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medal Photo gallery for photo 1


Artists Dragan Perovic (sculptor)
Date 2010/07/16 or earlier
NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA (Serbian translation also present)
Sertifikat // GRAVURA U MESINGU // MS 67-70 (Tombak) // RUCNI RAD // PATINIRANO // Autor: // Dragan Perovic, vajar
Certificate // ENGRAVED IN BRASS // MS 67-70 // HAND MADE // PATINATED // Author: // Dragan Perovic, sculptor
Materials metal, brass fibre, velvet paper, cardboard
Personal Names Peter Andrew Stewart Milliken (House of Commons)
Dimensions (cm) 25.5 (Length)20.5 (Width)5.0 (Height)
Functions Personal symbol
Barcode 603389
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