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AGRI Committee Report

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The Committee could not have completed its study of the crisis in farm incomes in Canada without the cooperation, support and goodwill from numerous people. The Chairman and members of the Committee extend their thanks to all the witnesses who agreed to come before the Committee and share the difficulties farmers across the country are experiencing, and also provided some ideas for solutions to the crisis.

The Committee wishes to acknowledge the valuable contribution of the Research officers of the Parliamentary Research Branch, of the Library of Parliament, Frédéric Forge and Jean-DenisFréchette, and also the efforts and the professional administration and support of the clerk of the Committee, Georges Etoka, and his staff, throughout the course of this study.

The Committee would like to extend its appreciation to the publication, translation, and editorial services of the House of Commons for their professional and efficient contribution to this Report in such a short delay.

Finally, the Chairman wishes to thank all the members of the Committee for the numerous hours and the long sessions dedicated to study this question and their contribution towards some solutions to the farm income crisis.