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FAIT Committee Report

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Appendix D

Meetings in Washington, D.C. - March 29-31, 1998

Arms Control Association - March 30, 1998

Jack Mendelsohn

Brookings Institution -- March 30, 1998

Bruce Blair

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace March 30, 1998

Joseph Cirincione

Department of Defense March 30, 1998

Frank Miller, Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Policy)
(now Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction)

Michael Blythe, Colonel

Embassy of Canada in Washington -- March 29-31, 1998

Raymond Chrétien, Ambassador

Douglas Waddell, Minister

Paul Frazer, Minister

John Higginbotham, Minister

Jon Allen, Minister-Counsellor

Paul Fauteux, Minister-Counsellor

David Ehinger, Executive Assistant

Howard Isaac, First Secretary

Peter Bates, Second Secretary

Jamal Khokhar, Counsellor

Robert Cairns, First Secretary

Kate Lannan, Third Secretary

Stewart Wheeler

Lawyers' Alliance for World Security -- March 30, 1998

Ambassador Thomas Graham, Jr., President

National Academy of Sciences -- March 30, 1998

Committee on International Security and Arms Control

Jo Husbands

United States Department of State -- March 30, 1998

Susan Burk, Chief, International Nuclear Affairs Division

Lucas Fischer, Acting Assistant Director, Bureau of Strategic and Eurasian Affairs

John Holum, Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs

Eric Kunsman, Director, Office of Canadian Affairs

Michael Matheson, Principal Deputy Legal Advisor, Office of the Legal Advisor

Michael Rosenthal, Chief, Nuclear Safeguards and Technology Division

Bob Simmons, Deputy Director, Office of Regional Political and Security Issues

Meetings in New York City - April 1, 1998

Permanent Mission of Canada to the United Nations

Robert Fowler, Ambassador

Andras Goldman

Sam Hanson

Michael Snell, Colonel

United Nations

Maged A. Abdel Aziz, Minister Plenipotentiary Mission of Egypt

Khalid Aziz Babar, Deputy Permanent Representative of Pakistan

Jean Dupreez, Minister Mission of South Africa

José Eduardo M. Felicio, Minister Plenipotentiary Mission of Brazil

Evgeniy Gorkovskiy, Deputy Director and Deputy to the Under Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs