Good morning, Mr. Chairman and members of the committee.
My name is Dave Collyer. I am the president of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers. With me today is Dave Pryce, who is the vice-president of operations at CAPP, and three representatives from our member companies: Richard Dunn from Encana Corporation, Murray Elliott from Shell, and Gordon Lambert with Suncor.
I'm going to provide an overview of our industry's approach to conservation and our views on the proposed plan, after which member representatives will provide examples of the various conservation tools and practices they employ within their respective corporations. Then I'll conclude with some very brief comments.
You may have noticed that I skipped Brenda Kenny. Brenda will have separate remarks from CEPA, the pipeline association.
Let me start by saying that CAPP is supportive of efforts to develop a broad vision for conservation in Canada. That being said, it's important to recognize that conservation involves many governments and a multitude of stakeholders. In that context, we would propose that it would be more constructive, and I think realistic, to focus on development of what we would call a national conservation framework, which establishes broad goals, principles, and priorities under which conservation would be advanced in Canada, rather than what would be perhaps a more prescriptive—and perhaps less realistic and achievable—national conservation plan. In our view, this is more than a semantic difference, and we would encourage the committee to consider repositioning this initiative along those lines. We can address that further in questions, if you wish.
From our perspective, a national conservation framework, or NCF, as I'll refer to it going forward, should align federal, provincial, and territorial conservation initiatives under one broad framework; it should provide a model for integrated planning that realizes both environmental performance and economic growth; and it should provide leadership and direction with regard to the policy and regulatory challenges that Canada faces in supporting and advancing conservation and biodiversity.
I should note that while this presentation will focus on land-based conservation, we believe that the framework I'll be describing is in most respects equally applicable to marine conservation.
Let me start with a few comments on conservation principles. We've consistently articulated three principles that we believe should be the broad basis for environmental policy and regulation. They should also inform the development of a national conservation framework.
The first principle is balance. The NSF should focus on conservation within a policy context that concurrently advances environmental performance, economic growth, and energy security and reliability.
Second, the NCF should address intra- and intergovernmental coordination. In our view, the NCF should serve to align interests within and among governments to reduce overlap and duplication and to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. Importantly, it should also strive to integrate conservation and biodiversity considerations into a broader planning framework. An example is the land use planning work under way in the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia.
Third, there should be clarity and predictability in the process. The NCF should provide stakeholders with clarity and predictability with regard to government policy as it pertains to conservation and biodiversity.
Importantly, in developing an NCF, aboriginal consultation must be considered by governments. We highlight the ongoing need to improve the aboriginal consultation process for the benefit of all parties.
Finally, we would observe that consideration of the NCF is, in our view, very well aligned and entirely compatible with the government's broader actions to encourage and enable responsible resource development in Canada.
I also want to talk a little bit about defining the scope of conservation strategies. We would encourage the committee to take a broad view of the scope of conservation to encourage innovation and excellence in land use approaches and to enable the application of a diversity of conservation tools.
We think there are three dimensions of conservation the committee should consider, while being flexible in how these strategies are applied in specific circumstances.
The first dimension is reducing impacts. What we mean by that is reducing the surface impact of our activity, applying adaptive management techniques, and then monitoring impacts and responding accordingly.
The second dimension is reclamation and restoration. It is imperative that consideration be given to temporal approaches. What we mean by that is allowing land use in the near term with a view to establishing conservation areas over time. Ongoing improvements in reclamation and restoration would allow lands that have been disturbed to be returned to a state that supports both conservation and biodiversity objectives.
The third dimension of the conservation strategy relates to protected areas. We recognize that in some cases it may be necessary to set aside high-value areas and preclude or severely limit use to achieve conservation and biodiversity objectives. However, I think those decisions need to be taken with a full understanding of the opportunity cost of precluding activity.
We would also add that in addition to the above dimensions, the NCF should enable industry to make informed decisions about where and how to contribute to national conservation priorities. Where appropriate, they could make voluntary conservation investments, potentially through public-private partnerships or in partnership with conservation organizations that align with their own corporate stewardship programs. You will hear more about that from our member representatives.
There are a number of what we would see as key foundational elements for an effective national conservation framework. Many of these are informed by what is in place and is working today. We would say that a conservation framework must be structured to enable the best-placed regulatory or government authority to lead the development and delivery of conservation initiatives. It should be characterized by effective and inclusive decision-making processes. Sound science should inform policy and regulatory decisions pertaining to conservation and biodiversity. But science alone should not be determinative.
A conservation framework must allow for flexibility and balance in establishing conservation objectives and strategies. A conservation framework must establish a comprehensive monitoring, evaluation, and reporting system to track performance and to inform adaptive management strategies.
Finally, a conservation framework must enable collaboration among industry and non-governmental organizations that are committed to addressing conservation objectives in innovative ways.
As noted, there is a lot of good conservation work under way today. The system is by no means broken, but collectively we believe that it can do better. In considering an NCF, we suggest that the committee focus on opportunities for improvement in conservation and biodiversity outcomes that address the following areas.
First is collaboration. Enhance engagement and collaboration in both policy development and implementation among diverse interests that have a stake in conservation and biodiversity.
On technology and innovation, the advancement of innovative conservation and biodiversity tools and approaches can be accelerated through improved industry collaboration and information sharing—the recently formed Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, or COSIA, is an example of that—along with more effective interfaces among industry, government, academia, research, and other institutions.
On alignment, a more consistent approach will drive progress and encourage shared responsibility and ownership among diverse stakeholders.
On integration, conservation is not a policy island unto itself, but rather the conservation framework must be integrated into broader environmental policy and regulation.
On adequate resourcing, NCF will require long-term, durable funding and resourcing commitments.
Finally, on education, as it applies to many other areas of the energy and environment arena, there is a need for improved public understanding of conservation and biodiversity, and of how these fit into the broader policy and regulatory framework for responsible development of natural resources in Canada.
Mr. Chairman and committee, that provides a broad overview of our industry's perspective on the national conservation framework, as we would prefer it to be referred to. I'm now going to turn over the discussion to our member representatives, who will provide some examples of how they approach this matter within their own companies. They will provide some examples of the application of conservation and biodiversity initiatives.
Murray Elliott of Shell will start.
My name is Murray Elliott. I'm the vice-president for health, safety, environment and sustainable development in Shell's heavy-oil business. Thanks for the opportunity to speak on behalf of Shell Canada and contribute to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development's study on a national conservation plan.
First, I'd like to note that Shell Canada shares CAPP's view that a national conservation framework would best inform future conservation discussions within the context of a balanced policy and regulatory reform in which environmental performance is addressed alongside economic growth and energy security.
Shell is of the view that flexible conservation strategies, rather than prescriptive plans, are the preferred means to mobilize industry to continue developing innovative and effective conservation strategies, such as reducing impacts, reclaiming lands, and setting aside lands with particular ecological value. We recognize that land conservation and biodiversity protection should be an integral part of all development.
Shell's business principles include commitments to contribute to sustainable development. This requires us to balance short- and long-term interests, and to integrate economic, environmental, and social considerations into business decision-making.
We aim to deliver benefits and reduce our impact through the choices we make about which projects to invest in by making more energy-efficient products and by reducing the impact of our operations.
I would like to provide a brief description of some of Shell's activities to illustrate how companies in the oil and gas sector contribute to conservation.
First, our seismic surveys used to explore for oil and gas are designed to minimize surface disturbance. Today two- to three-metre-wide seismic lines are cut with mulchers to avoid damage to near surface layers of soil. In the past these lines would have been cut by bulldozers in an eight-metre-wide swath. Meandering lines have replaced straight-cut lines to reduce predator impact and to preserve the forest canopy. The recording phase often uses heli-assisted techniques to minimize the need for vehicular access.
Many of the impacts of oil and gas development are temporary. In Shell's in situ oil sands business, two cycles of wells have been drilled, produced, and abandoned. Much of this land has been reclaimed. In the 1970s wells were drilled from individual, well-spaced pads, and all subsequent drilling has been based from multi-well pads to reduce surface footprint impacts.
Shell Canada has a long history of promoting land and marine conservation. Shell has been a partner with the Nature Conservancy of Canada for more than 28 years.
In 1992 Shell donated 8,900 hectares, or 22,000 acres, of land to establish the Mount Broadwood Heritage Conservation Area in British Columbia.
In 1997 Shell Canada was one of four oil and gas companies to relinquish mineral rights to 130,000 hectares, or 320,000 acres, off the west coast of Canada. This was the first step in establishing the Gwaii Haanas National Marine Conservation Area Reserve.
Shell's heavy-oil business has a land and reclamation strategy in place. Given that oil sands reclamation takes decades to complete, purchasing land elsewhere in the boreal zone of Alberta allows us to take action in the short term.
One of our long-term aspirational goals is to achieve a net neutral disturbance by offsetting our active footprint through reclaiming or conserving lands.
Since 2007 we've acquired more than 500 hectares, or 1,200 acres, of land in the southern boreal zone of Alberta in association with the Alberta Conservation Association.
Earlier this year Shell Canada announced the purchase of Shell True North Forest, an additional 740-hectare, or 1,800-acre, tract of land in northern Alberta to conserve boreal forest habitat. The lands were secured through another arrangement with the Alberta Conservation Association.
Thank you.
My name is Gordon Lambert, and I'm vice-president of sustainable development for Suncor Energy.
We very much welcome the opportunity to contribute to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development's study on a national conservation plan.
To introduce Suncor for you, we've been developing the oil sands since 1967. We're currently Canada's largest integrated energy company operating in all provinces. We have refining and marketing under the Petro-Canada brand, the oil sands business, and we're very active in renewable energy--wind and biofuels.
Suncor is committed to being a good steward of the land through responsible resource development. We have public goals on land reclamation, water use, air emissions, and energy efficiency. Energy development does disturb land; there's no way around that. However, the land is not lost forever.
Suncor has adopted the triad approach to address our impacts on the land. This triad approach—think of it as a three-legged stool—consists of extensive land uses where we can apply best practices to minimize land disturbance. In-situ oil sands development falls into that category. Second is intensive land uses—mining would be an example—where the impact of the activity is very extensive. Third is protected and conserved lands.
Mining operations are considered intensive, while in-situ is considered extensive. Suncor has supported the integrated land management work, and has supported a research chair in that area over many years.
