Understanding the expenditure reports for Members
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The expenditure reports for Members include expenses processed by the House of Commons Administration for a quarterly period. These expenses are subject to the policies of the Board of Internal Economy that are in effect when the expenses are incurred. The current policies are explained in the Members’ Allowances and Services Manual, which is available on ourcommons.ca.
The expenses included in the reports reflect, to some extent, the characteristics of the constituency that each Member represents. Constituency size, population and location are factors that influence Members’ expenses. For more information about expenditure reports for Members, please refer to the frequently asked questions. Further enquiries about the reports or about the expenses of a specific Member should be directed to Board of Internal Economy spokespersons or to the Member in question.
With the transition to enhanced reporting processes, some Members’ expenditure reports may have minor differences in format and content from previously published reports. While some fields have been removed or reformatted, all information required by the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act continues to be fully disclosed. These updates aim to enhance the reporting processes while upholding transparency.
The Summary of Expenditures includes quarterly, aggregate amounts for the following categories:
- Salaries (includes the salaries of Members’ employees)
- Travel (includes the travel expenses charged to the Member’s Office Budget and under the Travel Points System)
- Hospitality (includes hospitality expenses incurred for events in the fulfillment of Members’ parliamentary functions)
- Contracts (includes all other expenses incurred by Members, such as for service contracts, advertising, gifts, constituency office leases, office operations, and training)
The Detailed Travel Expenditures Report includes all travel expenses paid with House funds, namely: expenses for transportation, accommodations, meals and incidentals, as well as any other travel-related expenses, for Members, their designated travellers, their dependants and their employees. Travel expenses include those charged to the Member’s Office Budget and under the Travel Points System.
Travel Points System:
Members are provided with travel points at the beginning of each fiscal year. A travel point is equivalent to one round trip and a trip means a direct trip, by any means, to one destination for a particular purpose. Points include:
- Regular points (used by Members and their authorized travellers for travel between the constituency and Ottawa, within the constituency, and from Ottawa or the constituency to the provincial/territorial capital)
- Special points (used by Members and their authorized travellers for travel within Canada, other than for regular trips)
- U.S.A. points (used by Members for travel to Washington, D.C. or to New York City)
- rental and basic utility fees for a secondary residence that is rented by the Member (or, if the Member owns the secondary residence, the accommodation rate for each day the residence is available for the Member’s occupancy and is not rented to any other person)
- related relocation expenses; and
- costs associated with the Member’s stay in a hotel or in private accommodations if the Member does not own or rent a secondary residence.
The Detailed Hospitality Expenditures Report includes all hospitality expenses paid with House funds, namely: expenses for meals, beverages and refreshments, as well as other expenses related to hospitality extended to guests at events that are necessary for the fulfillment of parliamentary functions.
The Detailed Contract Expenditures Report includes information on contracts entered into by Members and paid with House funds. A contract is established every time a Member uses House funds to acquire goods or services from a supplier, whether or not a formal contract is signed. This report includes expenses related to service contracts, advertising, gifts, constituency office leases, office operations, and training.