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FAIT Committee Report

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Appendix E
List of Submissions

Edwin Abbott

Khursh Ahmed (McMaster University)

Ruth Anderson

Anglican Church of Canada, Diocese of Calgary

Stephen Antle

Joan Armitage

Atomic Energy Control Board

Allan Baker

Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Herman Bakker

Barnard-Boecker Centre Foundation

Joyce Barrett

Robert Bateman

Angela Beale

André L. Beauregard

Yvonne Bell

Des Belton

Barbara Birkett

Helen Blackburn

Bruce Blair

Guy Blood

Hattie Boothman

Peter Braun

Jim Burness

John and Betsy Bury

Paul Buteux (University of Manitoba)

Lee Butler, General (USAF, Ret.)

Barbara Calvert Seifred

G. Bruce Calvert

Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout

Canadian Auto Workers (Local 199)

Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Canadian Council of Churches

Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)

Canadian International Development Agency

Canadian Labour Congress

Canadian Network to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Canadian Peace Alliance

Canadian Pugwash Group

Canadian Uranium Alliance

Canadian Voice of Women for Peace

Orval Chapman

Children's International Learning Centre

Anna Christie

John M. Clearwater

Alan Clews

Hetty Clews

Richard M. Collier

Robin Collins

Tara Collins

Concerned Citizens of Manitoba

Conference of Defence Associations

Eryl Court

Jean M. Crabtree

Philip Creighton

David Cull

Cumbria & North Lancashire Peace Groups

Ray Cunnington

Sergio Dalla Rosa

Lois Daly

E. E. Daniel

Nancy de Candole

Ken Dent

Ditchley Foundation of the United Kingdom

Mally Dixon

Hugh Dobson

Kyle Donnelly

A. Douma

Bryan Dragon

Richard Drdul

Renny Drielsma

Ecumenical Development Society of Canada, Inc.

Jim Edmondson

Matthew Edwards

End the Arms Race


William Epstein

Jim Fergusson (University of Manitoba)

First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa

Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department

Mary Gavan

Ann Gertler

Robert Gollinger

Thomas Graham, Jr. (Lawyers Alliance for World Security)

Camille Grand (École spéciale militaire de St Cyr, France)

Franklyn Griffiths (University of Toronto)

John Grogan

David Grossman

"Groupe d'action sur les questions nucléaires"

John Guy

Karin Haack

Halifax Regional Municipality

Patrick Hall

Katarina Halm

Barry M. Hammond

Patricia Hartnagel

Maria Heynen

Isabel Hobson

Holy Cross Parish, Regina, Saskatchewan

David & Peggy Hope-Simpson

S. Howdle

David & Joyce Hull

Alexandra Innes

Inter-Church Uranium Committee

International Peace Bureau

Anne Jensen

Alma Johnson

Grace Kaatari

C.J. Kassies-Douma

Kawartha Ploughshares

N. Kenrick

Sang Kim

Harry Kits

Jonathan Klassen

Menno Klassen

Val Klassen

Carl and Carolyn Lacey Kline

Kootenay Presbytery of the United Church of Canada

D. LaBranche

Larry Laframboise

Lenora Langs

Lawyers for Social Responsibility

Yves Le Bouthillier (University of Ottawa)

Lorrie Lech

Linda Leclerc

City of Lethbridge

Lethbridge Network for Peace

Levitz Bernice Packford

Catarina Lindman

Mary MacEachern

Graeme MacQueen

Margaret Maier

Markland Group

Peggy Mason

Michael Mavin

Gladys McCullum

Alex McKeague

Mona McLeod

Members of the Community of Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan

Members of the Johnston Heights Secondary Global Issues and Human Rights Club

Joanna Miller

Pru Moore

Julia Morton-Marr

Harald Müller, (Peace Research Institute Frankfurt)

Nanoose Conversion Campaign

National Defence Department

Sheila and Keith Norris

Nuclear Awareness Project

Pacific Campaign for Disarmament and Security

Mary Parfitt

David Parker

Peace Research Institute - Dundas

PeaceFund Canada

Richard Pearson

Brian Perkins-McIntosh

Mary June Pettyfer

Alan Phillips

Physicians for Global Survival

Doreen Plowman

Ruth Pogson

E.W. Presant

Project Peacemakers

Project Ploughshares

Project Ploughshares Calgary

Tariq Rauf (Monterey Institute of International Studies)

Andrew Redekopp

Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

George Richards

William Richards

Walter Robbins

Mary Rose

Jeannie Rosenberg

Douglas Ross (Simon Fraser University)

Christa Rossner

Helmut Ruebsaat

Gilles Sabourin

Manley Sadler

Helen Sallmen

Joanna Santa Barbara

Jeff Schrider

Science for Peace

Sam Shlakoff

Simons Foundation

Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception

Alan Slavin

C. Neville Smith

Muriel Smith

Zubah Statham

St. John's Anglican Church

Dympna St-Julien

Suzanne Stocker

William & Muriel Stollery

Alan Taylor

Richard W.Thiessen

Anne Thompson

John Thompson

F. G. Tillman

Barbara and William Tod

Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ

Margaret Vanderbroucke

Patricia van der Kraan

Veterans Against Nuclear Arms

Veterans Against Nuclear Arms - Toronto Branch

Victoria Peace Centre

Voice of Women (Nova Scotia Branch)

Brigette Walenius (University of Ottawa)

William Walker (University of St. Andrews, Scotland, U.K.)

Michael Wallace (University of British Columbia)

Marilyn Warne

Gordon Weese

June Welsted

Marie-Therese Wera

Westmount Initiative for Peace

Gordon Witt

Joy Woolfrey

World Federalists of Canada

World Literacy of Canada

G. M.Wright

Ernie Yacub