We also worked to identify conservation areas and ecological priorities, and the use of best practices to minimize land impacts. Our approach generally is simple to describe. We minimize or avoid disturbance wherever possible, as this makes good ecological and economic sense. When there is a disturbance, we use a combination of voluntary and regulatory reclamation measures to address the disturbance at a landscape level. I will mention some voluntary examples in a moment.
We are committed to reclaiming the land that we disturb and accelerating the pace of reclamation. We also undertake conservation of lands in regions where we operate working with stakeholders.
I will give you some examples of best practices. There are tremendous steps being taken. One of those is the reclamation of the first tailings pond that was built as part of oil sands development. It's now known as Wapisiw Lookout. It's the first pond closure. We're working very hard to reduce our land footprint. This is a great example of the temporal nature of reclamation of disturbed lands. That original tailings pond was built some 45 years ago, and it's now being returned to a natural state.
We also have developed and are deploying a new technology to de-water tailings, which will accelerate future pond closures to reduce our footprint on the landscape even further. This technology will allow us to cancel four planned tailings ponds. It's a great example of technology being used to minimize future disturbances. As we speak, we're in the midst of a $1.2 billion capital project to deploy that technology on a large scale.
We have also shared this technology with our industry peers. Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance, recently announced, will be the vehicle for progressing on our technology that we've shared with others and for Suncor to take advantage of technologies developed by our peers.
The oil sands leadership initiative, I would highlight, has also developed a comprehensive land disturbance map of the oil sands region, documenting everything from walking and all-terrain vehicle trails to seismic lines and pipeline corridors. This past winter, the OSLI member companies revegetated the Algar region, located southwest of Fort McMurray. The treatments included winter planting and mounding of 65 linear kilometres of historic seismic lines to reduce forest fragmentation in a caribou zone.
We're proud to mention that this area is entirely off-lease from OSLI member companies' operations, and more land restoration and conservation is planned. That is, instead of member companies focusing only on our own land leases, we are looking regionally across the oil sands resource to see where it makes most sense to plant trees, initiate caribou protection programs, or carve out conservation areas.
Suncor is also a partner in a project aimed at restoring the woodland caribou herd in the west-central Alberta area of Little Smoky. Together with Conoco, we've invested $1 million in habitat restoration work in that region.
I'd like to touch on conservation for a moment. We're a strong supporter; as my Shell colleague pointed out, a number of companies participate with conservation groups that provide strong ecological and conservation solutions. Suncor and Petro-Canada supported the Nature Conservancy of Canada to advance the conservation science and explore opportunities for land conservation initiatives in the western boreal plains.
Another example is that over a nine-year partnership with the Alberta Conservation Association, through the Suncor Energy Foundation we have conserved approximately 5,000 acres in the boreal forest of northern Alberta with the goal of reducing forest fragmentation. This partnership has served as a model for other companies who are also now engaging with the Alberta Conservation Association.
Suncor has also signed a memorandum of understanding with Ducks Unlimited Canada to coordinate research into watershed function and raise awareness of the importance of wetlands. A specific example includes consultation on pipeline routings through and around wetlands. We have worked with Ducks Unlimited Canada to plan and create a pilot fen in Fort McMurray. Our work has shown that fens can be developed in decades, not centuries, as had previously been assumed.
Suncor is also a supporter of the Boreal Leadership Council, which is endeavouring to conserve 50% of the boreal forest on a national basis across Canada. It's a terrific example of a national partnership involving a vision that's been developed with 20 first nations, environmental groups, and resource companies. We also are doing work on caribou and the Mackenzie River Basin.
On biodiversity, we consult with other companies about how to minimize local impacts. That includes forest and other oil companies. This is known as integrated landscape management, and it includes sharing access roads or using land already disturbed by previous development.
Thank you.
Good morning. I'm Richard Dunn, the vice-president of government relations for Encana.
Encana is a leading North American energy producer, with Canadian unconventional natural gas operations in northeast B.C. and Alberta.
At Encana we take our responsibility as a steward of the land very seriously. We believe conservation and development can proceed together, and certainly we believe it is not a matter of one or the other. It's about finding that balance.
In Alberta and British Columbia, strong regulations set out by our provincial regulators provide effective and efficient operating frameworks that enable both environmental protection and resource development.
Mandated by a culture of continuous improvement, we meet and in many cases exceed the regulations by working collaboratively with other operators, governments, first nations, and communities to minimize our environmental footprint.
Our development in the Horn River basin, located in the far reaches of northeast British Columbia, is illustrative of the success of this approach through the use of new technology and innovative methods, such as pad drilling, saline water sourcing, and participating in the development of boreal caribou management plans, all of which I'll touch upon in the next few minutes.
The Horn River basin is an important development for the Canadian natural gas industry. This shale gas play has been estimated by the National Energy Board to hold some 78 trillion cubic feet of marketable natural gas. In context, that's enough gas to meet the energy needs of the city of Calgary for some 500 years. So it's a huge amount.
The Horn River basin is in a very remote area. It's a long way from market and as it's at the very early stages of the play it has very little infrastructure, all of which requires us to innovate and look for solutions not only to reduce costs but at the same time minimize our environmental impact as we proceed with development.
A key feature of that innovation is pad drilling. Pad drilling operations in the Horn River involve drilling multiple horizontal wells from a single surface location. This technique enables us to disturb far less surface area while maximizing our resource extraction. One 250-by-250-metre-square multi-well pad produces some 15 square kilometres of resource, essentially replacing several hundred vertical wells and well sites, along with their associated roads and pipelines. The result is enhanced environmental performance through minimized land disturbance.
Working together, and with the support of government, producers in the area have created the Horn River Basin Producers Group. This initiative is comprised of 11 companies active in the basin and is dedicated to efficient development planning and also open communication with stakeholders. Regular dialogue with the Fort Nelson community and the Fort Nelson First Nation has enhanced communication, and in doing so allowed the shaping of the development in the area. Additionally, it has generated initiatives that maximize the benefit of natural gas development to local stakeholders, principally in the form of local employment and job skills creation opportunities.
The Horn River Basin Producers Group has developed an integrated approach to minimizing surface disturbance by using effective planning measures, such as the joint development of roads, pipelines, and processing facilities to reduce the collective environmental footprint. In the Horn River basin, as in other shale gas plays, the shale gas development is a water-intensive process, there's no doubt about it. In 2009 the Horn River Basin Producers Group worked with the B.C. government to examine non-potable water supply alternatives for our operations. This was accomplished through Geoscience B.C., a government-supported research organization that launched a number of projects to identify and map subsurface aquifers in the basin.
The Debolt source water plant, a joint project of Encana and our partner in the area, Apache, is an innovative result of this research. The Debolt plant has been in operation since June 2010 and supplies some 98% of the water needed for both companies' hydraulic fracturing operations in the Two Island Lake area. The plant produces water from the Debolt formation, a geologic formation some 800 metres deep. This is a non-potable aquifer, holding saline water that is unfit for human, agricultural, or animal consumption. The salinity of the water produced is so high it's effectively the same as seawater.
The availability of the Debolt water has allowed us to by and large eliminate the use of fresh water in our hydraulic fracturing operations in that Two Island Lake area. We're quite proud of that. This results in significant conservation of fresh water and preservation of the surrounding aquatic surface habitat.
Turning to an example of land use, the industry continues to take measures to protect sensitive species.
In 2010 the industry partners worked with the B.C. Oil and Gas Commission and the B.C. Ministry of Environment to develop the B.C. implementation plan for the management of boreal caribou. The detailed local knowledge and on-the-ground understanding of B.C.'s specific issues were essential to achieving the desired outcome. That outcome was the development of a flexible strategy that provides for caribou protection while enabling much-needed, responsible resource development.
In addition to promoting the use of pad drilling, as mentioned, the implementation plan manages access for development during the critical calving period. It also includes such items as meandering seismic lines, which Murray touched upon. Those meandering lines limit the line of sight between predators and prey and afford the caribou protection.
Furthermore, industry has committed to provide $2 million per year in annual funding for caribou research that guides, informs, and really underpins the implementation plan.
I've spoken to how conservation is applied while development is occurring. However, as mentioned, production occurs for a finite period of time. I would like to address some of the steps we've taken to reclaim areas no longer in production.
In 2011 Encana received reclamation approval certificates from the regulator for almost 360 acres of land that had been returned to the environment. That was our highest amount to date. Additionally, we have some 4,800 acres of land under active reclamation in Canada. We have worked with local stakeholders, first nations, and governments to ensure that the land is returned to its original state and in certain cases is enhanced. That is the case with the recent project we undertook as part of our ongoing support of the Foothills Research Institute. For example, in 2011 we took an abandoned well site from the 1990s and converted it into a wetland to provide habitat for a diverse range of species. Since the reclamation has occurred, we've seen grizzly bears, moose, and birds moving into the area.
In closing, I would like to reiterate that it is our opinion that conservation and environmentally responsible development can and should proceed together. Strong regulations ensure that environmental concerns are a priority and are sensibly balanced with development activities.
The examples I've provided from our operations in the Horn River basin of northeast B.C. highlight the importance of technology, effective planning, and collaboration among governments, communities, first nations, and industry partners in enabling the economic sustainability of our industry in an environmentally responsible manner.
Thank you very much.
I think you'll find our comments to be fairly consistent with what you've heard from the upstream. Just to set the tone, what's different for our industry is that this is about long, linear infrastructure.
I represent the Canadian Energy Pipeline Association. We're very pleased to be here today. Thank you for your time in hearing these views.
Our members represent the companies that move virtually all the oil and natural gas that's produced and used throughout Canada and North America every day. We currently operate over 100,000 kilometres of transmission pipeline companies. These pipelines are energy highways, if you will, really the only feasible and the safest means to transport large volumes of oil, natural gas, and refined products. Our member companies are job creators in themselves. We're currently on the cusp of investing over $20 billion in nationally significant projects, but these job creators themselves are also enablers of the functioning of an appropriate energy system in Canada and enablers of trade over a very long time. So when we look at conservation we're thinking about how to construct an appropriate pipeline that might be needed, but also keeping in mind that these are very long-lived assets. They're not moving around. They're typically there for many decades.
