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PACP Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Meeting No. 2
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Standing Committee on Public Accounts met at 3:33 p.m. this day, in Room 237-C, Centre Block, the Chair, David Christopherson, presiding.


Members of the Committee present: Mark Adler, Dan Albas, Malcolm Allen, Jay Aspin, John Carmichael, David Christopherson, Alain Giguère, Dan Harris, Bryan Hayes, Scott Simms and Stephen Woodworth.


Acting Members present: Erin O'Toole for Bev Shipley and Dave Van Kesteren for Bev Shipley.


In attendance: Library of Parliament: Alex Smith, Analyst; Daniel Benatuil, Analyst.

The Committee proceeded to the consideration of matters related to Committee business.

Dan Albas moved, — That the Committee proceed to sit in camera.


The question was put on the motion and it was agreed to, by a show of hands: YEAS: 7; NAYS: 4.


At 3:34 p.m., the sitting was suspended.

At 3:35 p.m., the sitting resumed in camera.


It was agreed, — That the Committee retain, as needed and at the discretion of the Chair, the services of one or more analysts from the Library of Parliament to assist it in its work.


It was agreed, — That the Chair be authorized to hold meetings to receive evidence and to have that evidence printed when a quorum is not present, provided that at least four (4) members are present, including one (1) member of the opposition.


It was agreed, — That the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to distribute to the members of the Committee only documents that are available in both official languages.


It was agreed, — That the Clerk of the Committee be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to provide working meals for the Committee and its subcommittees.


It was agreed, — That, if requested, reasonable travel, accommodation and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses not exceeding two (2) representatives per organization; and that, in exceptional circumstances, payment for more representatives be made at the discretion of the Chair.


It was agreed, — That, unless otherwise ordered, each Committee member be allowed to be accompanied by one (1) staff person at an in camera meeting and that, in addition, each party may have in attendance one (1) representative.


It was agreed, — That one (1) copy of the transcript of each in camera meeting be kept in the Committee Clerk’s office for consultation by members of the Committee.


It was agreed, — That forty-eight (48) hours’ notice be required for any substantive motion to be considered by the Committee, unless the substantive motion relates directly to business then under consideration; and that the notice of motion be filed with the Clerk of the Committee and distributed to members in both official languages before consideration is given.


It was agreed, — That witnesses be given five (5) minutes to make their opening statement and if they have additional information, it should be deposited with the Clerk of the Committee; and

that during the questioning of witnesses, five (5) minutes be allocated to each questioner as follows: Conservatives, NDP, Conservatives, NDP, Conservatives, Liberal, Conservatives, NDP, Conservatives, Liberal, Conservatives, NDP, Conservatives.


It was agreed, — That the Committee Chair and staff be authorized to:

• review Government responses to recommendations made by the Committee during the 41st Parliament;

• acknowledge by letter, on the Committee’s behalf, receipt of Government responses where they respond clearly and completely to recommendations or request further information or clarification, as required;

• monitor the implementation of Government commitments made in response to Committee recommendations, and request further information as required;

• report to the Committee on these activities in a timely fashion.


It was agreed, — That, on all reports and news releases produced for the Committee by the Committee staff (excluding Library of Parliament research), a ‘Draft’ watermark be clearly displayed, in both official languages, on each page of the document until formally approved by the Committee, and one of the following statements be clearly listed in the header and footer of the pages as the situation may warrant:

Not presented to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts — Contents are covered by Parliamentary Privilege


Not approved by the Standing Committee on Public Accounts — Contents are covered by Parliamentary Privilege


Approved by the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.


It was agreed, — That all departments and agencies of the federal government that have been subject to a performance audit by the Office of the Auditor General of Canada provide a detailed action plan to address the audit recommendations which have been agreed to - including specific actions, timelines for their completion and responsible individuals - to the Public Accounts Committee and the Office of the Auditor General of Canada within six months of the audit being tabled in the House of Commons;

that departments and agencies that are invited to appear before the Public Accounts Committee to discuss the findings of an audit should, when feasible, provide an action plan to the Committee prior to the hearing; and

that departmental action plans and progress reports received by the Committee be published on the Committee’s website.


It was agreed, — That, whenever the Committee has adopted a report with dissenting or supplementary opinions pursuant to S.O. 108(1)(a), and has agreed to issue a news release, the Chair will consult the Committee on the content of the news release.


It was agreed, — That, whenever possible, the Chair will provide 48 hours’ notice to Committee members of his or her intention to present to the House a report to which the Committee has agreed to append dissenting or supplementary opinions pursuant to S.O. 108(1)(a).


At 5:32 p.m., the Committee adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Paul Cardegna
Committee Clerk

2014/05/30 11:37 a.m.