Pursuant to the motion adopted by the Standing Committee on Finance on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, the following routine motions are adopted:
— That the Subcommittee retain, as needed and at the discretion of the Chair, the services of one or more analysts from the Library of Parliament to assist it in its work.
— That the Chair be authorized to hold meetings and to receive and publish evidence when a quorum is not present, provided that at least three (3) members are present, including one (1) member of the opposition and one (1) member of the government.
— That witnesses be given up to ten (10) minutes for their opening statement, at the discretion of the Chair; that, at the discretion of the Chair, during the questioning of witnesses, there be allocated seven (7) minutes for each questioner in the first round and five (5) minutes for each questioner in the second and subsequent rounds; that the order of questions for the first round be as follows: Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Liberal Party; that questioning during the second round should alternate between the government members and the opposition members in the following manner: Conservative Party, Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, New Democratic Party, Conservative Party, based on the principle that each Committee member should have the opportunity to question the witnesses; and that if time permits, further rounds should repeat the pattern of the first two at the discretion of the Chair.
— That only the Clerk of the Subcommittee be authorized to distribute documents to the members of the Subcommittee and only when the documents are available in both official languages; and that witnesses be advised accordingly.
— That the Clerk of the Subcommittee, in consultation with the Chair, be authorized to make the necessary arrangements to provide working meals for the Subcommittee.
— That, if requested, reasonable travel, accommodation and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses, not exceeding two (2) representatives per organization, in accordance with the Financial Management and Policy Guide for Committees; and that, in exceptional circumstances, payment for more representatives be made at the discretion of the Chair.
— That, unless otherwise ordered, each committee member be permitted to have one (1) staff member in attendance at any in camera meeting; and that one (1) staff member from each party also be permitted to attend any in camera meeting.
— That one (1) copy of the transcript of each in camera meeting be kept in the Subcommittee Clerk’s office for consultation by members of the Subcommittee.
— That forty-eight (48) hours’ notice be required for any substantive motion to be considered by the Subcommittee, unless the substantive motion relates directly to business then under consideration; that the notice of motion be filed with the Clerk of the Subcommittee and distributed to members in both official languages; and that completed motions received before the close of business, which is understood to be 4:00 p.m., be distributed the same day.