We believe that the national conservation plan or framework is a very positive and progressive step forward. It helps to integrate and modernize Canada's overall framework for environmental legislation to meet the goals of sustainable development in the 21st century. We support the work of the committee in advancing this initiative through some very clear and practical recommendations, eventually to the Minister of the Environment, on how best to move forward with the development of this approach.
We would note that Canada's legislative framework related to energy, environmental assessment, and environmental protection is multifaceted and very complex. Many different acts are involved, some recently promulgated and some that have been in effect for many years. The passage of each piece of legislation reflected the needs of the governments and people of Canada to address specific issues and concerns at that time. Unfortunately, in the past the mindset tended toward prohibiting or regulating certain activities against harm.
I'll come back to that, because we believe that part of the challenge we face in appropriate conservation strategies and in the work under way to look at legislative change is a result of years of effort of trying to knit these processes together. Regardless, there's a real mismatch of legal requirements, and often that's resulted in only a modest improvement in results and a need for some fundamental change. So we support the efforts under way to change legislation with regard to regulation. We believe that the national conservation plan or framework is a great opportunity to change the focus, to complement this change further, by changing the focus from a prohibition of activities to creating better environmental outcomes than are possible today, in part with agreed principles and objectives. While we see various pieces of legislation contributing and mutually reinforcing, this updated framework is important.
How could this work? We think it is time to look at environmental protection as only one component of environmental conservation. The word “protection” brings the context of stopping harm—and clearly environmental protection is necessary in some circumstances. But the word “conservation” really connotes a broader set of actions that promotes desirable outcomes and includes protection.
We believe that conservation should be the business of project proponents, regulators, and citizens alike, and that legislation should enable and support that engagement and productive outcome. A project that is found to be in the public interest could proceed along with an agreed set of conservation objectives that reflect current policies. The attainment of specific permits for activities such as water crossings that have been proven over time to be relatively benign or fully mitigated could be looked at in new and better ways.
Let's be specific. A large pipeline project today costs billions of dollars. Environmental studies, consultant and legal fees, and costs to develop extensive applications to support environmental assessment and regulatory permitting are all part of those costs. We don't begrudge that, but we would observe that currently the estimated costs spent on these permitting activities by our proponents are anywhere from 3% to 5% of the capital cost of each large project. For a billion-dollar project, that amounts to between $30 million and $50 million.
In complementing the legislative changes that are proposed in the budget implementation act and looking to this conservation plan, imagine an outcome where we could redirect some of those funds away from details permitting and look at positive environmental results, in effect creating an environmental legacy for the project. It would have a direct link to the pipeline under consideration but contribute to environmental objectives in the area through which that project passes. CEPA believes that this is an important conversation to have. It could change the relationship away from an adversarial confrontation to one of mutual objectives.
We must make this point clearly and directly. In this conservation-focused scenario pipeline companies would continue to build and operate pipelines in an environmentally sound way, using standards and mitigation measures that have been proven in the past and continually improved. We would continue to assess and deploy new technologies to advance both safety and environmental performance.
At the same time, the primary regulator, in our case the National Energy Board, for large national projects would have and continue to build a sound understanding of best management practices. So the conservation focus would rely on those practices and really focus on outcomes and results on the ground.
In essence, then, we have to recognize that any development, even the construction of a hospital or a school, will have some environmental impact. The approach we have described here is based on the concept of conservation offsets as one vehicle just to enable the possibility that in a broader scheme where you have construction, rehabilitation, and protection of ecosystems you would at the same time recognize that there are sometimes unavoidable residual impacts that can be addressed on a broader scale. There are many studies and examples of this, and we believe that it complements very well what's under way.
One specific example I would point to is a project that was completed just a few years ago. The Kinder Morgan Canada pipeline was expanded through Jasper National Park and Mount Robson Provincial Park. To achieve this the company did extensive multi-stakeholder engagement in advance of final design and realized that we needed to take a net benefits approach. The Trans Mountain Legacy Fund was put in place, which recognized that the major challenges in that region were not in fact about the pipeline at all, but were about ecological connectivity between railways and roads, etc. So a legacy fund was put together to allow that to be established because the pipeline project took the broader view.
I'll just quickly run through a couple of other observations.
So what is the purpose? Clearly the purpose would be to define clear principles, goals, and priorities at a national scale that could be adapted and adopted at the provincial, territorial, and local levels. It should enable effective integration of rules and goals.
The goal itself should be one of sustainable development. This integration is key, so that you have goals of protecting species at risk as well as enabling watershed protection. You need a path to bring these forward, and this plan can do that.
The guiding principles are really all about this linkage and focusing on outcomes and results. For new developments the national conservation plan should be focused on the principle of a conservation agreement, so that project proponents can look ahead and understand their overall fit into that landscape.
Some of the factors would obviously be looking at how to optimize outcomes. These agreements should not be viewed as a penalty for development but should in fact recognize that when development proceeds it needs to be done in the best possible way, and this gives a path to do so.
Let me close by simply saying that this is an important way to move forward. We are very supportive of how to integrate the three pillars of sustainable development, look for potential tangible outcomes, build our economic future, and create jobs and social outcomes for today through responsible development.
Thank you.
I appreciate the question. You bring up a good point in terms of doing the work responsibly.
My opinion is that, yes, both resources can be developed in a responsible manner. Again, there are effective regulations that we operate under that ensure that the work is done responsibly.
One example of those regulations is with regard to shale gas. There are a number of concerns that stakeholders generally would bring forward, and they're very valid concerns, that both the industry and regulators have been addressing in this past year.
To give you a few examples, first off, you've heard a lot, as you mentioned, with respect to disclosure of the chemicals that are used in hydraulic fracturing. The industry as well as the provinces have moved, both in British Columbia and in Alberta, and the industry across Canada has moved, to a commitment to disclosure of those chemicals that are utilized in the hydraulic fracturing process.
Secondly, in terms of the protection of the quality and quantity of fresh groundwater, industry made a number of commitments through the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers earlier this year in terms of the practices around well-bore integrity, protecting the shale operations, and physically separating them, with solid well-bore integrity, from any kind of potential contamination of groundwater...and as well, in terms of the sourcing of water for the use in hydraulic fracturing operations, made the commitment to look for alternative sources, one of which I mentioned in my talk in terms of looking for the Debolt saline water as an alternative to the use of fresh water.
So between the commitments that industry is making and the regulations we operate under, yes, it can definitely be done, and I think that has to get through to the stakeholders in the area.
Good morning, everyone. Thanks for the opportunity to appear before you today.
First, to give you a little background about me, I'm a fourth generation rancher from the foothills of southern Alberta. My boys are the fifth generation pursuing agriculture in Alberta. This is a bit of an unusual situation as we've had a great deal of trouble keeping our youth in agriculture. My family celebrated a hundred years in the province in 2010.
I'd like to tell you a little about my association, the Alberta Grazing Leaseholders. There are roughly 5,700 grazing leases, which is crown lands under agricultural disposition, in Alberta. That's about 5.2 million acres. Alberta’s land mass is estimated to be roughly 150 million acres, not including water. This would put the grazing lease acreage at less than 5% of the land base. The beef cattle industry generates roughly $3 billion in farm cash receipts. The success of our industry relies on an efficient and productive cow herd with access to an extensive feed supply. Approximately 20% of the grazing requirements come from the use of crown grazing leases. These crown lands have a designated priority for agriculture, and most are best suited for cattle grazing. The average lease in Alberta is just over a section and supports approximately 50 cows.
I would like to take this time to offer some insights on the benefits of livestock grazing and its role in maintaining and, in fact, conditioning habitat on the range for other wildlife species. Most ungulates and many of the cherished and so-called endangered species, or endangered animals and birds, are reliant on cattle grazing for their particular habitat to be favourable for them. Grazing is not only complementary, but is beneficial to lots of wildlife. That isn’t the message that is being pushed by the species at risk folks, but it is factual knowledge based on more than 130 years of grazing in this province. If we were to believe some environmentalists who want to eliminate cattle because they threaten wildlife, you would wonder how wildlife continues to thrive with cattle in the equation at all.
That brings us to the contentious issue of $50 million being channelled to species at risk programs. We happen to think there are more beneficial and efficient methods of conservation than putting money in the hands of preservationists.
Let me give you a quote from Ayn Rand to give you some clarity as to why many of us dislike and mistrust that policy and the direction of the species at risk legislation. She said:
Economic power is exercised by means of a positive: by offering men a reward and incentive, a payment of value. Political power is exercised by means of a negative: by threat of punishment, injury, imprisonment, destruction. The businessman's tool is values; the bureaucrat's tool is fear.
I think the classic example is when a farmer is faced with a slough or wetland he has to make an economic decision on. In the past, it was very clear: drain the slough, get rid of the ducks and geese that are eating your crop, and get more income from additional acreage harvested. That was the mindset of the wheat monoculture in the past. There are now some other options available through incentive programs that may work well enough for you to maintain a wetland for groundwater recharge, depending on your skill as a negotiator with outfits such as Ducks Unlimited.
So here we are. The truth is not for all men but for those who seek it, and I hope you will seek it. That being said, why wouldn't we have incentives for those who maintain habitat through grazing cattle or sheep, as long as it is done sustainably? Those stewards of the land have been doing this for more than 100 years and have maintained wildlife habitat in spite of well-intentioned but naive environmentalists and bureaucrats who try their best to expand their pet parks or nature reserves.
There are more efficient and effective ways of ensuring that the stewards of the land who are already there will continue to maintain habitat for most species. The regulatory environment we all find ourselves under is not business friendly, nor is it conducive to maintaining future generations in agriculture. Quite frankly, there needs to be a total revamp of the balance between economics and the environment. While we applaud the recent announcement of the streamlining of the approval process for projects, we believe that the balance is still tilted towards those in the green movement, who have no understanding of economics and no skin in the game, so to speak, except ideologically.
I believe that the tipping point was reached in 1973, when the Endangered Species Act was passed in the United States. While initially supported, and believed by many to be the right thing to do, it was quickly hijacked by the anti-business green crowd and has foisted literally billions of dollars of unnecessary and irrational costs on all business and activity in the United States. Putting mice, lizards, insects, etc., above and in front of humans is insanity. Our species at risk legislation has tried to mirror some of the same approaches, claiming subspecies that are bogus, numbers that are ridiculously low, etc.
