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Message from the Speaker

Official portrait of the Speaker of the House of Commons
Hon. Anthony Rota, M.P.
Speaker of the House of Commons

As Speaker of the House of Commons and chief administrative officer of this institution, I am proud to present the latest Report to Canadians.

On behalf of the House Administration, it is my duty to report to you, every year, the highlights of the parliamentary work of the Members of Parliament you elected. As you will see in the following pages, the past year has been one of renewal and adaptation for this organization built on the strength of its values.

The 2021–2022 fiscal year began under a special order allowing for hybrid parliamentary proceedings and ended under another order that continues to give Members the choice to sit, work and vote either in person or remotely. In the intervening period, Parliament was dissolved, the 44th general election was called, a new session opened, a Speaker's election was held, and our work resumed—enough to keep us all very busy!

Throughout this time marked by significant change, newly elected and returning Members focused on serving their constituents. Canadians remain the priority, and advocating for your interests, your needs and those of your region is the very essence of our work.

Keeping the business of democracy running smoothly would not have been possible without the support of the skilled and empowered staff of the House Administration. The expert advice and services that Members received helped them to stay on course as they sailed through the waves of the past few months. For example, for the first time, Members taking office were given the option of taking part in swearing-in ceremonies and sessions of the Members' Orientation Program in person or—for the first time—remotely. The House Administration also continued to support Members in their role as employers, so that they could focus more on their duties as parliamentarians. To that end, it provided them with comprehensive online training on staffing and launched a new application to facilitate the recruitment process for Members, their employees, and candidates.

I hope that this year’s Report to Canadians will make you as proud as I am of the accomplishments of the Members of Parliament and demonstrate how much of the House of Commons’ operations and its influence in constituencies depend on the close collaboration and professionalism of the House Administration.

Hon. Anthony Rota, M.P.

Signature of the Speaker of the House of Commons