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Strategic Objective 4

To apply the highest standards of public sector governance in a parliamentary context

With a focus on accountability and transparency, the House Administration must maintain a range of management processes and best practices that promote the responsible stewardship of public resources and of the institution itself. These ongoing efforts will be complemented by the recommendations and observations made in the Auditor General’s performance audit of the House Administration. During this Parliament, the House Administration is committed to its strategic review of expenditures by identifying operational efficiencies to implement, and transforming its approach to service delivery.

Efficiency on all fronts

Strengthen stewardship to ensure optimal use of public resources

To ensure the House’s fiduciary responsibilities are being met, an integrated approach will be taken to develop, maintain and improve the policies, guidelines and internal controls related to finance, materiel management and procurement. Underpinning this framework will be enhanced systems that improve the House’s reporting functions to ensure effective strategic and resource planning, compliance and transparency. For example, a more centralized approach to procurement will be implemented to standardize and improve the quality of information while offering users across the House Administration easy, one-stop access to monitor and plan contracting activities.

Also in support of this objective will be the launch of the new Financial Portal a single automated system to replace the numerous manual processes currently used to find, complete and submit financial forms. This electronic system will simplify the process for both Members and the House Administration and reduce the time needed to process payments. Building on work already completed, the House Administration will continue to modernize its financial management approach to enable the progression from a primarily manual, transactional service delivery model to a more tool-based, client-focused strategic service model.

The House Administration will continue to streamline its systems by integrating business plans and other planning processes, ensuring strategic alignment between those plans and processes, and achieving greater integration with existing financial plans.

Developing our talent

Improve talent recruitment, engagement, succession and retention

Like many organizations in Canada, the House Administration will face recruitment challenges in the coming years. A new human resources planning framework will be developed to address these challenges one that is better aligned with the House’s corporate planning cycle and the business plans of the six service areas. To engage and retain top talent in a competitive labour market, a Leadership Development Program for mid-level managers will be launched to complement the existing Clerk’s Leadership Program for senior managers.

Going green

Strengthen environmental management practices

The House Administration will continue to conduct its business with an eye on the environment, demonstrating its commitment to sound stewardship in part by implementing the Green Cleaning Program, which will ensure that all cleaning products used at the House are “green-certified”, meaning they have been third-party tested to validate any claims of reduced impact on human health or on the environment. The expansion of the organic composting program will also be explored, including the possibility of providing compostable take-out containers and utensils.

As the rehabilitation projects related to the LTVP work to restore and sustain the historic buildings that comprise the Parliamentary Precinct, a number of best practices will be adopted to also ensure an increased level of environmental sustainability. These will include the use of durable and sustainable materials for upgrades to the Parliamentary Precinct landscape, using indigenous vegetation for the stabilization and reforestation of the Parliamentary Precinct escarpment, and incorporating environmental sustainability standards into the West Sector Area Master Plan.

Bringing all the pieces together

Advance an integrated approach to information management

The House Administration will continue to lay the foundation for enhanced information management and sharing practices, including the development of an information management program toolkit that will improve the communication of standards and best practices for the management of House information and records.

The House Administration will also work to standardize, consolidate and document procedural research methodologies to strengthen its research efforts and tools.

Photo of Peace Tower


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