What started out as a game for some of these folks, because these groups didn't have any economic skin in the game, has become big business. Many of these groups fearmonger to raise money and bully to get grants and handouts. These green groups will eventually grind the economy to a halt.
All conservation efforts that get taxpayer dollars should have community support and be able to verify results. Giving money to large green groups, such as the Nature Conservancy to purportedly protect ranches and farms from being subdivided is sheer folly. Some of the land they have purchased conservation easements on will never be in danger of being subdivided. They merely needed to pad their portfolio to look better to fundraisers. It is far better that those initiatives have private donors who are naive enough to donate to frivolous causes.
Taxpayers should demand more effective use of their dollars. If government feels the need for effective conservation measures, they need to enable a landholder to continue to do the right things as far as management goes, and encourage, not discourage the person from doing so.
That's my presentation today. Thank you very much.
Thank you, and good morning. In your sweep across Canada coming from the west, thank you for bringing rain. It brings joy to our prairie souls.
Canada has some core natural resources, such as biodiversity, fresh water, fertile soil, breathable air, and a comparatively benign climate, which have no real substitutes. The suite of ecological goods and services, or natural capital, underpins the economy and society of this nation, although there is a significant reliance, particularly here in Alberta, on non-renewable resource extraction.
There is an ecological infrastructure in need of investment in Canada. Concern about damage to the economy needs an accompanying level of reflection about loss of natural capital. The credit crunch has a parallel meaning for society living beyond its ecological means. Our economic soundness is a direct function in the short-term and long-term of the strength of our ecological foundation.
A national conservation plan can create an objective for conservation in Canada, while opportunities and options still exist to create balance, awareness, and a future for subsequent generations. The Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, better known as Cows and Fish, has worked for 20 years to engender a stewardship ethic towards shared resources of water, watersheds, and biodiversity.
Cows and Fish is a non-governmental organization that operates at ground level on public and private lands, in both rural and urban settings, on the essential task of conserving and managing riparian areas—the interface between land and water. We think our experience, which also includes helping other areas in Canada to develop capacity and tools for watershed conservation, has applicability to this initiative for the national conservation plan.
We appreciate the opportunity to briefly share some of our learnings. They may be useful in the deliberations on the elements, principles, priorities, and implementation of a national conservation plan. Our work revolves around stewardship, as this national plan should. Stewardship is an amalgam of awareness, ethics, and action. These elements are not divisible; they are related and are a continuum.
The first, awareness, is achieving a level of understanding or knowledge that provides the foundation for the next two. The second is the development of a set of ethics, an encoded sense of responsibilities and obligations, to care for land, water, and air as part of our conscience. The third, action, is exhibiting appropriate choice, embodying balance, restraint, and a sense of legacy.
The way Cows and Fish applies these elements of stewardship assists in community-based conservation through a process of engagement that creates opportunity to move from conflict to cooperation. Stewardship opportunity is created through a five-stage process, beginning with ecological awareness. Engagement begins with awareness, an effort to help people understand some of the ecological processes that shape the landscape they live on, and from which many make a living.
The second step is assisting in the development of teams or partnerships at a community or watershed level. A network of resource professionals, landowners, and others who value riparian landscapes has to form in order to solve issues and problems in a multidisciplinary fashion.
Step three is the assemblage of technical advice and tools for management changes to provide options and alternatives to current practices. Much of the information is gathered from innovative, progressive and practical solutions already being used by a select group of landowners. The task is one of locating those individuals involved, understanding the management action taken, and translating that action into an alternative for others to assess for possible application to their operation.
Other tools help the community group link biodiversity, economics, and water quality to management actions and alternatives.
The fourth step is critical. It is a transfer of responsibility for action to the community that is in the best position to make the changes and benefit from them. Part of the critical initial messaging is that there are choices and alternatives to current management practices. As the antithesis of the centralist or top-down approach, Cows and Fish encourages the formation of local or community teams, composed of technical, producer, and other local interests, to engage with each other to drive the process.
Although the process steps are constantly repeated, the fifth step is the monitoring phase using ecological measuring sticks to assess riparian function or health. Those measuring sticks allow an objective review of watershed condition to set benchmarks, link ecological status to management, help galvanize community action, and provide a monitoring framework for landowners and others.
The essence of the Cows and Fish program is bound within the five elements of the process I've just described. The program has a watershed or landscape focus relating to restoration and management of landscape health. Science is applied to assist in ecological understanding, including measuring sticks for landscape function. Our process changes the way we engage with landowners, to move from situations of conflict to areas of cooperation. Through the process, communities and others begin to see, value, and use landscapes differently and create a landscape vision that includes elements of ecological restoration and maintenance.
Cows and Fish is not a government program but works with agency staff to increase their effectiveness in communities. The program and its elements undergo periodic evaluation to monitor progress and determine impediments or barriers to stewardship actions. The Cows and Fish process has direct and proven application to conservation efforts in agricultural communities. The process also has utility for the resolution of other land-use issues to achieve a stewardship and conservation outcome.
Riparian and, by association, watershed actions need to be community based, locally driven, and largely voluntary. To help a community to arrive at this point requires knowledge-building, motivation, acknowledgement of problems, and empowerment. The reasons for positive action may be enhanced awareness, motivated self-interest, concern about legislation, marketing opportunity, or altruism. The net effect will be a return to a landscape that maintains a critical ecological function and provides a greater measure of support for agricultural operations.
The following are the principles upon which Cows and Fish operates. It is science-based and ecologically relevant. It uses stewardship as a driver. It is built on ecological literacy, building awareness within communities. It is system-oriented towards watersheds. It is scope- and scale-driven, that is, driven by restoration of ecological function. It is long-term and future-focused. It is community-based and delivered. It links sustainable actions to economics, and it is measurable and measured. These principles may have direct applicability to the design of a national conservation plan.
Cows and Fish is about building a cumulative body of knowledge that we all should have, including that on how riparian systems function and link us, how watersheds work, the vital signs of landscape health, the essentials of how people need to work together, how solutions need to benefit us all, as well as the kinds of information that will enable us to restore or maintain natural systems and build ecologically resilient communities and economies. These might also characterize the outcomes of the national conservation plan.
Thank you.
I'm actually from just over the mountains in British Columbia. I'm a systems ecologist. I've been around for 40-odd years, but I'm a little bit of a different bird, because I've also ranched for 20-odd years.
I wanted to explain something about people like Larry and me. To survive as a cattleman, you have to be a very good business person, but you also have to be a very good ecologist, because we're not ranchers, but grass managers. If you don't manage that grass, you lose the basis of your business. So people like Larry and me are kind of caught. A lot of you know that cowboys are generally bowlegged and we assume that's because of riding broncs. The fact of the matter is that we have one foot in the economic realm and the other in the natural world, and we've built this picket fence between them, and we're always trying to survive in that sort of system. I think that's a big part of the problem we face here in trying to develop a national conservation strategy.
The first point I wanted to make was that as part of the multicultural landscape in Canada we now have greennecks and rednecks in addition to first nations and all the other cultures, including the francophone culture and everything else. These people do not communicate very well from the two sides of the debate. That's one of the things we have to resolve.
There was an interesting piece on CBC a couple of days ago when this young woman described herself as an “eco-holic”, recycling and doing all these green things, and I thought that on the other end of the spectrum, there are “dollar-holics” or “stuff-holics” who create this dilemma. The problem I see for Canada is that we try to address conservation issues in what I call combat-based decision-making. We have two sides, two positions, and we throw rocks at each other and there's not a lot of room, almost no room, in the press for people like Lorne who has spent his life working in the middle ground trying to find solutions.
The reason I've had to think about this is that I've been involved in issues in our valley across the mountains. We have three issues or conservation conflicts that have gone on for 15 years in our valley. We have no real solutions in any of those situations, and I think we're up around $100 million to $150 million in expenditures on the part of government groups and people in our community trying to solve these problems. It's becoming a big problem for our community. I think it's happening across Canada.
I'll tell you a little story about how far it's gone in our valley. You may be aware of this debate over a ski resort called Jumbo. It has split our community. The other day I was talking to someone who was perceived as being for this development proposal. He happened to play guitar and he asked another friend if he could jam with him to make some music; this other fellow is a professional musician. He said that would be great. He went to his band members and said so and wanted to come and jam with them, and one of the other band members said he couldn't jam with them because he's for Jumbo. That just breaks my heart to see our communities being pulled apart by these issues in that way.
The role of a national conservation strategy, in my view, is to at least think about these dilemmas and use this national conservation strategy as a tool to bring people together. I've done some thinking about this that I'd like to share with you. One is what I call individual context. For all the computers we have in this world, our decision-making software is a million years old. It was developed when we were all living in caves. There was a very interesting piece of information in Scientific American recently. They have chemicals that allow scientists to see which neurons are operating when they put you in an MRI scanner. They put people in the machine and ask them questions and when they're under stress and have to make a difficult decision, the neural activity shifts from the people's cortex to their lower brains, their emotional selves. Under stress we respond emotionally instead of intellectually. We all have examples of how that kind of response has happened over environmental issues across Canada.
The way it plays out is really interesting. I was chairing a group during the “war of the woods” in B.C. many years ago. A deputy minister for forests came. He gave a real barnburner of a speech and said it was absolutely imperative to “recycle” the land use problems in B.C. He meant to say resolve, but he was so caught up in the emotion of the thing that he provided a brilliant Freudian slip.
So I think it would be useful for us to look at the best of modern science in neurology, psychiatry, and psychology to see what we know about the brain and how our minds and brains work. This might allow us to see if there are some tools that we could develop to allow us to make better cooperative decisions.
The other piece of the puzzle is what I call the Walt Disney version of resource and wildlife management. We have people who think that the best thing Larry can do on his ranch is to keep all the calves. But if he does that, it's going to put him out of business. We have this sort of thought process that is antithetical to proper wildlife management and to actually getting things done and happening on the landscape.
In my view, our present approach to resource issues in Canada is counterproductive, not just for people but for wildlife. I want to give you an example that is quite fascinating to me.
We have a thing called a badger, which is like a groundhog from down east, living in our valley. It's a listed species. Under present regulations, you cannot disturb the habitation of an endangered species or a listed species. It makes sense for birds, which have one nest. Badgers have a hundred to a thousand holes where they dig up gophers. You can't tell which of those they are trying to raise their young in.
What is happening in our valley is an eco-restoration program that is fundamentally shifting our landscape from scrub timber to grassland that can support gophers and badgers. We're required by the act to leave a patch of timber around every badger hole. It's costing the forest companies doing the work hundreds of thousands of dollars, and it's counterproductive for the badgers, because they're a grassland species. The problem is that nobody in the whole system, from the local biologists with the forest company to our provincial people and up through them, is willing to sit down and say this is stupid. The response has always been that we have to follow the regulations, whether they make sense or not. We have to do some work around the listed species reports to make sure they work.
Another problem we have to think about is that we've had things like wolves and grizzly bears in our system in this part of the world for a long time. We're realizing that there are secondary and tertiary impacts from these animals that are causing serious problems for the ranchers in the world and creating major conflicts.
It's interesting. I drove here over the mountains yesterday. I went for a walk in Kootenay National Park. We were talking about wolves here today. I'll be a son-of-a-gun, but I had two wolves, from me to the far end of the table, at this time yesterday. They're beautiful animals, but they have a major impact on things.
In terms of solutions, what I want to suggest is that we spend a lot of time focusing on species. We have to shift our thinking to sorting out how those species are going to survive in a grassland system, or whatever kind of system. You will see in my notes that one of the other things that's important to understand is that we have landscapes managed by the national parks. We also have really important national landscapes of national importance that are run by east slope ranchers. It's the cultural equivalent of something that maintains those landscapes. To me, that's really important.
The final thing, and I'm with Lorne here, is that the focus of how we approach this conservation problem in Canada should be to do it locally. The major problem with groups that are trying to find common ground and work together is that you cannot make these decisions without controversy. When you have controversy over these issues, the end result is that it improves the funding opportunities for the people on either pole. The government and other people say, oh, we don't want to be near controversy, and for the groups in the centre that are trying to get things done, the funding ends. We have to find a mechanism to deal with that.
There you are.
Thanks very much.
First of all, I would like to thank the honourable members for the invitation to provide comment on the development of a national conservation plan for Canada. My intention this afternoon is to speak not only on behalf of the Calgary Zoological Society but also to represent accredited Canadian zoos and aquariums and illustrate collectively what we can and should contribute both to the development and the implementation of this worthwhile initiative.
Given the time constraints, I will focus on two key areas in which the contribution of zoos and aquariums is arguably unsurpassed by any other conservation sector, namely public engagement and captive breeding for reintroduction. However, committee members should also know that zoos have a growing and substantial role to play in conservation efforts in the wild across the globe through fundraising, the provision of expertise, and direct action, as they are mandated to do so by the world zoo and aquarium conservation strategy.
First of all, let me provide you some background information on zoos that may provide context to our potential contribution to this initiative. In North America more people visit zoos and aquariums annually than attend professional sporting events. In Canada, one in three Canadians visits zoos accredited by the Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums every year. In essence, more people vote in favour of zoos by visiting them annually than support any single political party at election time. These visitors represent a democratic cross-section of Canadian society, cutting across generations and socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, as well as including the physically able and those living with disabilities. So we're uniquely placed to bring different communities together to engage in constructive discussions relating to issues of the environment.
While visits to national parks and historic sites within Canada are in decline, attendance around the world at good zoos like the Calgary Zoo continues to grow. Zoos, therefore, have a huge, growing and potentially receptive audience for environmental education. Despite Canada being truly blessed with natural wonders and resources, Canadians, and our children in particular, are increasingly environmentally illiterate as communities become ever more urbanized. This worrying trend is perhaps illustrated by the decline in young visitors to Canada's glorious parks.
Zoos, working alongside parks and schools, are uniquely positioned to help reverse this trend toward a nature deficit disorder in our urban young. In connecting communities with arguably Canada's most cherished assets, its wonderful natural resources, Calgary Zoo has worked with educators from Parks Canada for the past two years trying to do just that, connecting our guests with nature and Canada's national parks network. The Canadian Association of Zoos and Aquariums also has a memorandum of understanding with Parks Canada on pursuing shared objectives of education and outreach.
Recent round table discussions on the development of a national conservation plan suggest that education, communication, and working with urban communities should be central components to this plan. Whilst many may challenge the impact that zoos have on environmental education, I know my personal journey in conservation was shaped by my early experiences of London Zoo as a child growing up in that city, and I know that many of my colleagues working in conservation share similar stories. I put it to the committee that the accredited Canadian zoos and aquariums provide a unique opportunity to engage Canadian citizens in discussions about conservation initiatives, connecting them with nature in an environment that sensitizes them to crucial messages in a way that the classroom or TV rarely can. In doing so, hopefully they will inspire us, as zoos did for me, to take action in our lives that can make a lasting difference to wildlife.
Beyond engaging people, zoos globally are already key players in biodiversity conservation. The 300-strong World Association of Zoos and Aquariums network contributes approximately $350 million a year to in situ conservation.
However, beyond conventional conservation activities, zoos are the experts in captive breeding and conservation genetics and reintroduction, strategies identified as key to 55% of Canadian species recovery programs. Furthermore, captive breeding and reintroduction has already played a role in 25% of the successful vertebrate species recovery programs worldwide.
Of course, extinction is forever, and zoos are likely to be the last hope for many species. Zoos already have guardianship of approximately one in seven of the threatened species on earth. Sadly, habitat protection alone is unlikely to prevent an inexorable decline of many species, including amphibian populations imperilled by the devastating spread of chytrid fungus; Asian freshwater turtle populations decimated by unsustainable and uncontrollable harvesting for food; and species impacted by accelerating environmental change, such as coral reef communities that are declining due to ocean acidification.
For these and many other species, zoos may genuinely be the only hope. It is for that reason that zoos should play a meaningful role in the development of a holistic conservation strategy for Canada. Zoos, after all, have already proven their effectiveness in helping to save many iconic Canadian species.
The Calgary Zoo, for example, has partnered with other zoos and conservation organizations across Canada and beyond to help reintroduce and recover the Vancouver Island marmot, whooping cranes, the swift fox, black-footed ferrets, and burrowing owls. In partnership with Parks Canada and the B.C. government, we hope to soon start work on restoring the iconic mountain caribou to the mountain parks of western Canada. We not only contribute captive-bred animals for release to such programs, but also provide expertise on population management and reintroduction of science and monitoring.
I hope I've shown that accredited zoos and aquariums may have a crucial role in the implementation of a national conservation plan. I also believe we can contribute to the development of that plan. After all, zoos are cooperative consensus builders.
Globally, captive-breeding and reintroduction is absent from the policies of most governments, and yet it is recognized to be pertinent to over half of Canada's species recovery strategies. Therefore, it would seem inconceivable to develop a conservation plan for Canada without recognizing and including the experts in this field.
Furthermore, zoos are already helping to shape national conservation policies. For example, the staff at the Calgary Zoo have been involved in co-authoring national species-specific recovery strategies for the swift fox, black-footed ferret, and black-tailed prairie dog, and they are currently active in planning the recovery strategy for the mountain caribou. In addition to this we also have international experience in conservation policy development.
In spite of their potential and actual contributions to conservation, historically zoos have not been widely acknowledged in the development of overarching environmental policies. Two recent federal and provincial documents commissioned on ecosystem strategies and species conservation make no mention of zoos and their past or potential contribution to Canadian biodiversity conservation.
Why is this? Is this oversight because zoos are thought of as commercial attractions alone rather than serious conservation organizations? I hope my presentation today has helped to illustrate that zoos are serious about conservation. Or is this oversight because of concerns that some have raised about captive animal welfare, leading to a political reluctance to engage with zoos? I'd like to address this point directly.
Professionally operated accredited zoos are passionate about and dedicated to the highest standards of animal care. They are held accountable to that by our accrediting bodies and, perhaps more importantly, the public. However, zoos must be open to constructive insights in order to move forward and seek continual improvement in animal care. I believe and hope that this is increasingly the case.
My own background in part is in the field of animal welfare science and policy development. I see only great synergy between a commitment to animal welfare and the role of zoos as conservation leaders, since conservation is in many ways about maintaining population and ecosystem welfare. In short, I believe the mandate of zoos has to be conservation in all its guises, including the contribution to initiatives such as this, but our moral licence to operate must be based around excellent animal welfare.
In summing up, and speaking on behalf of accredited professionally managed zoos across Canada, we have much expertise, enthusiasm, and skills to contribute to a national conservation plan, both in terms of development and subsequent implementation. We would be delighted to work with our government to help ensure that we collectively leave a rich and bio-diverse environment for future generations of Canadians.
I think Doug is maybe a little too modest about his speaking. I'm Rich Smith. I'm the executive director of Alberta Beef Producers. Doug Sawyer is the chair of our organization, and he's a cattle producer from near Red Deer.
First of all, I would like to thank you and the members of your committee for the invitation to come and make a presentation here.
By way of background, Alberta Beef Producers is a democratic and representative organization that works on behalf of more than 25,000 cattle producers in the province of Alberta. Our job is to work to try to make the industry more competitive and sustainable. We are an organization of producers working for producers, and we have been a strong and consistent voice for the industry in Alberta for over 43 years.
Cattle and beef producers across Canada depend on land and water for their livelihood, and we believe that the vast majority of these producers are good stewards of the land and water resources of the province. While producers use our natural resources for the sustainable production of food for consumers in Alberta, across Canada, and around the world, cattle and beef producers are also concerned about protecting and enhancing natural areas and ecosystems. They understand the importance of these landscape features to society and to the public, and within the economic constraints of a competitive industry, they are prepared to provide some level of conservation for the benefit of the public.
A national conservation plan that recognized the contributions agricultural producers can make to the conservation of natural areas and ecosystems, along with the need to maintain agricultural production in many of these areas, likely would be supported by most cattle producers. If a national conservation plan included a comprehensive program that provided fair and significant compensation to landowners for conserving natural areas and ecosystems, the acceptance and adoption of this plan by cattle producers would be enhanced considerably.
