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Tuesday, December 12, 2023 (No. 266)


Those questions not appearing in the list have been answered, withdrawn or made into orders for return.
Q-18612 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Kram (Regina—Wascana) — With regard to the 2 Billion Trees Program mentioned in the Minister of Energy and Natural Resource’s announcement of August 2, 2023: how many of the trees were planted under (i) the Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund, (ii) the Low Carbon Economy Fund, (iii) neither the Disaster Mitigation and Adaption Fund or the Low Carbon Economy Fund?
Q-18622 — October 23, 2023 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to Public Safety Canada’s Firearms Buyback Program for recently prohibited firearms: (a) how much was spent to develop the information technology required to administer the program; and (b) what are the details of all contracts signed in relation to the program, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the vendor, (iii) the amount, (iv) a description of the goods or services, (v) the duration, (vi) whether the contract was awarded through a competitive bid or sole-source process?
Q-18632 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC): (a) what are the specific job performance benchmarks or criteria for an employee of the CMHC to receive a bonus or salary increase; (b) how does the number of new housing units constructed, or the creation of new housing starts, in Canada affect whether an employee of the CMHC receives a bonus or salary increase; (c) how does the performance of a CMHC program affect whether an employee of the CMHC receives a bonus or salary increase; and (d) how does the progress of meeting CMHC’s planned results, as laid out in the CMHC 2023-2027 Corporate Plan, affect whether an employee of the CMHC receives a bonus or salary increase?
Q-18642 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Hallan (Calgary Forest Lawn) — With regard to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and the National Housing Strategy: (a) how many new homes have been completed with the assistance of any type of funding from the National Housing Strategy, since 2017, in total and broken down by province or territory; (b) how many new homes does the CMHC expect will have been completed in 2023 with the assistance of any type of funding from the National Housing Strategy; (c) what is the breakdown of (a) and (b) by program or initiative; and (d) will the National Housing Strategy help to construct enough homes by 2030 to meet the CMHC’s projection that Canada needs 5.8 million new homes to restore affordability?
Q-18652 — October 23, 2023 — Ms. Duncan (Etobicoke North) — With regard to the Dimensions program: (a) what is the size of the current team that leads the program; (b) what are the details of the team that leads the program, including (i) the name of all the positions of the current team, (ii) whether any positions have been cut since its inception, (iii) the dates for any positions that were cut; (c) what are the details of the program’s financing, including (i) the cost to administer the program annually, (ii) whether there have been any financial cuts to the program since its inception, (iii) the dates of any cuts, if any; (d) what are all of the accomplishments of the program since its inception; (e) what third-party international organizations have recognized the program since its inception; and (f) what are the details of any external reviews of the program, including (i) the start date of the review, (ii) the end date of the review, (iii) who led the review, (iv) the structure of the review, (v) who specifically was consulted in the review, including, but not limited to, the Chief Science Advisor, granting councils, research networks, research organizations, and all researchers or experts?
Q-18662 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) — With regard to military housing and the Canadian Forces Housing Agency, in total and broken down by location: (a) what is the total number of rental housing units of military housing; (b) how many units are currently (i) occupied, (ii) unoccupied and available for rent, (iii) unoccupied and unavailable for rent; (c) outside of routine maintenance, how many units are currently in need of repairs, renovations or upgrades; (d) what are the details of the actions required in (c), including, for each, the description of what is needed and the projected completion date; (e) how many units are currently considered to be in disrepair; and (f) how many of the units in disrepair are currently (i) occupied, (ii) available for rent, (iii) unoccupied and unavailable for rent?
Q-18672 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to heavy body armour acquisition and usage by the RCMP, since 2016: (a) how many sets of heavy body armour have been purchased for the RCMP, broken down by year; (b) what is the yearly breakdown of the total costs associated with the purchases in (a); (c) how many requests for proposals (RFP) have been issued for heavy body armour; (d) what are the details of each RFP, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) how many sets of heavy body armour were desired, (iii) the RFP number; (e) how many and what percentage of RCMP vehicles have two sets of heavy body armour; (f) how many sets are currently in inventory or storage, but have not yet been issued to RCMP officers; (g) of the sets currently in use by the RCMP, how many are expired; and (h) what is the total number of sets currently owned by the RCMP, and, of those, how many are in use?
Q-18682 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Richards (Banff—Airdrie) — With regard to the morale of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the statement in a July 23, 2023, briefing note from Canadian Forces Chaplain General, BGen Guy Bélisle, that “CAF leaders and members feeling more undervalued and underappreciated than at any point in recent memory”: (a) what is the government’s assessment of why CAF leaders and members feel undervalued and underappreciated; (b) what new measures, if any, will the government implement to improve CAF morale; and (c) when was the last time that the CAF conducted a thorough analysis of the state of morale, and what were the findings of that analysis?
