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Financial Report*

*Financial results may be subject to minor revisions.

Planned Versus Actual Spending by Authority
(in thousands of dollars)
Vote Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
** Salaries and allowances of Officers and Members of the House of Commons under the Parliament of Canada Act and contributions to the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Account and the Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account
5 Program expenditures 256,312 4,466 260,778 244,954 15,824
(S) Members of the House of Commons ** 109,397 (5,573) 103,824 103,824 0
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 34,615 (4,688) 29,927 29,927 0
Subtotal 144,012 (10,261) 133,751 133,751 0
Total 400,324 (5,795) 394,529 378,705 15,824
Planned Versus Actual Spending by Program Activity
(in thousands of dollars)
Program Activity Main Estimates Supplementary Estimates and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
Members and House Officers 226,664 (2,440) 224,224 215,941 8,283
House Administration
Office of the Clerk and Secretariat 0 1,823 1,823 1,615 208
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,525 252 2,777 2,770 7
Procedural Services 17,437 (509) 16,928 16,375 553
6,000 0 6,000 1,711 4,289
Parliamentary Associations 2,210 210 2,420 2,331 89
Parliamentary Precinct Services 42,045 2,234 44,279 43,181 1,098
Information Services Directorate 42,040 900 43,030 42,922 108
Corporate Services (1) 26,788 (26,788) 0 0 0
Finance Services 0 10,712 10,712 9,958 754
Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services 0 12,409 12,409 11,974 435
Subtotal 139,045 1,333 140,378 132,837 7,541
Contributions to employee benefit plans 34,615 (4,688) 29,927 29,927 0
Total 400,324 (5,795) 394,529 378,705 15,824
(1) Approved budget for Corporate Services was allocated among the Office of the Clerk and Secretariat, Parliamentary Precinct Services, Finance Services and Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services during fiscal year 2006-2007. Expenses are shown against the respective services.

* Financial results may be subject to minor revisions.

2006-2007 Actual Spending by Service

(in percentage)

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Increase in Main Estimates Over Previous Fiscal Year
(in thousands of dollars)
Main Estimates
Vote Program Name 2006-2007 2005-2006 Variance
5 Program expenditures:      
  Members and House Officers 117,268 111,670 5,598
  Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,524 2,358 166
  Procedural Services 25,647 23,442 2,205
  Parliamentary Precinct Services 42,045 40,683 1,362
  Information Services Directorate 42,040 39,502 2,538
  Corporate Services (1) 26,788 23,940 2,848
  Subtotal 256,312 241,595 14,717
(S) Members and House Officers 109,397 106,465 2,932
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 34,615 35,161 (546)
  Subtotal 144,012 141,626 2,386
  Total 400,324 383,221 17,103
(1) Approved budget for Corporate Services was allocated among the Office of the Clerk and Secretariat, Parliamentary Precinct Services, Finance Services and Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services during fiscal year 2006-2007.
Full-Time Equivalents-House Administration
Main Estimates
Program Sub-activity 2006-2007 2005-2006
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 24 22
Procedural Services 217 211
Parliamentary Precinct Services 737 725
Information Services Directorate 505 471
Corporate Services (1) 316 308
Total 1,799 1,737
(1) Full-Time Equivalents for Corporate Services were allocated among the Office of the Clerk and Secretariat, Parliamentary Precinct Services, Finance Services and Human Resources and Corporate Planning Services during fiscal year 2006-2007.