To address the questions that were presented as the scope of the study, in our view, the purpose of a national conservation plan should be to conserve valuable and important natural areas and ecosystems while ensuring that an appropriate balance is maintained between the societal and environmental benefits provided by the national conservation plan and the economic benefits generated by the productive and sustainable use of our natural resources in real working landscapes. The goal of a national conservation plan should be to provide a level of protection, enhancement, and restoration of natural areas and ecosystems that truly reflects the priorities and thresholds that are established by government, industry, and the public.
We spent a considerable amount of time on the principles we thought should govern a national conservation plan. We thought this was one of the most important of the questions, and we identified a number of principles. We think it is very important that there be a clear identification of priorities and thresholds for natural areas and ecosystems to be conserved.
The national conservation plan must identify which landscape features are to be conserved and how much or how many of these features will be covered by a NCP.
A national conservation plan must be developed and delivered by a partnership of government, industry, and the public. Local and community-driven partnerships will often be more effective than national agencies in achieving conservation goals. This has certainly been our experience in this province.
A national conservation plan must recognize the contribution that agricultural production and agricultural producers make to conservation. The most effective and widely used conservation strategies will be complementary to, not in competition with, agricultural production.
For it to be really effective, a national conservation plan must apply to both public and private land, but it must also respect the property rights of landowners. Well-managed private lands can make a significant contribution to the conservation of natural areas and ecosystems.
The national conservation plan must identify and assess the value of the landscape features and ecosystems that are to be conserved. The plan must recognize that not all landscape features and ecosystems have equal value, and very few of these features are in a historically natural state. A national conservation plan that tries to conserve all natural areas and ecosystems or attempts to return these areas to some perceived former natural state likely will not be successful.
While some level of government legislation and regulation will be necessary to establish the framework for a national conservation plan, the primary driver for the plan should be voluntary incentives and market-based mechanisms. If the conservation of natural areas and ecosystems in a plan represents realistic and defined ecological goods and services, an effective and comprehensive program that provides fair compensation to landowners for supplying these services will encourage widespread acceptance of the plan.
The legislation, policies, and programs of a national conservation plan must not encourage significant purchases of land or the removal of land from food and fibre production to meet the requirements of the national conservation plan. The conservation strategies must be largely consistent with the continued production of food and fibre from working landscapes.
Establishing the conservation priorities in a national conservation plan must be done through consultation with key stakeholders from government, industry, and the public. There certainly does not seem to be a shortage of priorities that have been identified by a wide range of stakeholders already, but establishing appropriate priorities for a national plan will be a challenging task, and it will require a great deal of collaboration and consultation among the stakeholder sectors.
Similarly, the implementation priorities will become apparent through the development of the plan, but the implementation priorities must follow the principles governing the national conservation plan.
The strategies for conserving various natural areas and ecosystems will have differing levels of urgency depending on the current state of the features and the degree to which they are threatened. This circumstance will clearly have an impact on the implementation priorities of a national conservation plan. Implementation priorities and the effectiveness of implementation will be greatly affected by the perception of the process. Using an effective consultation process that creates a true partnership of government, industry, and the public in the development of the national conservation plan will help ensure the commitment of these partners to the implementation of the plan.
We suggest that the minister must consider an open and transparent collaboration and consultation process based on the meaningful involvement of a broad range of stakeholders. This should probably be a staged process of consultation building from regional to provincial and finally to national discussions and culminating in a national conservation plan that reflects the input from all of these stakeholders.
For this process to be most effective and efficient, there will be a need to balance the desire to include a broad range of stakeholders with the equally important task of restricting the involvement of people who may represent narrow societal and environmental interests, small segments of society, and stakeholders who are not directly affected.
That concludes my presentation.
Doug and I are prepared to answer questions.
My name is Lynn Grant. My family and I ranch in southwest Saskatchewan, near Val Marie. I want to thank you for the invitation to speak on behalf of Canada's 83,000 beef producers in regard to your conservation plan. As chair of the environment committee of our association, I can assure you that this is an area of great importance to cattle producers.
Farmers and ranchers are conservationists by nature. For us, it's a business essential to have sustainable production and management. It's not a luxury, it's an essential, and we have been practising it to the best of our ability and knowledge to date.
Ranchers are in a unique position, as we are able to own and operate dynamic, profitable businesses within a natural habitat. This habitat includes grasslands and pastures.
Grazing is essential for a properly functioning grassland ecosystem to remain healthy. Grasslands National Park, near my home, reintroduced cattle to the park after 20 years of excluding this major grazer. Their studies had shown a reduction in biodiversity and ecosystem function without the major grazer on the landscape. So eliminating cattle is not an answer; they are part of the solution.
Canada has 160 million acres of agricultural land. Approximately one-third of that, or over 50 million acres, is grass. That is a sizable acreage that we manage and can manage to the benefit of both our productive needs and the ecosystem's requirements.
These grasslands are among the most biologically diverse agricultural landscapes. They are an important part of the carbon ecosystem. A worldwide study by Gilmanov et al. in 2010 showed that non-forested ecosystems like grazing lands and croplands can exceed forests in net ecosystem carbon exchange. Today the importance of these remaining grass acres is escalating, as there is increasing pressure to convert the land to other agricultural and development uses.
In addition to the beneficial impact of beef production on conservation in Canada, the industry contributes about $26 billion to Canada's gross domestic product. Agriculture, especially grass-based agriculture, is part of the solution, not the problem.
There are three important areas for consideration as the development of the national conservation plan moves forward: firstly, research, knowledge transfer, and monitoring; secondly, recognition, not regulation; and thirdly, the importance of collaboration.
With regard to research, knowledge transfer, and monitoring, our effectiveness in maintaining and enhancing the sustainability of the land under our management is dependent not only on our intuition and inherent skills as land managers but also on the science that Canada's researchers have developed and must continue to develop. We recognize that the knowledge that got us here today must continue to evolve to take us effectively into the future. Continued expansion of our understanding of ecosystem functions is essential.
Many of our species are migratory and rely on healthy wintering grounds in other parts of the world. Our research studying interactions between agriculture and the environment needs to encompass both national and international perspectives. Research enables producers to make improvements to agricultural systems so that we can do a better job of profitable production while enhancing the ecosystem that we operate in.
This is especially important as land use competition increases. Improvements in productivity through applied production research and technology transfer are integral to maximizing production on the existing land base and minimizing the impact or need to disturb more environmentally sensitive landscapes.
While the use of grazing animals on a grassland landscape is essential for the ecosystem's health, we are also aware that the misuse of grazing can be detrimental to the health of the same resource. The problem isn't the tool; it's how the tool is applied. Ranchers need to be both profitable and knowledgeable to make correct management decisions.
Today's consumer is becoming increasingly aware of the attributes of the food they eat, yet the growing disconnect between consumers and food producers means that there is often a great misunderstanding of the production practices we use today. It is imperative that we measure our conservation efforts in a quantifiable manner so that we can recognize success, continually make improvement, and hopefully market these attributes to our global market.
The national conservation plan needs to take into consideration the importance of investments in research, knowledge transfer, and monitoring of these working landscapes. Financial support for these initiatives needs to be increased and needs to be long term and predictable.
We need recognition, not regulation. The conservation efforts of Canada's agriculture producers go largely unrecognized, despite the fact that prudent environmental management benefits the entire public. Continuous and vast areas of well-managed native and tamed grass are important for carbon sequestration, water quality, preservation of natural habitats, biodiversity, and grassland species. A study done on Canada's community pastures showed that the public value of this resources was pretty well equal to the direct grazing value. Currently that is not recognized on anybody's balance sheet.
Going forward, we in agriculture, as well as society as a whole, will need to develop new revenue streams for the grassland grazing ecosystem to remain competitive with other uses. If you don't value something or put a value on it, why would you expect someone to continue to provide it?
We encourage the government to explore opportunities to appropriately recognize and reward the role that land managers play in supplying environmental goods and services to the Canadian public. We would like to emphasize the fact that recognition and reward are significantly more effective in seeing positive impacts on working landscapes than are costly regulations. The regulatory approach taken by acts such as the Species at Risk Act and the Migratory Birds Convention Act place unwarranted liability on ranchers, which, in turn, acts as a disincentive to having the species on their operations. If these species are viewed as a potential liability to the rancher, they will always be at risk. We, and the bigger “we”, that is, society as a whole, need to develop ways to make these species an asset to everyone, especially the land manager.
As you begin planning for Canada's national conservation plan, we would like to stress the importance of the carrot versus the stick, as win-win programs and policies are more effective and efficient at achieving desired goals on these landscapes.
When we examine successful agricultural conservation programs, such as Cows and Fish, there is one obvious key to success, and that is collaborating with the primary land manager on the land. Finding common goals and objectives is imperative to achieving the sustainable outcomes we want. If the rancher is an integral part of the process for conservation, the success rate of the program will be much higher. This principle of collaboration is important at all levels of conservation, from grassroots programs to policy setting. As you move forward with the national conservation plan, we encourage you to collaborate with all stakeholders, work with existing successful entities and programs, and ensure that appropriate goals are set and that all stakeholders are equally invested in the goals and the desired outcomes.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that Canada's cattle producers are front-line stewards for the environment. It is important to support applied production research and research at the agricultural and environment interface, to develop and transfer the knowledge that will enable ranchers to continue to make positive contributions to society and to the environment, to work towards policies that reward positive contributions to the environment, and in all these activities to collaborate with the land managers who rely on the sustainability of our grassland ecosystems. Together we can continue to make positive contributions to Canadian agriculture, the Canadian environment, and our society.
Thank you for the opportunity to present to you. I look forward to your questions.
Ladies and gentlemen of the standing committee, we appreciate the opportunity to make this submission for your consideration.
Developing a national conservation plan is a very difficult task. In the process we have a great opportunity to strengthen the foundation of Canada as a world leader in conserving the natural assets that contribute so much to our standard of living and make us an example to the world.
When talking about conservation, one would expect to hear mostly about animals, birds, fish and the importance of protecting and preserving their habitat.
We, on the other hand, are here not so much to speak about them directly, although that's why we are here and what we do. Rather, we are here to speak about people, about Canadians, for it is Canadians who will benefit from good planning, who will suffer from ineffective planning, and, in the end, who will implement whatever plan comes out of a national conservation structure and process.
