Member's Expenditures Report

Monday, April 1, 2013 to Monday, March 31, 2014

Expenditure by Member

Morin, Marie-Claude
Member Status Constituency name Constituency size Number of electors
Morin, Marie-Claude Active Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot 1,948  km² 79,289

Member's Expenditures Report
Member's Budgets ($) Member's Budgets ($) Resources Provided by the House ($) Travel Points Total ($)
Reg. Spec. U.S.A.
1-Employees' salaries and service contracts  195,969.20  -    195,969.20
2-Travel  -  -    -
Member 820.70 3,374.07 14.0 - - 4,194.77
Designated traveller - -   -
Dependants - -   -
Employees 1,974.71 64.08 1.0 - - 2,038.79
Member's accommodation and per diem expenses 6,697.80 -   6,697.80
Member's secondary residence expenses 2,213.86 -   2,213.86
3-Hospitality and events  4,690.78  -    4,690.78
4-Advertising  27,708.25  -    27,708.25
5-Printing  -  -    -
Householders - 3,186.07   3,186.07
Ten percenters - 8,628.87   8,628.87
Other printing-related expenses 10.50 -   10.50
6-Offices  -  -    -
Constituency office leases, insurance and utilities 25,941.58 -   25,941.58
Furniture, furnishing and equipment purchases 99.41 38.75   138.16
Equipment rentals - -   -
Informatics and telecommunication equipment purchases 2,329.91 1,463.76   3,793.67
Telecommunication services 2,024.31 4,703.42   6,727.73
Repairs and maintenance 1,011.58 -   1,011.58
Postage and courier services 1,745.95 -   1,745.95
Materials and supplies 1,874.99 811.11   2,686.10
Training 327.00 -   327.00
STATUS: Active - Member throughout fiscal year; DE - Deceased; NR - Not re-elected; NE - Newly elected; NSR - Not seeking re-election; RS - Resigned; NEB - Newly elected in by-election