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FOPO Réunion de comité

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Publication du jour précédent Publication du jour prochain
2nd Session, 39th Parliament   2e Session, 39e législature

Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans   Comité permanent des pêches et des océans
Meeting No. 26 Séance no 26
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Le mardi 15 avril 2008
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 8 h 30 à 11 h 30
Twillingate, N.L.   Twillingate, T.-N.-L.
Anchor Inn   Anchor Inn
North Side   North Side
1-800-450-3950   1-800-450-3950

Orders of the Day   Ordre du jour
Operation and Maintenance of Small Craft Harbours Exploitation et entretien des ports pour petits bateaux
Witnesses Témoins
8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. 8 h 30 à 10 heures
Harbour Authority of Fogo Island Harbour Authority of Fogo Island
Gail Penton Gail Penton
Happy Adventure Harbour Authority Happy Adventure Harbour Authority
Terry Travers Terry Travers
George Feltham George Feltham
The Harbour Authority of Valleyfield, Badgers Quay, Pool's Island  The Harbour Authority of Valleyfield, Badgers Quay, Pool's Island
Donald Mouland, Director Donald Mouland, directeur
Harbour Authority of Bridgeport/Moretons Harbour/Valley Pond Harbour Authority of Bridgeport/Moretons Harbour/Valley Pond
Albert Canning, Harbour Supervisor Albert Canning, superviseur du port
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 10 heures à 11 h 30
Harbour Authority of Twillingate Harbour Authority of Twillingate
Gord Noseworthy Gord Noseworthy
Harbour Authority of Leading Tickles Harbour Authority of Leading Tickles
Harry Hallet Harry Hallet
La greffière du Comité
Julia Lockhart (613-996-3105)
Clerk of the Committee
2008/04/10 3:54 p.m.   2008/04/10 15 h 54