Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, we'll begin now.
To the panellists, thank you all for being here, and taking time out of your busy schedules. I think you understand the process we're going to follow here. I had an opportunity to speak briefly with you just a few moments ago.
We're going to ask all of you to give an opening statement of five minutes or less. Some of your written comments that I see look like they might be a little longer than five minutes, so I'll be giving you all a one-minute wrap-up signal, if you care to look up during your presentations.
I will have to be firm, unfortunately, on the five minutes, so that we can allow questions from all of our committee members and still have enough time to complete our next panel. Witnesses will be coming immediately behind you. It has been our experience that even if you don't get through all of your presentations, usually the points you want to make will come through during questions and answers.
So with that brief introduction, we'll get going.
Mr. Rosendorff, for five minutes, please, the floor is yours.
In my experience with not-for-profits, both at the Red Cross and in the town of High River where we made extensive use of mail-outs, we did not find any difference in the success or lack of success of mail-outs that go out to either houses or boxes. For us, there was no difference at all.
Canada Post is very good at alerting us about the strikes that tend to happen from time to time before they happen so that we can make alternate arrangements if we need to—the proverbial Plan B.
In my private capacity, not professionally or workwise, I want to touch on the issue of postboxes versus home delivery. For five years, we lived in a house where we had a postbox. It was an absolutely amazing experience to walk to the postbox and meet other people who lived near you or who you would see driving past. It created a sense of community and camaraderie; people got to know each other; people went for walks, and people got exercise. They would drive home, and then go and fetch the post.
Then we moved to the house we are in currently, where for the first two years we got home delivery. We saw all these new neighbours, and we never met them. Everybody just waved to each other. Then, suddenly, we got postboxes. One or two people complained, but today the whole crescent knows everybody because we make a point of going for a walk around the block to fetch the post. People get exercise; people meet each other; people have become friends, and people have gone into each other's homes.
I think it makes logical sense. People get exercise. People get out into the fresh air. There are occasions when people are away, and we borrow each other's keys. For the elderly, we go and help them, take their post for them, and they get to meet the community as well.
Whereas it was cool to have a postman coming and to see him every day, he never came inside. We never got to know him, and it was just a wave, whereas now, everybody who lives in the same area that's affected by the same box, is getting to know each other. I think it adds to inclusivity and diversity, and all the things that make Canada great. All these people from different places are suddenly now talking to each other. In the past, we could have lived there for 10 years, and just waved at them every day, as a lot of us do.
That's my pitch about Canada Post and boxes versus home delivery. I'm not even going to touch on the cost of having vehicles start and stop all the time, because that's an astronomical cost.
Thank you for allowing me to speak with respect to the future of Canada Post. This is going to be a joint presentation, which is why Frank Goldie's name is on here as well.
I'm representing the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. I've been a postal clerk with Canada Post for 39 years.
What would benefit Canada Post is to diversify. When the Conference Board of Canada's report about Canada Post came out, it projected huge losses for the next five years. When a company is projecting dire circumstances like that, they look for other ways to make money, such as diversifying.
Canada Post can do that in ways such as postal banking. I have given you an attachment about different things that Canada Post could get into.
Regarding postal banking, we have post offices in towns where the bank has moved out and left nothing in its place for the citizens to do their banking. Canada Post could fill that void. Money Mart and payday loan companies are ripping off citizens. Postal banking could take their place, providing loans at affordable rates for citizens who find themselves in these dire circumstances.
We gave a postal banking presentation to Canada Post in negotiations this past year, and I was part of the negotiating committee. Canada Post wasn't interested in postal banking and, instead, said it would wait to see what the results of this committee would be.
Postal banking would cover that niche that is not presently covered. Our retail clerks already have financial training, in case anyone was wondering about that. They're trained when new products and services are introduced to them by Canada Post, and this happens regularly.
Logistics is another area. Due to the size of our network, this is an area we should get into. We operate from shore to shore to shore. Canada Post is part of it now, with the company shipping machine parts and so on through the mail, so why not take this one step further? In fact, I can remember, when I was working parcels one night, there were John Deere tractor parts being shipped, along with somebody's teacup.
Many companies don't keep lots of parts on hand—and you know your mechanic is one of them—and, instead, call to have them shipped. One call to Canada Post and the item would be ordered, picked up, and delivered—one call does it all. This could be from Texas to Fort McMurray.
A company with a machine that costs $100,000 that is sitting idle due to a broken part would gladly be on board with this.
