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Suggested Topics and Potential Meeting Outline for the Review of the CEPA, 1999

Potential Meeting Schedule
Meeting Topics Specific Issues
  1. Assessment of substances
  2. Managing substances
  • The use of the precautionary principle in assessment and management of substances
  1. Measuring success
  • Meeting the goals of CEPA
  • State of the environment reporting, monitoring for outcomes
  1. International activities
  2. Assessment of substances
  • Are there lessons to be learned from other jurisdictions?
  • Should CEPA recognize international decisions?
  1. Assessment of substances
  2. Managing substances
  • Improving timelines for assessments and implementation of management tools
  1. Assessment of substances
  2. Managing substances
  • Defining and implementing Virtual Elimination (including “level of quantification”)
  1. Assessment of substances
  • Taking into account vulnerable populations and ecosystems
  1. Assessment of substances
  • Assessing substances with different inherent toxicities, use of “toxic”
  • Regulations for Food and Drug Act substances (in-commerce list, see also meeting 10 — legislative clarity)
  • What to do with the Domestic Substance List screening results
  1. Assessment of substances
  • What information requirements are necessary?
  • How much information should be publicly disclosed?
  • Should industry or government bare the burden of proof?
  1. Managing substances
  • How can the Act be better enforced?
  • Should the public participation aspects (civil suits) be changed?
  • What are the most appropriate tools to apply (regulation, guidelines, pollution prevention plans etc.)
  1. Cooperation with the provinces, territories and aboriginal peoples
  • Aboriginal points of view
  • National Advisory Committee
  • Equivalency Agreements
  • Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
  1. Interdepartmental cooperation and legislative overlap
  • Are there clearly defined roles for departments?
  • Is there legislative clarity?
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