Routine Proceedings / First Reading of Senate Public Bills

First reading of Senate public bills

Journals pp. 401-2

Debates p. 4658


On June 11, when the House had reached First Reading of Senate Public Bills, the Speaker expressed his doubts about the acceptability of Bill S-5, an Act to amend the Farm Improvement Loans Act. The bill proposed to increase the maximum loan and so, in consequence, might be classed as a money bill. The Speaker reserved his decision until the following day to allow Mr. Guay (Saint Boniface), the House sponsor of the bill, to study precedents and examine the bill's provisions.


Does a public bill originating in the Senate and proposing to amend a financial provision in an act infringe the privileges of the House?


Yes. The bill is out of order and the notice of first reading must be removed from the Order Paper.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The bill proposes an amendment to a financial provision in the Farm Improvement Loans Act by increasing the maximum amount of a loan. Although the amendment does not in itself propose a direct expenditure, it does propose substantial additional liabilities on public moneys. The bill therefore infringes the privilege of the House and cannot be considered.

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., p. 207, c. 246(3).

Journals, November 12, 1969, p. 80.

Debates, November 12, 1969, p. 728.

Standing Order 62.


Debates, June 11, 1973, p. 4604; June 12, 1973, pp. 4657-8.