Q-18692 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Nater (Perth—Wellington) — With regard to the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada’s (FCAC) July 2023 Guideline on Existing Consumer Mortgage Loans in Exceptional Circumstances (Guideline): (a) how many financial institutions who provide mortgage lending in Canada were consulted by the FCAC on this Guideline; (b) did any of the financial institutions consulted raise concerns with the FCAC regarding the Guideline, prior to the implementation, and, if so, what are the details, including what concerns were raised and by which financial institutions; (c) if no financial institutions were consulted before the FCAC implemented the Guideline, why were they not consulted; (d) have any financial institutions raised concerns with the FCAC since the Guideline was introduced, and, if so, what are the details, including what concerns were raised and by which financial institutions; and (e) is the Guideline temporary or will the FCAC leave it in place indefinitely?
Q-18702 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — With regard to the Canada Dental Benefit, broken down by federal electoral district since the program’s inception: (a) what is the total number of applications (i) received, (ii) approved; (b) what is the total dollar value of payments delivered to eligible applicants; and (c) how many children, in total, have been helped by the program?
Q-18712 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Blaikie (Elmwood—Transcona) — With regard to the measures in Bill C-30, An Act to amend the Income Tax Act (temporary enhancement to the Goods and Services Tax/Harmonized Sales Tax credit), concerning GST credits, broken down by federal electoral district: (a) what is the total number of eligible Canadians who saw their GST credits double; and (b) what is the total dollar value of additional GST payments delivered to payees in (a)?
Q-18722 — October 23, 2023 — Ms. Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) — With regard to Canada’s participation in the World Health Organization's (WHO) proposed international treaty on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response: (a) what is the government’s formal position with regard to a proposed legally binding international treaty, and why; (b) what are the details of all documents the government has provided to the WHO or the World Health Assembly (WHA) related to the treaty or the International Health Regulations since July 2022, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) sender, (iii) recipient, (iv) title, (v) subject matter, (vi) summary of contents, (vii) file number; (c) what are the details of Canada’s submission or contribution to the 76th WHA meeting with regard to strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies; (d) which elected and unelected officials led Canada’s delegation at the 2023 WHA meeting, including the number of people in the delegations and their titles and positions; (e) what are the details of Canada’s contributions to the WHO’s Executive Board since May 2022, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) sender, (iii) recipient, (iv) title, (v) subject matter, (vi) summary of contents, (vii) file number; (f) what meetings, including the Global Affairs Canada call on July 11, 2022, have been and will be scheduled for public consultation with Canadians; (g) for each public consultation meeting in (f), what are the details of the meetings, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) names and titles of the attendees, (iii) purpose of the meeting, (iv) agenda items, (v) summary of what occurred at the meeting, including anything that was agreed to; (h) does the government have any plans to undertake a formal and public review of Canada’s whole-of-government pandemic response to inform future national pandemic planning, and, if so, what are the details; (i) what input fed into and/or informed the government’s rationale for recommending that the WHO include “other global health threats”, including climate change impacts in the scope of a pandemic instrument; and (j) what criteria did the government envision the WHO would use to determine when climate change impacts would reach a pandemic threshold?
Q-18732 — October 23, 2023 — Ms. Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) — With regard to Canada's participation in the First Movers Coalition (FMC): (a) what will be the specific obligations and actions undertaken to fulfill its commitments as a partner of the FMC; (b) what are the projected annual expenditures or costs to the government as a result of the government's participation in the (i) current fiscal year, (ii) next fiscal year; (c) what are the details of any policy measures that have been or will be implemented as part of the FMC; (d) what private sector consultation or engagement has the government undertaken thus far, and what are the results of that consultation; (e) has the government signed any contracts or agreements related to its FMC membership or FMC-related commitments, and, if so, what are the details of any such contracts or agreements, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) summary of terms, (iii) vendor, if applicable, (iv) financial value, if applicable, (v) titles of signatories to the agreement or contract; and (f) what FMC meetings have taken place or are currently planned, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) list of invitees, (iii) meeting purpose, (iv) location, (v) agenda?
Q-18742 — October 23, 2023 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — With regard to Canadian Armed Forces Reconstitution Directive released in October 2022: what are the details of all briefing notes, placemats, or analysis reports the government has in relation to the directive, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) type of document, (iii) title, (iv) sender, (v) recipient, (vi) file number?
Q-18752 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Morrice (Kitchener Centre) — With regard to bi-annual compliance reporting required by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) since April 2015, for each Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada, excluding those located in Quebec: (a) what is the total number of international students reported, broken down by DLI, bi-annual reporting period, and student status (i.e. academic break, academic suspension, authorized leave, deferred enrolment, full-time studies, no longer registered/enrolled, no show, not started, part-time studies, program/degree completed, unknown/no record); (b) has IRCC identified any non-genuine or non-compliant international students as a result of the information collected through DLI’s bi-annual compliance reporting; and (c) if the answer to (b) is affirmative, what is the total number of instances of non-genuine or non-compliant international students identified, broken down by DLI and bi-annual reporting period?
