswick company, but what is interesting is that it is operated in the context of the regulations made under what is called
CITES, Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
Those regulations prescribe all the conditions for keeping and preserving various fish specimens.
In this situation, it is the information this company produces that we're buying.
I'll be pleased to do that. With all due respect, I'll answer in English and use the appropriate language because I wouldn't want there to be any translation mistakes.
For example, we already have a contract with DataGardens.
The contract is for a cloud federation system that allows virtual machines to be migrated and protected across sites. That's an Alberta company and the testing is starting shortly within government.
Another example of a cool thing we're buying is the G2 Robotics--I love this name--ULS-100. I'll tell you what it is. It's the underwater laser scanner capable of creating digital three-dimensional re-creations of underwater environments. So it allows you to actually re-create it digitally and then work on it for research and things. That's a company from Ontario and that is in the safety and security domain.
Another one would be Amika Mobile Corporation's server emergency alerting edition, which is a patented emergency mass notification and network vulnerability platform--say that ten times fast--auto-discovered wired and wireless devices in airports, on campuses, and in arenas. That helps, obviously, in emergency situations. That also happens to be an Ontario company.
Another one that might be of interest is Virtual Marine Technology's MissionQuest multi-task simulator, which is a marine training solution. It helps as a simulator designed specifically for coast guard, navy, and water-borne enforcement agencies for tactical small boat crews. That's a company from Newfoundland and Labrador.
Those are some of the ones we are already beginning testing on. We have a number of others that are currently in negotiation for matching with federal departments. Obviously, and I do need to stress this, even in the pre-qualified innovations, only those for which the government could have a use--in other words, we have a match for--will actually go to contract.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and thank you to the witnesses.
The discussion around the innovation and commercialization aspects of your work is interesting. I want to bring you back if I can to the small and medium-sized enterprise piece of your work.
I represent a riding in rural Atlantic Canada. In your binders you probably have a list of success stories of small and medium-sized businesses in New Brunswick that have successfully competed for federal procurement. I hope it's a long list; don't pull it out and read it. I hope you'll agree with me that there is a general sense among some small-business people, which is probably born out of a certain ignorance or intimidation around a competitive process, that the process is getting more complicated or more burdensome, and I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be. There are examples in the past where perhaps it wasn't precise enough and there were mistakes, so we are where we are. But the business people I talk to have a general sense that either they won't be able to successfully compete because the economies of scale of a company that would be in a larger region of the country or closer to Ottawa or closer to a large urban centre may have an advantage they don't have. I'm not saying it's necessarily true, but these are some of the impressions they leave on us.
I'm wondering if you could tell us what your office has done and what more could perhaps be done. It's almost an information campaign. I know you've done some good work. As I said, I meet business people who talk enthusiastically about their success, but they tend to be younger-generation business people. I'm not sure if their parents ran the company previously. They might have been adventurous to go online and look at some MERX system. There is a general hesitancy.
I'm wondering if we can do more from a regional perspective. The same must be true in other regions of the country.
I'm not just talking about New Brunswick, but also about the regions of Quebec and northern Ontario.
I have a sense that we could do more. Your previous minister, who started this in 2005—the small and medium-sized business office—represented rural Nova Scotia. I remember he used to talk to us, quite concerned about his sense that many of them don't compete because they don't understand that they can and should and that they will be successful if they offer the best value.
I'm wondering what more we can do to change that culture—in addition to what you've already done, I think quite successfully.
On the first question, we take the product at a point where it has been invented but not yet commercialized. They haven't monetized it, they haven't figured out how to sell it, but they need to assess whether it's a useful product.
That's essentially the contract that the federal government is offering: you have a product that you think is worth something, that can do something, and we have many government departments with many interests. Hopefully we can find somebody who's actually interested in that product and will take it, test it, and give you feedback on whether it works, how it works—all those things. Then you can go back and do the work on it.
We won't do the commercialization side. There are other agencies—the Business Development Bank, other kinds of programs—that can help commercialize, that deal with taking the product from an idea.
We're at the point where the idea has been had, they've developed a prototype, and we're assessing the prototype. Then, if that prototype with our feedback can be made better, they can move to commercialization.
As to the notion of five to ten years, and I'll have Shereen correct me if I'm wrong, the experience in the United States, which has a kind of program like this—it's a bit apples and oranges, but they have an innovation program like this—is that it takes, from the time the idea comes out to testing and to getting it as a commercial product, five to ten years. That's how long it takes to get an innovation to market. We're just one step along that way.
Where do I begin? In the Office of Small and Medium Enterprises, we like to describe ourselves as small but mighty. When the government, in a budget that really didn't have a lot of new money, gives you $40 million for a two-year pilot, you feel a lot mightier.
We have really taken that responsibility very seriously, and everybody in our regional offices, for example, has become involved in the outreach. We were already doing seminars on how to do business with the Government of Canada, but now it's not only how to do business with the Government of Canada, but “Did you know that we might also be interested in buying the things you haven't sold yet?”
It adds an element of offering and service that the industry is very hungry for. The feedback we've had from industry, which is the only way I can really measure the impact, has been phenomenal. The two things that have been said that would be somewhat negative are that it's only a pilot—that's a bummer—and that $40 million doesn't seem like enough money to buy all the innovations in Canada.
I figure that's pretty good feedback, and the impact, obviously, of the good feedback has been to really energize us to buy as many great things as we can.
I would like to say that this is a new program, a pilot project. We have to determine the right way to do things.
It's difficult to compare it to the American program. The U.S. government has specific needs and is asking industry for innovations to meet those needs.
We're doing innovative things in Canada. We're questioning the industry about its ideas because we don't know exactly what we want. So we're asking the industry to provide us with new ideas that we can implement in our departments. We are asking it to make the connection between itself and the departments that could use, or at least test, its ideas.
That's why this is a pilot project. We want to determine whether this is the right way to promote innovation. In addition, as Ms. Benzvy Miller said earlier, this program leaves the door open to new ideas. We don't know what innovations will assist us. We're working backwards in a way. A number of programs enable the government to commission ideas to meet its needs. However, this program is really designed to promote innovation among entrepreneurs and to provide them with government assistance.
That's why this is a pilot project. We're not sure it will work. However, people seem to be very satisfied with it because there are a lot of requests. We have to start somewhere, and this is where we're starting.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Thank you so much for coming. Well, I guess I'm the visitor. I've only been here once, and you've been here twice.
I have to tell you, this Canadian innovation commercialization program is exactly something many of us have thought about for a long while. It may be a pilot project and it may not be doing everything in terms of numbers we want, but I can tell you that if it wasn't a Conservative government in place it likely still wouldn't be in place, because we believe in entrepreneurial innovators. This gives them that opportunity in which the government is now going to become a partner to get something in place, which I actually want to talk about.
I'm actually on the international trade committee, and I can see the long way out for the opportunity for these small and medium-sized companies as they develop through the procurement. The government agrees and now this private or public company has a product they can actually take abroad. I think this is so exciting, because it gives our small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity in an area of procurement for government things that they didn't have.
I do have a question, and it's likely because I don't understand something. You have 375 applications and 27 were pre-qualified in that first round. Before we get to my question on something I might not understand, is there a balance of applications that are coming in through the four criteria?