Another prospect is that some companies do warehousing for another company. When we would get a call, we could pick, fill, and deliver for a company such as Coles bookstore, for example.
Instead of contracting out, Canada Post should be contracting in. We could pick up from a customer and guarantee their products would be on the next flight.
Another area that Canada Post could get into in the future is 3-D printing. We have the vehicles that could do that.
With regard to retail, our retail network is huge and very underutilized. Our clerks should be selling bus passes, travel insurance, and gift cards. The public could be paying their utility bills there. Many Service Canada offices were closed under the previous Conservative government, and we could be bringing back services, such as assisting people to fill out their forms. We could be selling mortgages. We could have a computer for the public to use to access the Internet in our retail outlets. Not everybody has a computer today, and this would provide that service in the community, for a fee. People could order online and ship through Canada Post. We sell packaging now. We could provide the service of doing the actual packaging for them, for a fee. We know how the system works, and we know how a package should be wrapped, because we work there.
Currently, we sell licences for hunting birds. We could also sell the rest of the hunting licences and fishing licences. We could do passport checks. We could sell event tickets for events happening in the community. We could be the third national cell network.
We are in favour of Canada Post growing. At the negotiation table, Canada Post wanted to be able to deliver larger-sized householders and heavier householders. It told us that was what its customers wanted. We agreed to do that, to have that in the collective agreement.
Canada Post also wanted to expand into evening and weekend parcel delivery, to grow its parcel business. We agreed to do that as well. These things would provide more money for Canada Post and provide more middle-class jobs.
As you probably know, in September, the task force predicted a $63-million loss. It didn't take into account the new sources of revenue we agreed to at negotiations and, instead, Canada Post made a profit instead of the loss it had predicted.
We should be leveraging our network and be competitive. We don't want to be a burden on the Canadian taxpayer in the future.
All of the above will bring in profits to Canada Post, create jobs for no extra cost, and protect the middle class, and it wouldn't have to go to the government, to the public, to be subsidized.
As you know, Canada Post has been financially self-sufficient for years. We pay for ourselves. Instead of Canada Post retail offices contracting out work, for example, to private retail outlets, Canada Post should be contracting in, as shown above, resulting in a stable, experienced workforce, decent-paying, potentially full-time, middle-class jobs, and a viable, relevant post office.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for this opportunity to appear before the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates.
My presentation will focus on the five basic themes seen in my submission.
In his 1989 book, Home Game, the celebrated goalie Ken Dryden writes eloquently and passionately about the game of hockey and its significance as a cultural icon to Canadians. He is especially astute when he recounts the importance of the local arena to so many towns and cities, large and small, across the country, and especially here in the west.
Hockey has spurred the building of community centres. Sadly, the disappearance of the local arena has often been the final death knell of many struggling communities. Our communities tell us about who we are and help to bind us together in good times and bad.
Canada is a northern country faced with the twin challenges of vast geography and sparse population. When those challenges are combined with a hostile climate, people become acutely aware of their need to co-operate and make decisions for the common good.
Political theory generally acknowledges that the provision of public services is a necessary function of most governments. Canada's unique challenges make the provision of such services even more critically important to the survival of its citizens. With its universal obligations, Canada Post, or what used to be called the post office, is one such critically important public service.
When I visit small towns like High River, Hanna, Yorkton, or Nelson, the presence and visibility of the public post office, with its flag and its familiar signage, reminds me that we are all Canadians with mutual obligations to each other, and that we need a truly national and universal postal service. It is one of the ties that bind and a critical thread in the fabric of all communities. The disappearance of public postal outlets from our communities pulls at that thread, and our communities start to unravel just as surely as when the local arena burns down and community leaders must struggle to maintain the services and programs that citizens expect.
One might suggest that with the availability of the Internet, the need for postal services has been rendered moot. It is quite the contrary. The Internet has promoted personal isolation, and social media has encouraged a deterioration in civil discourse. We need fewer Kim Kardashians and more community leaders. We need greater public access to communications services. The Shaw and Rogers families are rich enough. We need the public postal service to expand and to prosper, for the benefit of all Canadians.
As already alluded to, public services are a critical part of the social fabric of any community. In Alberta, we have seen the effect of government policies that starve public services of the resources they need. For ideological reasons only, our health care and education systems have been starved of the financial resources necessary to allow them to thrive.
In the nineties, we saw large-scale layoffs of nurses and teachers and a move toward privatizing other related services. These actions led to widespread dissatisfaction with the public systems, which found themselves unable to meet public expectations with the diminished resources allowed. This in turn created a significant rise in the demand for private services to replace those that were not being adequately provided by the public systems.