I'm the executive director of a conservation lands trust, the Southern Alberta Land Trust Society, or SALTS as we call it. We protect landscapes using the conservation easement tool and supplement that activity through environmental education and research projects. We focus our conservation efforts on water, wildlife, and western heritage, that is, we protect watersheds and wildlife habitat and connectivity, and we promote good land stewardship as part of our western heritage and culture. While doing that, we have a lot of contact with a lot of landowners, especially agricultural landowners, but also with other organizations that are more environmental in nature all around southern Alberta.
I was sorry that, for example, Dr. Stelfox wasn't able to present to you this morning. We have worked with Dr. Stelfox and Lorne Fitch, whom I believe presented earlier this morning. We work with a lot of these people on a very regular basis.
We at SALTS believe in a shared landscape. Canada is a large country, and there's room for wildlife, resources extraction, agriculture, recreation, and other activities that lend themselves to a high standard of living. We also believe that the sharing of a landscape should be planned in a rational way using science and not simply driven by every person or corporation that shows up with a dollar and a dream wanting to fulfill some wish of their own.
When considering some form of national conservation planning process, we expect that the outcome will be used to drive future policy and future budget items. We also understand that to be fully effective it must apply to both public lands and, to some extent, private lands. For the latter, such policy must revolve around various incentive systems, including, for example, market-based instruments and, of course, things like conservation easements, which we're involved in under, for example, the ecological gifts program through Environment Canada.
An asset contributes to one's standard of living by providing a value stream. Like money in the bank that generates annual interest, a natural capital asset can generate a value stream in the form of ecological services and resources, for example, energy and minerals. Of these two, ecological services are the least understood and, in our opinion, the least appreciated. In fact, these two value streams can often be in conflict considering that resource extraction can damage the flow of ecological services. We would argue that an effective NCP would give these two value streams a much more relative, equal value.
We understand that the current consultation is a very preliminary one. From the questions posed it appears to be focused on developing a form of terms of reference for whatever group or process that would develop such a plan. We believe that such a process should involve communities and be as inclusive as possible. It should also be based, as I said, on science and on facts. The process should not be one of hiring a large organization and simply saying, “Here, we'll give you some money and you go ahead and develop a plan for us”—a kind of a top-down plan—but rather something that comes from the bottom up, consulting with communities and Canadians on the ground, especially landowners, agricultural organizations, as we're doing here today and environmental organizations, and so on.
With these considerations in mind, we will proceed to answer the six questions.
First, what should be the purpose of an NCP? We believe that it should be to clarify a vision, and I underline the term “vision”; define goals; set a timeframe; and then plan how to effectively allocate resources, stimulate efforts, and remove impediments to achieving the goals. To me that's, very simply, the purpose.
As for the goals of an NCP, there are seven goals that seem to make sense to us. These are very general. It seems to us that, first of all, that you need to develop a vision for Canada and various unique geographic areas. It may therefore be premature to look at specific goals; however, I will look at some. Those goals, from our point of view, are as follows.
First is the effective management and conservation of landscapes and geology that are critical to water capture, filtering, and storage.
I will talk a little bit later about our comparative advantages, and I very much believe that one of them is water and agriculture.
Second is wildlife habitat for the purpose of conserving and enhancing biodiversity. Third is landscapes that are important to the production of environmental and climatic services. Fourth is agricultural land that is most suitable for food production. We all understand the problem of urban sprawl and how that is, in many cases, happening on some of our best soils.
Fifth is oceans, and lentic and lotic water systems that are important to aquatic life. Sixth is landscapes suitable for outdoor recreation and education. Seventh is features that are important parts of our aesthetic and cultural heritage. From our point of view, those should be, in rough order of priority, the seven things that a national conservation plan should look at.
Now you've looked for guiding principles that we should suggest. We have twelve of them.
First of all, the long-term value of a productive and healthy natural ecosystem to the well-being of people should be recognized and protected—watersheds in particular.
The vision and wishes of the local community should be respected. This doesn't mean that you should slavishly follow that, but within some form of framework and vision for a national conservation plan, the local communities are very important. Part of that is because if you do not have the local people on side with you, the chance of achieving your goals is much less.
Third, the need of the landowner and the larger community, including industry, to use the land in order to make a reasonable living should be respected, provided it doesn't significantly damage the ability of the ecosystem to provide value to others. There needs to be some balance there. For example, feedlots are a poor use of land in a watershed. They may be appropriate in other areas, and so on.
My next point is that the signs of cumulative effects analysis on defined landscapes should be used to determine limits to specific development types in specific locations. Going back to Dr. Stelfox, he has software and a great deal of knowledge and experience in developing analyses around cumulative effects, and we believe that is very important in developing any type of national conservation plan. It does involve value in land, not necessarily in dollars but certainly in the relative value of different land parcels.
When productive and healthy ecosystems are damaged due to industrial or other activity, the developing organization should be held accountable for restoring the ecosystem under a pre-defined timeframe, and the planning for this should be done prior to the start of the project.
One of the key things here is that in many cases, of course, we know historically that , corporations and organizations often try to put off restoration to later on, and we feel it should be carried on their balance sheets as a liability. That way everybody understands this, and there is quite a strong incentive for them to actually restore the landscape as the process ensues, rather than at the tail end.
Where planning conflict occurs between industrial development and the protection of the health and productivity of natural areas, the NCP should provide clear direction on resolving a conflict. Too often, I have seen cases where, in the case of conflict between different groups, the wording and the structure gets watered down to the point almost of irrelevancy. Market-based valuation of ecosystems has a useful but limited role in making decisions when it comes to conflict between development and conservation.
A conservation planning process should respect the rights of property ownership. We've heard that before. Land trusts and conservation easements are effective and invaluable tools in implementing these kind of measures and should be supported in policy and funding, and of course that's what we do. We already have the ecological gift program, and I'm sure there are other issues in terms of market-based instruments as well.
Any conservation plan needs to set up a method of measuring those natural assets—and again, measuring these assets is something we do not do very well. We measure GDP, but we don't measure assets very well.
Last, the precautionary principle should be seriously considered when dealing with natural assets that are of critical importance.
In terms of the priorities and goals, we feel that in many ways it is almost too premature to look at priorities, as we feel they will be developed during the process of developing a national conservation plan. With that said, thank you very much for your time. I appreciate it.
Any questions would be answered.
Good afternoon. My name is Stephen Vandervalk, and I'm the Alberta vice-president for the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association.
I'm also the president of the Grain Growers of Canada, an umbrella farm organization representing 14 farm organizations, including the Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association. I am here today representing the wheat growers association. I also farm about an hour south of Calgary.
Thank you for this opportunity to appear before you today to speak on the development of a national conservation plan. For 42 years the wheat growers association has been a strong proponent of sustainable agriculture. In fact, it is reflected in our mission statement, which simply reads: “Our mandate is to advance the development of a profitable and sustainable agriculture industry.”
Today I will talk about how modern farm practices are improving the conservation of our soil, air, and water, and comment on the elements that the wheat growers association would like to see in a national conservation plan.
First I would like to discuss how farming practices have changed on our farm. I'd like to take you back to the 1970s and to how my dad used to farm with the tools of the day. Back then we used a chemical called Treflan to control wild oats. It had to be incorporated into the soil up to four inches deep. That meant you had to apply the chemical and then cultivate your field twice. After these operations, you had to apply fertilizer, and then seed, meaning you had to go over your land up to four times.
This excess tillage pulverized the soil and robbed it of valuable moisture, often lowering yields and leaving the soil susceptible to wind and water erosion. In my area we get very high winds. Watching your land blow or wash away is a very sickening feeling. The nutrients and topsoil that are lost often end up in our waterways, with negative downstream effects.
Thankfully those types of wasteful and erosion-prone practices are a thing of the past on our farm. Today we do not usually till the soil in the spring. Instead, we control weeds with a pass of the sprayer, and then apply seed and fertilizer in a single pass in a way that keeps disturbance of the topsoil to a minimum. These zero and minimum tillage practices have substantially reduced fuel consumption and minimized soil erosion on our farms while increasing crop yields dramatically.
The census of agriculture that was released last week confirms these trends. In the past 20 years, land seeded under zero or conservation tillage practices has gone from 31% to 81%. Less than 20% of the land is now prepared for seeding using what has traditionally been called conventional tillage practices. The result of this change in farming practices means that we burn far less fossil fuel today, and our soil organic matter in some places has increased 25% to 30%.
Another important development in the last decade or so is the widespread adoption of GPS technology in our field operations. The use of GPS has reduced our fuel consumption and reduced overlap in the application of seed, pesticides, and fertilizer.
Precision farming techniques, in which inputs are applied at various rates throughout the fields, are now also being adopted. Again, this offers the opportunity for farmers to be more judicious in their use of farm inputs and to use no more fertilizer and pesticides than are necessary to produce a good crop.
I do want to make a comment on organic agriculture. You might ask, why not cut out fertilizers and chemicals altogether? The wheat growers association respects farmers and consumers who make this choice; however, we note that it results in less food production per acre and requires increased tillage for weed control. According to crop insurance records, crop yields under organic production practices are typically one third less. That's one of the reasons why you do not see widespread adoption of organic operations in field crops. On the prairies, about 2% of farms are certified organic. We do not expect this number to change significantly, given the growing global demand for food.
It has been said that global grain demand will double by the year 2050. To meet this challenge, Canadian farmers will need to continue to be early adopters of new technology. With very little new arable land left to bring into production in the world, the only way to meet this demand is to grow more with the existing land base. We need an innovation agenda that allows us to produce more food per acre, more food per gallon of fuel, and more food with the same or less fertilizer.
To help us achieve this goal, we ask your committee to recommend that the following elements be included as part of a national conservation plan.
First, we would like a recognition that Canadian farmers have made tremendous strides in conservation practices over the last three decades, including the adoption of conservation tillage, reduced fuel consumption per acre, and better application of fertilizers and chemicals.
Second, include the fact that these practices have led to reduced soil erosion and energy consumption while at the same time increasing grain output per acre.
We also need a continuation of research directed toward farming practices that can allow farmers to reduce and improve the application of pesticides. In this regard, we note that prairie farmers have widely adopted the spraying technology research undertaken by Agriculture Canada. This research has improved the application of pesticides and has reduced damaging spray drift.
