CONTENTS: [Orders of Reference] [Minutes of Proceedings] [Witnesses]
Issue No. 52 (Meetings Nos. 83(a) thru 89)
Thursday, June 22, 1995
Monday, September 18, 1995
Tuesday, September 19, 1995
Thursday, September 21, 1995
Tuesday, September 26, 1995
Tuesday, October 3, 1995
Tuesday, October 17, 1995
Chairman: Peter Milliken
Minutes of Proceedings of the Standing Committee on
Procedure and House Affairs
Future business of the Committee (Thursday, June 22, 1995)
Pursuant to Standing Order 104: Membership of Standing and Standing Joint Committees (Monday, September 18, 1995)
Order of Reference from the House of Commons of Thursday, June 22, 1995: Reports of the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commissions (1994) ( Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Thursday, September 21, 1995, Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995 )
Questions relating to Bill C-69, An Act to provide for the establishment of electoral boundaries commissions and the readjustment of Electoral Boundaries ( Tuesday, September 19, 1995, Thursday, September 21, 1995 and Tuesday, September 26, 1995 )
Bill C-319, An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (reimbursement of election expenses) ( Tuesday, September 26, 1995 and Tuesday, October 3, 1995 )
Striking Committee: Standing Order 104(1) ( Tuesday, September 26, 1995 )
Cable Parliamentary Channel: Rebroadcast of Question Period ( Thursday, September 21, 1995 )
The Eighty-Fourth, Eighty-Fifth, Eighty-Sixth, Eighty-Seventh, Eighty-Eighth, Eighty-Ninth, Ninetieth, Ninety-First and Ninety-Second Reports to the House
Chairman: Peter Milliken
Vice-Chairs: Marlene Catterall
François Langlois
Guy Arseneault
Colleen Beaumier
Don Boudria
Gilles Duceppe
Jack Frazer
René Laurin
Gurbax Malhi
Ted McWhinney
Carolyn Parrish
Bob Ringma
Ray Speaker--(14)
Associate Members
Mark Assad
Mauril Bélanger
Michel Bellehumeur
Robert Bertrand
Dianne Brushett
Marlene Cowling
John Cummins
Ron Duhamel
Ken Epp
Michel Gauthier
Deborah Grey
Hugh Hanrahan
Dick Harris
Jim Jordan
Gaston Leroux
Joe McGuire
Jerry Pickard
Louis Plamondon
George Proud
John Richardson
John Solomon
Jane Stewart
Darrel Stinson
Rose-Marie Ur
Elsie Wayne
John Williams
(Quorum 8)
Marie Carrière
Clerk of the Committee