Rules of Debate / Miscellaneous

Reflections on persons in authority

Debates pp. 445-6


During debate on the Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, Mr. Skoberg (Moose Jaw) quoted in his speech extracts from a brief he wished to present at the hearings of the Canadian Transport Commission, in which he made certain comments about the President of the Commission (Mr. Pickersgill). After repeated warnings, the Acting Speaker (Mr. Laniel) interrupted the Member and reminded him of parliamentary practice with respect to the content of speeches.


Can extracts be read in the House that reflect on the conduct of persons in authority?


No. Such a practice is out of order.

Reasons given by the Acting Speaker

Practice forbids the reading of extracts during a debate if they reflect on the conduct of persons in authority. In addition, "a Member while speaking on a question may not ... reflect upon the conduct of the Sovereign or of certain other persons in authority". The Member "has been passing judgment on a person who occupies a position of authority in the public administration and has also been reflecting on the character or integrity of that person. The Chair cannot allow the Member to carry on in this manner."

Sources cited

Beauchesne, 4th ed., pp. 132-3, c. 157(3).

May, 17th ed., p. 448.


Debates, October 21, 1970, pp. 444-6.