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Financial Report*

*Financial results may be subject to minor revisions.

Planned Versus Actual Spending by Authority (in thousands of dollars)
Vote Main Estimates Governor General Warrants and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
** Salaries and allowances of Officers and Members of the House of Commons under the Parliament of Canada Act and contributions to the Members of Parliament Retiring Allowances Account and the Members of Parliament Retirement Compensation Arrangements Account
5 Program expenditures 241,595 17,302 258,897 237,868 21,029
(S) Members of the House of Commons ** 106,465 (110) 106,355 106,355 0
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,161 (3,731) 31,430 31,430 0
Subtotal 141,626 (3,841) 137,785 137,785 0
Total 383,221 13,461 396,682 375,653 21,029
Planned Versus Actual Spending by Program Activity (in thousands of dollars)
Program Activity Main Estimates Governor General Warrants and Adjustments Total Authorities Actual Spending Variance
Members and House Officers 218,135 13,866 232,001 217,253 14,748
House Administration
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,358 119 2,477 2,476 1
Procedural Services 23,442 702 24,144 18,617 5,527
Parliamentary Precinct Services 40,683 893 41,576 41,213 363
Information Services Directorate 39,502 1,715 41,217 41,072 145
Corporate Services 23,940 (103) 23,837 23,592 245
Subtotal 129,925 3,326 133,251 126,970 6,281
Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,161 (3,731) 31,430 31,430 0
Total 383,221 13,461 396,682 375,653 21,029

2005-2006 Actual Spending by Service (in percentage)

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Increase in Main Estimates Over Previous Year (in thousands of dollars)
Main Estimates
Vote Program Name 2005-2006 2004-2005 Variance
5 Program expenditures:      
  Members and House Officers 111,670 101,786 9,884
  Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 2,358 2,139 219
  Procedural Services 23,442 17,583 5,859
  Parliamentary Precinct Services 40,683 35,700 4,983
  Information Services Directorate 39,502 34,088 5,414
  Corporate Services 23,940 21,202 2,738
  Subtotal 241,595 212,498 29,097
(S) Members and House Officers 106,465 102,378 4,087
(S) Contributions to employee benefit plans 35,161 31,687 3,474
  Subtotal 141,626 134,065 7,561
  Total 383,221 346,563 36,658
Full-Time Equivalents-House Administration (in thousands of dollars)
Main Estimates
Program Sub-activity 2005-2006 2004-2005
Office of the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel 22 21
Procedural Services 211 196
Parliamentary Precinct Services 725 697
Information Services Directorate 471 471
Corporate Services 308 300
Total 1,737 1,685