There needs to be an emphasis on an innovation agenda that promotes the development of new seed varieties requiring less water and nutrients. Such technology will lead to the development of drought-resistant wheat varieties. It could also lead to varieties that make better use of nutrients, which in turn would reduce the amount of fertilizers farmers need to apply, with less risk of leaching or runoff. Varieties that are more resistant to insects or disease will also reduce the need for pesticide solutions.
The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association supports conservation programs that provide payments to farmers for ecological goods and services. The ALUS, alternative land use services, program is one such program that has been developed and appears to be having some success. It is mostly privately funded, and quite frankly, we think it should remain so. In our view, there is greater buy-in from farmers and the general public if these programs remain privately funded rather than being just another government program that might be subject to budget cuts in the future. A privately funded program is more likely to be sustainable.
One area where government could be helpful in water management is in the development of a program that would assist farmers in improving their drainage systems and on-farm water management. In recent years, we have had excess rainfall in much of the Prairies, which has led to increased soil erosion and lost nutrients due to poor drainage capability. The Western Canadian Wheat Growers Association would welcome programs that assist farmers in adopting water conservation and drainage strategies.
In summary, let me emphasize that farmers continue to be good stewards of the land and leaders in soil conservation. Changes in farming practices over the past two decades have significantly reduced soil erosion and improved organic matter. We face a significant challenge to produce more food with the same or fewer resources. Strengthening conservation programs and creating an investment climate that allows new technology to be developed will ensure that we have the tools and ability to increase our food production while continuing to be good stewards of the environment.
Thank you for your consideration of our views.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Actually, Mr. Ward and I will share the presentation. Thank you to the committee for allowing us to make known our views.
The Western Stock Growers' Association was founded in 1896 under an enactment of the Northwest Territories some nine years before Alberta and Saskatchewan even became provinces. Our originating members were graziers primarily from the southern prairie grassland who, as we look back, were mostly concerned with ensuring a sustainable livestock industry in that natural ecosystem.
Today, our members are ranchers predominantly from that same geographic area, whose operations encompass a significant portion of western Canada's remaining native grasslands. Those grasslands are either directly owned by those ranchers or, in many cases, under long-term lease arrangements with the province or other private entities. In most instances, it's a combination of the two.
While the wolves and the mange that concerned our predecessors are somewhat less worrisome now—mange is pretty well taken care of, at least—the competing land uses faced by our founding members continue to threaten the sustainability of our industry. As we look around, there has been a tremendous amount of development of the original grasslands operated by the founders of the Western Stock Growers' Association. The land this hotel sits on was, at that time, probably a grassland. Virtually all of that development occurred because resource managers and the owners of those lands sought increased financial or marketplace returns, and growth of the population and the economy was desirable to government as well.
When considering a national conservation plan, it is critical to realize that conservation is not the result of a plan. Rather, conservation is the result of the decisions and actions of resource owners and managers who must operate their businesses in a market environment. Problems arise, however, when certain ecosystem services, such as food, are freely traded in a relatively functional marketplace, while other ecosystem services lack a functioning marketplace to drive their production and distribution.
Since the production of some ecological services, for example, corn or wheat, occurs at the expense of the production of others, for example, biodiversity, this tilted marketplace eventually drives resource managers to decisions favouring profitable environmental service products.
Additionally, as the supply of ES products shifts over time with the favouring of the profitable ones, and as demand for certain ecosystem service products changes with increasing population and increasing standards of living, some of those products that were once abundant become scarce. This situation in fact likely provides some of the impetus for a national conservation plan.
What the Western Stock Growers' Association wants to emphasize, and what I think we all must acknowledge, is how effective the marketplace can be in allocating scare resources and balancing supply with demand. Too often, in our opinion, governments interfere in what could be a functioning marketplace for ecosystem services.
Throughout our history the Stock Growers have been strong advocates of contractual and property rights and sustainable, market-driven production practices. In the 1890s we lobbied on the federal grazing lease issues and somewhat illegitimate trade barriers that at the time mainly Britain had, as well as on predator control and disease issues.
When Eugene Whelan was the Minister of Agriculture, we were successful in lobbying against his proposed supply-managed system for beef cattle. More recently we've been heavily engaged in the beef industry recovery post-BSE and the Alberta land-use framework process. All of this is in accordance with our motto “The Voice of Free Market Environmentalists Since 1896”.
Interestingly, as we look back, the Canadian federal decision to assign grazing leases back in the 1880s—leases with certain property and contractual rights as a mechanism to settle and hold claim to the west—resulted in a far more positive outcome for those grasslands than was the case just across the 49th parallel in the United States where a free-range policy was adopted. Theirs, in many ways, was the classic tragedy of the commons.
Good afternoon, everyone.
In the late nineties, Western Stock Growers' Association and Alberta's Land and Resource Partnership met with the standing committee studying species at risk, and I was one of those fortunate enough to be a witness to that standing committee. A common concern at that time to all the resource users we represented included the lack of compensation with regard to species at risk. This very issue continues to generate significant problems as it relates to not only the recovery of species at risk but also the management of the lands in those recovery areas.
I bring this forward today as it relates directly to the potential elements of the national conservation program. SARA failed to recognize and address the whole, which takes into account three broad areas that must be united into a symbiotic relationship. These basic principles are the environment goals, the goals of the public or society, and the financial goals, which must provide the necessary capital to sustain the environmental and societal goals.
It is important to note that SARA narrowly focused on species at risk, often at the peril of other living organisms in the same ecosystem. This lack of focus on the whole—or to put it another way, this linear response to a complex ecological system—has continued to create problems that we hope will be addressed in the new national conservation plan.
Further, the lack of financial goals associated with SARA resulted in property owners taking all, or a significant portion, of the financial burden on behalf of Canadians.
It is imperative that the national conservation program address all factors within the greater whole, addressing societal, environmental, and financial goals.
The purpose of the national conservation program will be to identify the whole and to help in the development of the environmental and social goals. These will be very broad at a Canadian level, but as we drill down, we will ultimately end up with more defined wholes associated with air, land, and water features, as well as flora and fauna. At this level it is imperative to focus on a three-part goal with the inclusion of all stakeholders in the region.
This is usually a difficult exercise for governments that are defined by their very linear and centralist approach to problem solving. Again, we must emphasize the need for a non-linear response to the management of a complex ecosystem.
Land goals must be developed with a view toward a functioning water, mineral, and solar cycle.
When it comes to societal goals, a healthy, complex, functioning ecosystem has a benefit for all Canadians. Water storage, carbon sequestration, habitat for endangered flora and fauna, viewscape, recreational opportunities, and ecologically sustainable business opportunities are but a few benefits.
With regard to the financial aspect, the lack of a clear understanding of how financial goals provide for the capital required to sustain the environmental and social goals continues to result in reduced success for many conservation programs. Western Stock Growers' Association firmly believes that a market-driven system for environmental goods and services in combination with government guidelines for the environment is the appropriate mechanism to fulfill a conservation program.
By linking wealth to good stewardship, a large number of land managers are able to generate a multitude of solutions. Since there are many varied mini ecosystems within the greater ecosystem whole, it is imperative that each land manager be able to respond to time and place specific information. We believe this is best handled in the marketplace.
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank everyone. I also want to apologize for having to run out of the room; something is breaking in Vancouver, and I had to talk to the media about it.
I've been following this for three days now, and I must say I'm impressed by what I'm hearing from everyone. There seems to be an understanding of the holistic nature and the interrelationship of everything. I think the debate publicly has always been either/or—it has be this, at the cost of that—and not understanding all of the ways in which everything is interwoven. So I'm glad to hear you saying that, because it really does help.
I'm pleased to hear everyone talking about science and measurements and monitoring. You know, as the great Yogi Berra used to say, if you don't know where you're going, how are you going to know when you get there? The bottom line is that we need to monitor, we need to measure, and we need to set clear goals and clear targets. So I'm pleased to hear all that.
I just want to ask some straightforward questions. First, you talked about forms of compensation for people who are conserving on their own lands. I know that the ecological gifts program, which came in around 2004, looked at major land trusts that were donated by people who had a lot of money. What about the ordinary farmer who wants to do this kind of conservative farming, who makes sure that he conserves and does all of those things? How do you compensate them for that? Can you give me some really practical and concrete ways in which that kind of compensation can occur so that there can be ongoing stewardship?
Secondly, you talked about restoring a damaged ecosystem in a defined timeframe. How do you see that being measured, and what are the ways in which you can see penalties or other things being imposed if people don't do it in the defined timeframe?
Finally, you talked about measuring your natural assets. I think the precautionary principle in medicine we all agree with, and you're saying the same thing here, which is true. But you talked about measuring your natural assets. How do you do that, and what are the measurement instruments and indicators you would apply to measure that?
So those are my three basic questions.
I think it was you, Mr. Smith, who talked about forms of compensation. How do you see that occurring?
That is a good question. Thank you very much for that.
There were three questions, I believe. If you wish, I can deal with all of them to some extent.
One question is the compensation for ecological services. We see this all the time. For example, there was a large corporation that was saying that it could buy huge amounts of land in Australia that had been totally ruined, and it could get credit to restore that land. We see that kind of thing all the time. There's a lot of money from government as well as corporations to be able to do that.
However, we also work in southern Alberta with a lot of stewards, as has been talked about, for example, by Mr. Sawyer, where we have good stewardship for what we call a good land ethic already. Yet when we as a land trust ask how we reward the people who have done a good job, we find that everybody says “Not us. We don't want to do that. We don't have any money for that.” It's a very real problem.
We have actually as a land trust developed a protocol for being able to do that. It touches on some of your other questions. One is the restoring, for example, in a defined timeframe. We all know that corporations and people who dig up the land, a gravel pit, the tar sands, an open pit mine, or whatever it may be, would prefer to put off restoration until the last minute, because in a sense, they are not carrying it on their balance sheet. They can say to their shareholders, “Look at the profit we're making.” That's perfectly fine, but if you want them to restore on a timely basis, that is, to restore as they go, especially in large-scale circumstances, then the best thing to do is to make them carry that liability of restoration on their balance sheet. Then their own shareholders and their accountants will be pushing them to get this stuff restored, because then they could get it off the liability side of their asset or balance sheet.
That would be a very good thing to look at within a national conservation plan as to how to do that. We will be extracting resources. The question is not whether we will, but how we restore afterwards.