Our post office seems to have suffered a similar fate. Canada Post management has reduced or eliminated services in smaller communities, contracted out many other services, and reduced service standards and pickup and delivery times without consultation with the public it supposedly serves.
This, I would argue, has engendered increasing public dissatisfaction with the public postal service, thus encouraging more private competition. This competition has further eroded the ability of Canada Post to generate the revenues necessary to continue to provide, let alone expand, the public service for which it is obligated.
Moreover, Canada Post management has steadfastly refused to discuss or implement measures that would enable it to generate the revenue that would allow it to improve basic services. Postal banking comes to mind. In fact, I know that the governments of the United Kingdom and Australia have profitable postal banking services.
Before I close, I would like to address what I believe to be one of the strangest examples of pretzel logic I have ever encountered.
Canada Post management has been warning Canadians for years that there has been a sharp reduction in the volume of first-class letter mail processed by Canada Post. Yet I'm given to understand that they have also invested billions of dollars in retrofitting their mail processing facilities with equipment designed to speed up the processing of first-class letter mail.
Where I come from, if a manager invests money to handle a product for which the public has little interest, that manager gets fired. Imagine if Canada Post had invested those billions into expanding their door-to-door services instead. Canadians would enjoy better and more reliable service. In turn, public confidence would be restored, and growth in the demand for the services of the public postal service would be expected. Canada Post revenues and profits would grow.
Canadians would no longer be at the mercy of private couriers to fill in the gap, which Canada Post has too long allowed to exist and to grow. I urge you to recommend to the government that it take whatever measures necessary to restore and further expand the public postal service, which all Canadians deserve.
Thank you for your time.
Ms. Beale and Mr. Bennett, thanks for your comments.
Mr. Bennett, I loved your comment about the Kardashians. Well done. I share your view about the local arena. It's the same with grain elevators and farms as you drive around rural areas. I think we've heard a lot from people that we need to do a lot to strengthen our rural presence, so thanks for the comments.
You mentioned growing businesses, and you listed a lot of things—couriers, insurance registries, banking. They're all served by the private sector right now. You talked about creating jobs without any cost. But any job taken by Canada Post will be a job taken out of the private sector or someone else's pocket, so to speak. Do you see that at all, or do you think these are just brand new jobs that would be created without any loss by the private sector? Do you really think Canada Post can do banking better, insurance better, private courier, etc., better than the private sector can?
I'm not asking this in an argumentative way. We've heard it said a lot that we want to increase revenue, but a lot of these items are being done by the private sector right now. We can't just take from one and then not have an effect on the other side.
We've had some great testimony today. I'm simply sitting in as one of the local MPs while my colleague goes on to other meetings. I appreciate hearing your testimony.
I found Mr. Rosendorff's testimony really sad. We're famous in this city for our community links. Good heavens that we have to end postal delivery so we can meet our neighbours. I think that is a sad testimony to what's happened.
In my community, everybody knows the postie. They sit on the front porch; they talk to the kids, and the dogs play. I think that's a pretty sorry excuse for putting in postal boxes, but I'm glad it has worked for your community.
There are lots of really interesting ideas. One thing I've been reminding witnesses of is that legislation actually provides that the primary mandate of Canada Post is to be a public service. It's right in the task force report. We're not talking about making a private enterprise more profitable. We're talking about the postal service.
I have really appreciated hearing today all kinds of really innovative ideas from people, whether they work inside or outside the postal industry, about how we can make it affordable. Of course, it was a surprise to me to find out that Switzerland, New Zealand, Italy, France, and Britain all do banking. In fact, up to 70% of their profits come from the banking. They don't even have to do loans. They simply help cash cheques, pay bills, and so forth. There are lots of things we can look to our trading nations for about how to get more innovative.
Something that has troubled me, for example, is how in my own riding they shut down a post office that everybody was used to going to by bus. They moved it to a location with no bus service. That's a disgrace.
We have heard from a number of people who are concerned about who is actually being consulted when we locate boxes instead of service or post offices. We have also heard really valuable information about the difference between rural needs and urban needs, in particular in isolated communities. By and large, though, we're hearing from people from our big municipalities—Calgary, Edmonton, and Leduc.
Do you think Canada Post should also have a duty to provide equitable service to our isolated, aboriginal, and northern communities?
Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Thanks to all of you for coming. It's great to hear different perspectives.
