Adjournment Motions for Emergency Debates / Application Accepted

Application accepted

Debates p. 12222


Mr. Broadbent (Oshawa) sought leave to move the adjournment of the House under the provisions of Standing Order 29 to discuss "the critical situation in Libya which potentially affects the lives of an estimated 1,300 Canadians". He explained that the United States Government, responding to terrorist attacks, had on the preceding day launched air strikes against a number of Libyan targets and that the situation in the area remained critically serious.


Did the application meet the requirements of Standing Order 29?


Yes. The application was accepted.

Reasons given by the Speaker

The application has been made in conformity with procedure and meets the requirements of the Standing Orders.

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Sources cited

Standing Order 29.


Debates, April 15, 1986, pp. 12221-2.