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CIMM Committee Meeting

Notices of Meeting include information about the subject matter to be examined by the committee and date, time and place of the meeting, as well as a list of any witnesses scheduled to appear. The Evidence is the edited and revised transcript of what is said before a committee. The Minutes of Proceedings are the official record of the business conducted by the committee at a sitting.

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Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[Recorded by Electronic Apparatus]



    Distinguished members of the committee,


     I see a quorum. We can now proceed to the election of the chair.


    I am ready to receive motions for the election of the chair.
    Mr. St-Cyr, you have the floor.
    I nominate Mr. Tilson.
    Mr. St-Cyr has nominated Mr. Tilson for chair of the committee.
    Are there any further motions? Is it the pleasure of the committee to adopt this motion?
    (Motion agreed to)
    The Clerk: I declare the motion carried and Mr. Tilson duly elected chair of the committee.


    Before inviting Mr. Tilson to take the chair, we will now proceed to the election of the vice-chairs.
    I am now prepared to receive motions for first vice-chair.
    I would like to nominate Borys Wrzesnewskyj to be the first vice-chair.
    It has been moved by Mr. Oliphant that Mr. Wrzesnewskyj be elected vice-chair of the committee.
    Are there any further nominations?


    I declare the motion carried and Mr. Wrzesnewskyj duly elected vice-chair of the committee.
    I am now ready to receive motions for the election of second vice-chair.
    I nominate Thierry St-Cyr for second vice-chair.
     Mr. St-Cyr was nominated for second vice-chair.
    Are there any further motions?
    I declare the motion carried and Mr. St-Cyr elected second vice-chair of the committee.


    I now invite Mr. Tilson to take the chair.
     Here we go again. There are a whole bunch of people I'd like to welcome to the committee. First of all, I'd like to welcome our new clerk, Ms. Julie Lalande Prud'homme, who will be looking after particularly me and other members of the committee. I welcome her.
    We have a completely new Liberal group: Mr. Oliphant, Mr. Trudeau, and Mr. Wrzesnewskyj--and he'll teach me eventually how to say his name--welcome to the committee.
     Welcome, Madam Beaudin. Mr. Siksay is just visiting. Everybody over here but Monsieur St-Cyr is new, and Mr. Uppal is new. So here we go.
    Before we adjourn, I'm going to suggest we have a subcommittee meeting next Monday at this time, the location for which will be announced. My assumption is that we will be dealing with Bill C-35, which was passed in the House. It would seem to me that we would develop a work plan on Monday for probably up until Christmas. Certainly we need to determine the number of days we would spend for witnesses for Bill C-35, the number of days for clause-by-clause, and our estimated conclusion date for that plan.
    I spoke to Daphne about the issue of witnesses. It seems to me we should have a list of witnesses for Bill C-35 from all four caucuses.
    Unless someone objects, a week from today is October 6, and that should be enough time for....
    Mr. Wrzesnewskyj.
     Just a point of clarification. When you said subcommittee, did you mean the steering committee?
     Yes. I have a whole different language. It'll take a while for you to understand me. Even they don't understand, but you are absolutely right. I'm sorry, it's the steering committee.
    We are suggesting a meeting on October 6, which is a week today. Monday will be the steering committee meeting.
    I'm now talking about each caucus presenting to the clerk a list of witnesses, say by 3:30 p.m. on October 6. We will try to be fair, and of course by that time we will know how many days we're going to allow for our witnesses.
    There are two private members bills before us, so we will have to think of that. One is Bill C-440 and one is Bill C-467. I believe Mr. Kennedy has a bill today. We'll see how that goes. It's possible that could be a third bill.
    Oh, Bill C-440 is Mr. Kennedy's. So we have two, and possibly C-440.
    Possibly Bill C-440, depending on....
     Depending on how the vote goes.
    Maybe I could just finish and then people could correct me, or whatever you want to do.
    We also have two motions in the name of Ms. Chow. Perhaps Mr. Siksay could ask, when she comes on Monday, as to what her intentions are.
    Finally, we have the wait times issue. I don't know where we are, about halfway through. I'm not expecting any debate now on wait times. I mention it because Mr. Wrzesnewskyj is new and Ms. Chow isn't here right now, but that will probably be one of the topics that we would raise.
    My understanding is that Bill C-35, Bill C-467, and possibly Bill C-440 would take precedence over everything. They have to be dealt with, so it doesn't really matter; those are the matters we have to deal with.
    Those are my comments.
    Does anyone else have anything to say?
    Mr. Trudeau.
    There have been discussions that the government bill, I believe it is Bill C-37, on citizenship consultants is coming down the pipe. Perhaps at the steering committee meeting there could be a discussion around what--
     Yes. I have that in my notes, although it hasn't been dealt with in the House. So really, we've got enough work until Christmas, in my opinion. But you're absolutely right, if Bill C-37 comes to fruition at second reading, we will deal with it.
    Is everybody else happy?
    This meeting is adjourned until Wednesday, October 6, at 3:30 p.m.
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