As we move across the country and listen to the different testimonies, something that strikes me is that the largest obligation we have is to make sure that pensions are available to postal workers who have earned them, and that we protect well-paid middle-class jobs in this field for Canadians, both now and into the future.
It seems that the current path we're on, while it may protect some, will protect fewer of them, and the path that looks toward growing and expanding the service isn't a vision that's shared by the current management. I've asked this question to some of the witnesses who have been before us, given their past record in operating.
How does each of you feel about the ability of the current management team to deliver on a mission of expanding the service of Canada Post?
I'll start with you, Mr. Bennett.
Thank you very much, Chair.
I think we just need to get it on the record that the task force had a very specific mandate, and that was to look at the business model as it is now, which is to provide services in a business context on a sustainable level.
Our committee is trying to think outside the box. We've heard some great testimony, and will continue to do so.
Thank you very much for what you've had to say here today, because, as we know, the world is not standing still. Things are changing very rapidly. Certainly technical innovations are impacting services and demand as we speak. Yet, we do have an obligation to serve all Canadians on an equitable basis as much as possible.
I would like to go back to questions that both my colleagues put to the panel on the urban and rural service considerations and this idea that Canada Post represents something tangible to Canadians, and what that means with regard to—and this may be thinking outside the box—other services we can be providing to continue a tremendously important organization.
I'd like to start with Mr. Bennett.
Thank you all for being here this afternoon.
I know, Madame Brousseau and Mr. Opstad, you have been patiently waiting in the audience, listening to all of the proceedings. I'm glad we were able to accommodate you.
Mr. Goldie, I'm not sure if you've had a chance to witness some of the proceedings in which witnesses have testified before you. Quite simply it's a very easy process, a very simple process. We're going to ask each of you to give a five-minute opening address, followed by a series of questions from all of our committee members.
Madame Brousseau, I know that your presentation is about 24 pages long. That was probably made for a more formal setting than this. Trust me, though, that through the question-and-answer process we'll get to most of the presentation that you might have missed in your opening statement.
With that, we will start with Madame Brousseau.
I can do that. Thank you very much.
Term employees are hired for only a particular length of time and are not appointed to an indeterminate or full-time, position. They're not allotted a certain number of hours weekly. Their employment is often precarious. A lot of our employees are on call, so they can go for days without any hours.
In my office, our parcels have quadrupled. Online shopping is starting to fill the financial gap resulting from the decline of letter mail. With the growth of online shopping, it is more essential than ever to have a post office to deliver parcels to Canadians. We get cat litter, dog food, diapers, and laundry soap. We have so many things coming into the post office in rural areas, because the people have too far to go to shop. It takes too long to go purchase stuff, and it takes planning, so they're ordering an awful lot of items online and they come through the post office. That's why our volume has increased significantly.
I have a lot of at-home moms in my area, and they love the shopping—clothing, books and supplies for the schools. There are a lot of educational materials. Many people take online courses from Athabasca University, so books are constantly coming in. There are also a lot of things for home schooling, and a lot of Amazon books. We have such a high volume of parcels, and we're loving it.
I've been a letter carrier for 27 years. I wanted to speak today because about 10 years ago we had these cases that we sorted our mail into, and every time I got on to a new case, I found that it maybe wasn't laid out that well. So the first thing I would do was to take sheets of paper and write down exactly where I wanted each one of the addresses to go. Then they would send that off to a guy, and that guy would basically put them on there by hand.
After I did quite a few of these cases, I decided that somebody should write a program so that I wouldn't have to keep explaining to the guy how to set up one of these cases, so I started writing this program. After a few years, I got it to the point where it was more or less working.
At the time, maybe about every four years, they would change all the walks, and then you'd get a new case and you would have the new strips in there. It's called a volume count. Then within six months of a volume count, they'd change all the cases.
They announced that they were going to have this volume count, so basically I knew I had about six months to get it to the point where it could more or less work, so I talked to my then superintendent. His name was Bill Swan. I said, “I'd like you to look at this program I have.” He said, “Okay. Next week we'll take a look at it.” The next week, he said, “Something came up and we can't look at it.”
I kept trying to show it to him and then finally a guy came to my place around Christmas, about two months later. He was a supervisor, so I showed it to him. Then I gave him an example on one of my memory sticks and I walked him through it. He asked me to give him the memory stick and he took it to work. I went in and asked him what they said, and he said he had given it to collection and delivery. I knew something was up, and I asked him if I could get my memory stick back. He went into his desk and gave it back to me. So nothing was given to them.
