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OGGO Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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House of Commons Emblem

Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates



Friday, December 1, 2023

[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]



     Good morning, everyone. I call this meeting to order.
    Welcome to meeting number 92 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. Pursuant to Standing Order 106(4), the committee is meeting to resume consideration of a request for contracts between the federal government and electric vehicle battery manufacturing companies.
    As a reminder, don't put earpieces near the microphones, as it causes feedback and potential injury to our valued translation team.
    When the meeting adjourned yesterday, we were debating an amendment moved by Mr. Sousa. Therefore, we are resuming debate on the amendment by Mr. Sousa. From the speaking order, I see Mr. Masse, Mr. Sousa, Mr. Kusmierczyk and Ms. Atwin.
    The floor is yours, Mr. Masse.
    Thank you, Mr. Chair.
    Good morning. I might as well start this off with an interesting development, and I am going to move a subamendment. I'd like to speak to that subamendment once it's been moved.
    I haven't talked to many people about the subamendment, so it will come as a surprise, but I am doing it because—and yes, that will go out—I believe we're at an impasse right now. I am hopeful that perhaps we can see something through.
    I will ask that we send this subamendment out. I can read it into the record right now, if that's okay, and then speak to it later, Mr. Chair.
    I am looking at deleting (f) and (g) from the Liberal amendment and substituting it with a new (f) and changing (h) to “these documents shall be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee within three weeks, in both official languages”, but I'll specifically speak to the replacement clause that I have and ask for that to be circulated as well. I would then like to speak to it, if I can, but I think it's important to get this on the record for everybody right now so we can start discussing it.
    The (f) and (g) that are on the current motion would be deleted, and a new (f) would emerge, as follows: “Any redactions of the publicly available documents be made, with the legal counsels for the unions in collaboration with the companies, and shall be deposited with the clerk of the committee within three weeks in both official languages and be published on the committee's website; furthermore, all companies must fully disclose and make publicly available the following: (1) the number of foreign workers who will be building the plants, involved in the equipment installation, technology transfer, training and operations; (2) the number of Canadian temporary/construction jobs to be created and how many permanent production positions are to be created as part of the contract guarantees; (3) the steps that will be taken to prioritize the employment of Canadians for building the plants and equipment installation; that the committee invite the CEOs of Stellantis NV, LG Energy Solution and NextStar Energy to answer questions; and finally that the committee call on the government to immediately work with all the companies mentioned in the motion to develop training and job opportunities for Canadian workers for construction, equipment installation/operation, technology transfer and production.”
    Thanks, Mr. Masse.
    If the committee does not mind, we will suspend for a few moments for the clerk to go over this and have it distributed, and for everyone to have a proper look. Then we will open the floor back to you.

     Colleagues, we're back.
    Mr. Masse, I think you have something for us quickly.
    Yes. I'm going to have to withdraw my subamendment. I believe it's too comprehensive and out of order. Can I can ask for unanimous consent?
    (Subamendment withdrawn)
     That's done. We are going back into suspension.
    Mr. Masse is going to give us a revised one. I will send out the old one, though, in an email, just so you have the base of it to understand what we're working off. Mr. Masse will then submit a new one.

     Colleagues, I apologize. I appreciate everyone's patience as we try to work together.
    We are going to adjourn, and I understand the parties will work toward a solution.
    The meeting is adjourned.
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