Introduction and First Reading of Bills / Private Members' Bills

Private members' bills

Journals p. 109

Debates pp. 559-60


When the House had reached the stage of Routine Proceedings for the introduction of bills, the Speaker made a statement regarding the handling of the vast number of private Members' bills standing on the Order Paper.


Can private Members' bills be introduced and be examined subsequently by the Chair to determine if they are procedurally correct?


Yes, with the unanimous consent of the House.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Since it is not possible for the Chair to examine each bill closely, the Speaker proposed to follow recent practice and, with the unanimous consent of the House, to allow the introduction and first reading of these bills. Before calling them for second reading, however, the Chair will consider whether or not there are defects in the bills with respect to the practices and usages of the House.


Journals, October 22, 1976, pp. 52-3; October 30, 1978, p. 78.

Debates, October 22, 1976, p. 372; October 30, 1978, p. 578.