Employees can go onto a separate website called Intrapost. It's just for employees. They had a section on there that was called “Ask Moya”. That was our CEO at the time, Moya Greene. I explained the situation to her and said, “I'd like somebody to look at this program”, so she set up a meeting. I brought my computer in. It's a desktop, so it took a bit.... I set it up, and the meeting lasted about two minutes. They didn't even want to look at it.
Then we had our changeover and they gave us our new strips, but now they had made a program to do them. They were worse than they were before. Then I sent an email to our new CEO. His name was Stewart Bacon. He said, “We're going to look at it again.”
The meeting was set up. I was in Edmonton; they were in Ottawa. There was a program called NetMeeting. I could bring up the program on my screen and they'd have exactly the same screen in Ottawa. I was walking them through it, telling them what it did, and they were in Ottawa and were asking me questions. They said, “Where does it get this information from?”, and I said, “I have it in a table.” I explained it to them and they asked me to show it to them, so I did.
At the beginning it seemed to be going really well because they were saying, “It's nice the way it does that.” Then at the end, they were starting to groan, and I wondered why. I found out that the people who were looking at my program were in fact the same people who were writing a program for Canada Post. I was, effectively, the competition, so they didn't want anything to do with me.
I complained. I said, “It's not really fair that my program was evaluated by the same people writing the program for Canada Post”, because they basically said, “Your program won't work.” I got a guy from Canada Post to try to investigate. He didn't want anything to do with me.
I wrote a letter to about six months ago. I kept phoning her office and saying, “Am I going to get a reply for my thing?” The response was, “You'll get a reply.”
Is that time?
My name is Frank Goldie. I was a letter carrier for 38 years. I started at the post office when I was 16 years old and I just recently retired at 55. I've seen a lot of changes happen—some good, some bad.
We're here today to talk about how the post office is changing. My mother worked for the post office for 20 years. My wife still works for the post office. She's been there for 10 years. I have a young son who has been a letter carrier for six years. The post office has been very good to us. It's put a roof over our heads. We're all paying taxes. We live in our houses. I have very few bad things to say about the post office.
However, until recently in our postal code, T2A, we did have door-to-door delivery. We now have a mailbox outside. It's actually right in front of the playground. It's right in front of the playground zone. It's certainly not a place to go to meet your neighbour. There's nothing but garbage around there.
I can speak for myself when I say that the letter carrier does come to the door every day and sees everything. I knew everyone's name. If someone had a crack in their basement window, I would see it before they did. These people are a part of the community. They're uniformed. They're polite. They're professional and they get the job done. They talk to people. They talk to people who are lonely. They help people.
I have a terrific record with Canada Post. I have no black marks, but there are no marks on there that say I've helped somebody every day either. I'm saying this only because you have to know that these young men and women and these old men and women are out there helping the public.
As far as rural goes, we have such a different country. This is the second-biggest country on the planet, next to Russia. There has to be some give-and-take with rural people. Not only are they isolated out there, it's just pure isolation. If you take away these installations.... This is where these people go; they meet; they have coffee. It gives them a reason to come into town. If you take away this grain elevator, I don't know what's going to happen. If they thought they were isolated before in these rural areas, when that Canadian flag pulls down for the last time, they will really be isolated.
I'll change the subject for a second to the Canada Post brand. There are few brands out there that are really established. You can have your IBM, but it takes decades. It can take a century to create a great brand. If you stop or slow down this service to three days a week, you are minimizing that brand to a third-class service.
Trust me: I talk to my son every day; I talk to my wife every day. These people are working hard. These new people under the last collective agreement are not making $25 an hour; they're making $19 an hour and it's all grandfathered in, so anybody now is making $19 an hour when they start. I'm not sure about you, but I don't think those are terrific wages.
I thank you very much for your time.
Thank you, Mr. Chair, for saying that for me. Please don't take my departure to heart, because I'm finding your panel absolutely invaluable. I really appreciate your time and service.
One of the things that occurred to me in talking to some of the people who testified is that we have to remember that we're federal representatives. We're elected members of Parliament, and we have a particular responsibility; that is, to indigenous people, first nation communities, reserves, Métis, and Inuit, as determined by the Supreme Court.
So above and beyond whatever it says in the legislation for Canada Post, which actually specifies that it's a public service, we have that added responsibility. It's by treaty as well. We need to make sure they are being fairly and comparably served. I would be interested in hearing what you think about the service, particularly to Indian reserves. I'd welcome input on that from all of you.
