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Financial Report*

*Financial results may be subject to minor revisions.

Planned Versus Actual Spending by Authority (in thousands of dollars)
Vote Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
** Salaries and allowances of Officers and Members of the House of Commons under the Parliament of Canada Act and contributions to the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Account and the Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account
5 Program expenditures 263,640 11,813 275,453 264,302 11,151
(S) Members of the House of Commons ** 111,844 (7,611) 104,233 104,233 0
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,047 (2,726) 32,321 32,321 0
Subtotal 146,891 (10,337) 136,554 136,554 0
Total 410,531 1,476 412,007 400,856 0
Planned Versus Actual Spending by Program Activity (in thousands of dollars)
Program Activity Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
Members and House Officers 233,830 (5,577) 228,253 221,903 6,350
House Administration
Office of the Clerk and Secretariat 1,714 55 1,769 1,755 14
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,641 252 2,893 2,892 1
Procedural Services 16,139 329 16,468 16,388 80
5,000 250 5,250 1,333 3,917
Parliamentary Associations 2,210 885 3,095 2,501 594
Parliamentary Precinct Services 45,216 2,486 47,702 47,597 105
Information Services 44,336 5,438 49,774 49,763 11
Finance Services 12,447 (1,447) 11,000 10,963 37
Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services 11,951 1,531 13,482 13,440 42
Subtotal 141,654 9,779 151,433 146,632 4,801
Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,047 (2,726) 32,321 32,321 0
Total 410,531 1,476 412,007 400,856 11,151

2007-2008 Actual Spending by Service (in percentage)

Pie Chart of Actual Spending by Service
Increase in Main Estimates Over Previous Year (in thousands of dollars)
Main Estimates
Vote Program Name 2007-2008 2006-2007 Variance
5 Program expenditures:      
  Members and House Officers 121,986 117,268 4,718
  Office of the Clerk and Secretariat 1,714 0 1,714
  Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,641 2,524 117
  Procedural Services 23,349 25,647 (2,298)
  Parliamentary Precinct Services 45,216 42,045 3,171
  Information Services Directorate 44,336 42,040 2,296
  Corporate Services (1) 0 26,788 (26,788)
  Finance Services 12,447 0 12,447
  Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services 11,951 0 11,951
  Subtotal 263,640 256,312 7,328
(S) Members and House Officers 111,844 109,397 2,447
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,047 34,615 432
Subtotal 146,891 144,012 2,879
Total 410,531 400,324 10,207
(1) Approved budget for Corporate Services was allocated among the Office of the Clerk and Secretariat, Parliamentary Precinct Services, Finance Services and Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services during fiscal year 2006-2007.
Full-Time Equivalents-House Administration
Main Estimates
Program Sub-activity 2007-2008 2006-2007
Office of the Clerk and Secretariat 19 -
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 25 24
Procedural Services 219 217
Parliamentary Precinct Services 822 737
Information Services 520 505
Corporate Services (1) - 316
Finance Services 125 -
Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services 115 -
Total 1,845 1,799
(1) Full-Time Equivalents for Corporate Services were allocated among the Office of the Clerk and Secretariat, Parliamentary Precinct Services, Finance Services and Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services during fiscal year 2006-2007.