Wednesday, October 9, 1996
The Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development has the honour to present its
In accordance with its Order of Reference of Monday June 17, 1996, your Committee has considered Bill C-39, An Act respecting the York Factory First Nation and the settlement of matters arising from an agreement relating to the flooding of land, and has agreed to report it with an amendment.
Clause 6
Strike out lines 28 to 40 on page 2 and subsitute the following therefor:
``(a) the council of the York Factory First Nation,
(b) the York Factory First Nation,
(c) any person who is a member of the York Factory First Nation,
(d) any group or unincorporated association that is wholly or substantially comprised of members of the York Factory First Nation,
(e) any unincorporated association established by the council of the York Factory First Nation,
(f) any share capital corporation the shares of which are wholly or substantially owned and controlled by the York Factory First Nation or members of the York Factory First Nation, and
(g) any non-share capital corporation the membership of which consists wholly or substantially of the York Factory First Nation or members of the York Factory First Nation''
A copy of the Minutes of Proceedings relating to this Bill (Issue No. 4 which includes this Report) is tabled.
Respectfully submitted,
Wednesday, October 9, 1996
The Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development has the honour to present its
In accordance with its Order of Reference of Monday June 17, 1996, your Committee has considered Bill C-40, An Act respecting the Nelson House First Nation and the settlement of matters arising from an agreement relating to the flooding of land, and has agreed to report it with an amendment.
Clause 6
Strike out lines 27 to 39 on page 2 and substitute the following therefor:
``(a) the council of the Nelson House First Nation,
(b) the Nelson House First Nation,
(c) any person who is a member of the Nelson House First Nation,
(d) any group or unincorporated association that is wholly or substantially comprised of members of the Nelson House First Nation,
(e) any unincorporated association established by the council of the Nelson House First Nation,
(f) any share capital corporation the shares of which are wholly or substantially owned and controlled by the Nelson House First Nation or members of the Nelson House First Nation, and
(g) any non-share capital corporation the membership of which consists wholly or substantially of the Nelson House First Nation or members of the Nelson House First Nation''
A copy of the Minutes of Proceedings relating to this Bill (Issue No. 4 which includes this Report) is tabled.
Respectfully submitted,
Tuesday, November 26, 1996
The Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development has the honour to present its
The Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development met on Tuesday, November 5, 1996, and agreed to report the following:
This Committee urges the government to reaffirm the rights of Canada's Aboriginal Peoples throughout the entire nation of Canada, which are inherent in their presence in Canada since time immemorial and the rich culture and heritage that they have created, and further that the government reaffirm the rights guaranteed under s. 35 of the Constitution, which include Treaty rights, land claims settlements (Agreements), and self government.
Pursuant to Standing Order 109, your Committee requests that the Government table a comprehensive response to the Report within 150 days.
A copy of the relevant Minutes of Proceedings (Issue No. 4, which includes this report) is tabled.
Respectfully submitted,