I'm really interested in this issue, and you have reminded me now about the decision to give rural postal workers less money than urban workers get. I'm reminded that most of them are women. Many of them, I imagine, are farm wives, or farmers, and it's another way of supplementing their farm revenue.
Could you elaborate on that, on how precarious the work is and on ways you think we could remedy that? It sounds as though these concerns, frankly, are similar to those being raised by rail workers as they privatize and Americanize. What can we do to make sure people are being treated fairly?
I've been reminded that, in fact, 60% of Canadians get door-to-door delivery. That is because 25% get that delivery in a high-rise. They don't have to go out to a mailbox somewhere else. That's not factored into Canada Post dollars. It's talking just about households. That additional 25% represents a lot more people cut back, a lot of Canadians, and with increasing density, it's going to be more efficient.
I would welcome comments from all four of you, and anything you want to use your time to elaborate. Use my time.
I can only bring up the urban issue. As far as losing the door-to-door delivery goes, they talk about the savings and the costs of adding more calls onto one's mail route, but there's also the added cost with these super mailboxes since you need to have a vehicle. That involves purchasing a vehicle, servicing a vehicle, filling that vehicle with gas, moving about the city, paying for insurance, and, if I may say so, having accidents. All these different things come into effect, so are they really saving that much money by putting up these super mailboxes and, in my opinion, uglifying the community?
Anyway, that's my point. Everybody has a vehicle now. I'm not a big environmentalist, but I know that walking eight hours a day is probably a lot healthier for a woman or a man who is a letter carrier than sitting on their butts driving in a car all day is.
Thank you.
I feel, Mrs. Duncan, that we do have to diversify. Our employees, through Canada Post, are all loyal. The loyalty amazes me. To diversify, we could add photocopying in some of the places, because they don't have it.
There were some very good presentations by previous speakers, and I really believe that if we took it all together and found a working program somehow, we would be very successful, especially in the rural areas. If we change where they pick up their parcels.... It's a drive of an hour or an hour and a half one way. Unfortunately, in the rural areas, they have to plan everything. They may go once a month to the city to collect things.
I think the committee here is really on track. You've listened to all of us, and I really think that a good plan will come through from all of this. To be honest, you guys are amazing. Thank you. You've listened. Every one of you has had great questions. I think we can all get it to happen. The only thing missing is talking to the people doing the actual work, the footwork, the carriers and the postmasters, the people who are actually doing the work, and the ones who want to evolve. In my office, I always want to evolve, because I want to keep my job. I always ask the crew to help me to make it better, because it is a team, and I have to say that I did not do it alone.
And you have banks in Carstairs. Carstairs is larger, right?
On your Staples issue, I've dealt with Staples. A lot of companies..... They have their own contract with the courier so everything goes through that.
Mr. Goldie, l loved your comment about your five-point plan. I thought it was fabulous.
Mr. Opstad, you're still delivering mail. We talked with other posties about parcel delivery, and you mentioned the three-days-a-week delivery. We've heard that there's Admail that needs to go every day as well, but the three-days-a-week or two-days-a-week thing keeps being suggested.
I want to get feedback on whether you believe that's possible. One of the things we've heard is that we can't go to delivery three days a week because there's the daily Admail, which it's important to get daily. But there's also parcel delivery. I've heard from two different people. One says he does his route, and then he goes back and gets his truck and delivers parcels in the afternoon. Another one said he does his route and someone else does his parcels. How is it with you?
The other issue I wanted to bring up about the three-days-a-week service is that it was my understanding it's not viable. A lot of people said there is a need for daily parcel delivery. I'd like to get your feedback, please.
To all our witnesses, thank you so much for being here today.
I do thank you for being so patient and sitting in the audience for the entire day's presentations. I'm very pleased that we had a chance to get you all to the table. Your testimony has been extremely helpful and will help us in our deliberations.
That being said, should there be additional information that you think would assist this committee in its deliberations, please contact our clerk directly. Caroline can give you her coordinates. Any information you send directly to our clerk will end up in our final report; I can assure you of that.
On a personal note, Mr. Opstad, I wish you good luck. I love to see initiative, and I certainly hope that you get a response from the minister. At the very least, if your program doesn't work, someone should just say it doesn't, but if it does work, and it can help Canada Post.... I love to see that initiative in employees. Thank you, personally, from me.
Thank you, again, and have safe travels.
The meeting is adjourned.