Adjournment Motion Proposed Under Standing Order 26 / Application Accepted

Debate urgent; sub judice

Debates p. 4650


Mr. Ricard (Saint-Hyacinthe-Bagot) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House, under the provisions of Standing Order 26, in order to discuss "the stoppage of activities in the port of Montreal, the consequences of which threaten to seriously affect our exports and to interfere with our economy". The Speaker then asked Members to explain the urgency of the debate. Mr. Nicholson (Minister of Labour) indicated that the Government would welcome the opportunity to have a debate on the matter.


Does the application meet the requirements of Standing Order 26?


Yes. The application is accepted.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The difficulty in this case is that an application for an injunction had been made and, consequently, the matter "is now in a way, and up to a certain point, before the courts". Nonetheless, a distinction can be drawn "between an injunction and the procedure usually followed under the Industrial Relations and Disputes Investigation Act". In view of the circumstances brought to the attention of the House by the Member, the Chair accepts the application.


Journals, November 24, 1967, pp. 534-5.

Debates, November 24, 1967, pp. 4649-50.