History, Art and Architecture Collection
painting (portrait)
The Right Honourable John Napier Turner

painting (portrait)
The Right Honourable John Napier Turner

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Artists Brenda Bury (Artist)
Date 2000/09/01
Signature Bury
Materials paint, oil
Support canvas
Personal Names John Napier Turner (House of Commons)
Dimensions (cm) 120.0 (Width)164.5 (Height)5.3 (Depth)
Functions Art

Portrait of Prime Minister John Turner

John Turner was born in England in 1929. As a child he moved with his family to Canada, where he became an Olympic qualifier in track, a Rhodes scholar, and a successful lawyer. He was a respected MP and cabinet minister. After he won a party leadership vote he became Prime Minister and quickly called an election, and was Prime Minister for only 79 days.

Turner had abundant energy, as noticed by the English-born, Toronto-based portraitist Brenda Bury. She said he was “always ready to move,” and in his portrait he has the air of having sat only briefly to pose, with a let’s-get-to-it expression.

Brenda Bury

Brenda Bury was Born in England but lives and works in Toronto. She has spent most of her life in Canada, and on both sides of the ocean has painted portraits of many leading figures, including Queen Elizabeth II, Margaret Thatcher, Lord Mounbatten, John Diefenbaker, and her own husband, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist John Polanyi.

She studied in England, and her work is deeply influenced by the great names of European portraiture, such as Van Dyck, Reynolds and Sargeant. She has said that portraits are about “representing the internal being of an individual.”