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SECU Committee Report

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Conservative Members of the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security must vigorously disagree with the conclusions drawn in this extremely biased report.

Over the last several months, this Committee has met to discuss the important issue of security provided for the unprecedented undertaking of back-to-back G-8 and G-20 Summits in Ontario.

Conservative Members agree that this is an important issue, worthy of study. However, it is clear that the Opposition Coalition is not of the same view.  Instead of working towards a balanced and fulsome report, the Coalition blocked fact-based contributions at every turn.  Furthermore, they even went so far as to force irresponsible recommendations that were not even supported by a single piece of evidence heard by the Committee.

Rather than focussing on the important issues of security, the Opposition Coalition focussed on impugning the good work done by Canadian law enforcement officers.

This Committee was tasked with undertaking an in-depth analysis of the security provided at the summit.  Instead, the Opposition Coalition transformed Committee proceedings into a tribunal to pass judgement on the actions of police officers.  As was stated numerous times, Conservative Members believe the appropriate bodies for complaints against police are far better equipped to adjudicate these matters than a Parliamentary Committee.

As well, it must be noted that throughout the majority report, there are reference to dishonest claims by the Government about the cost of the summits.  We believe the Government has been transparent in disclosing the cost.  In fact, no other Government has disclosed costs of summits in a similar level of detail.  

Conservative Members also take issue with the argument that the cost was excessive.  The fact of the matter is that the bulk of the costs were related to security.  The Government has been clear about what those costs are, and the RCMP has repeatedly indicated that they will be coming in under budget.  It is patently false to state otherwise.

Conservative Members of this Committee believe that this summit was an unmitigated success.  The irresponsible and inaccurate recommendations contained within this report are not a result of thorough analysis, but merely an attempt by the Opposition Coalition to score political points at the expense of Canadian law enforcement officers.