Introduction and First Reading of Bills / Incomplete Form

Incomplete form

Journals p. 763

Debates p. 5461


On May 15, a motion standing in the name of Mr. Whiteway (Selkirk) for the introduction of Bill C-455, an Act respecting public opinion polls, was introduced and the bill was read the first time, ordered printed and ordered for second reading at the next sitting of the House. However, as the Speaker revealed to the House, it was discovered that the bill itself had not been finalized.


Can a bill which is in imperfect form and which has been introduced in the House be allowed to proceed?


No. The order for the second reading of the bill is discharged.

Reasons given by the Speaker

Standing Order 69 very clearly states that "No bill may be introduced either in blank or in an imperfect shape".

Authority cited

Standing Order 69.


Debates, May 15, 1978, p. 5412.