Member's Expenditures Report

Sunday, April 1, 2012 to Sunday, March 31, 2013

Expenditure by Member

Crowder, Jean
Member Status Constituency name Constituency size Number of electors
Crowder, Jean Active Nanaimo—Cowichan 3,961  km² 99,872

Member's Expenditures Report
Member's Budgets ($) Member's Budgets ($) Resources Provided by the House ($) Travel Points Total ($)
Reg. Spec. U.S.A.
1-Employees' salaries and service contracts  263,521.04  -    263,521.04
2-Travel  -  -    -
Member 2,256.24 67,240.49 15.5 8.5 - 69,496.73
Designated traveller - - - - - -
Dependants - - - - - -
Employees 7,965.82 21,498.61 6.0 2.0 - 29,464.43
Member's accommodation and per diem expenses 10,923.93 -   10,923.93
Member's secondary residence expenses 4,904.40 -   4,904.40
3-Hospitality and events  1,042.04  -    1,042.04
4-Advertising  9,822.97  -    9,822.97
5-Printing  -  -    -
Householders - 15,177.76   15,177.76
Ten percenters - 4,238.42   4,238.42
Other printing-related expenses 743.00 -   743.00
6-Offices  -  -    -
Constituency office leases, insurance and utilities 20,350.00 -   20,350.00
Furniture, furnishing and equipment purchases 1,478.97 3,858.65   5,337.62
Equipment rentals 557.21 -   557.21
Informatics and telecommunication equipment purchases 907.52 979.69   1,887.21
Telecommunication services 2,666.54 6,797.84   9,464.38
Repairs and maintenance 288.36 -   288.36
Postage and courier services 1,602.15 125.00   1,727.15
Materials and supplies 2,007.20 2,790.03   4,797.23
Training 341.83 -   341.83
STATUS: Active - Member throughout fiscal year; DE - Deceased; NR - Not re-elected; NE - Newly elected; NSR - Not seeking re-election; RS - Resigned; NEB - Newly elected in by-election