Q-18762 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Khanna (Oxford) — With regard to funding provided by the government to organizations for the purpose of advocacy, since 2019, and broken down by department, agency, or other government entity: (a) what was the total amount of funding on advocacy, broken down by year; (b) what are the details of all government programs that fund advocacy or similar activities, such as lobbying, including, for each, the (i) name of the program, (ii) purpose, (iii) annual budget; (c) what are the details of all funding provided through the programs in (b), including, for each, the (i) recipient, (ii) amount, (iii) date, (iv) purpose of the funding; and (d) what are the details of all funding for advocacy or similar types of activities that were not included in the response to (c), including, for each, the (i) recipient, (ii) amount, (iii) date, (iv) purpose of the funding, (v) program under which funding was provided?
Q-18772 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) — With regard to the ban on the use of TikTok on government devices: (a) what evidence was used as the basis for the ban; (b) who approved the ban; (c) how many security breaches involving TikTok is the government aware of, and what are the details of each breach, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) summary; and (d) what is the timeline for when the ban will either expire or be up for renewal?
Q-18782 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) — With regard to the travel by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change and the accompanying delegation to the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development in late August 2023: (a) what are the details of the trip, including the (i) names and titles of all attendees, (ii) costs associated with the trip, in total, and broken down by each individual that incurred expenses and the type of expense; and (b) what are the details of each meeting attended by the minister or any member of the Canadian delegation, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) location, (iii) names and titles of attendees, (iv) purpose of the meeting?
Q-18792 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — With regard to the Privy Council Office's Results and Delivery Unit: (a) what is the total amount of mandate letter commitments that are being tracked from the 2021 ministerial mandate letters, broken down by reporting lead (i.e. minister); and (b) as of October 2023, broken down by reporting lead (i.e. minister) and identification number, how many of the 2021 ministerial mandate letter commitments are identified (i) as completed by the government, (ii) to have seen actions taken by the government but not completed, (iii) as not being pursued by the government?
Q-18802 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) — With regard to the Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA): (a) how many people have applied for, but have not yet been placed into, military housing, as of October 24, 2023; (b) within the current 2023-24 fiscal year, how many applicants to the CFHA waited (i) between one and 30 days, (ii) between 31 and 60 days, (iii) between 61 and 90 days, (iv) more than 90 days, between the date of application and the date of placement into military housing; and (c) during the (i) 2020-21, (ii) 2021-22, (iii) 2022-23, fiscal years, what was the greatest number of applicants on the waiting list on any one specific date?
Q-18812 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) — With regard to violent crimes and the firearms ban that prohibited certain firearms as of May 1, 2020: (a) in the last fiscal year, how many violent crimes, defined by Statistics Canada as “Crimes against the person involve the use or threatened use of violence against a person, including homicide, attempted murder, assault, sexual assault and robbery”, involving firearms were committed with firearms that were included in the 2020 ban; (b) of the firearms in (a), (i) how many of the guns' origins could be traced via a serial number, (ii) how many guns' origins were traced back to the United States; and (c) how many violent crimes committed with firearms in the last fiscal year were committed by individuals without proper firearms licensing?
Q-18822 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Liepert (Calgary Signal Hill) — With regard to Parks Canada expenditures: (a) how much money did Parks Canada spend on (i) gasoline, (ii) diesel fuel, in the last fiscal year; (b) what portion of the total in (a), in dollar amounts, was spent on (i) federal carbon taxes, (ii) provincial carbon taxes; (c) how much money did Parks Canada spend on building heating in the last fiscal year; (d) what portion of the total in (c), in dollar amounts, was spent on (i) federal carbon taxes, (ii) provincial carbon taxes; and (e) what are Parks Canada’s projections on how much more money the clean fuel regulations will add to their total expenditures on (i) gasoline, (ii) diesel fuel, (iii) building heating?
Q-18832 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Khanna (Oxford) — With regard to the Mortgage Loan Insurance Select program offered by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, since 2016: (a) what are the details of all projects completed as a result of the program, including, for each, the (i) location, (ii) number of units, (iii) value of the project, (iv) date of application, (v) date of approval; and (b) what was the number of units completed each year as a result of the program, including the current year to date?
Q-18842 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to the Lytton Homeowner Resilient Rebuild Program: (a) how much money has been distributed through the program to date; (b) how many recipients have received funding through the program; (c) what was the average payment amount received; and (d) how many applications have been received to date?
Q-18852 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to expenditures by the government on cannabis intended for veterans: (a) what were the total expenditures on cannabis intended for veterans, broken down by year for the past five years; and (b) what are the details of all contracts that the government has for cannabis intended for veterans since 2018, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) vendor, (iii) value, (iv) amount of cannabis provided?
Q-18862 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Chong (Wellington—Halton Hills) — With regard to the government’s response to the explosion at the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza, which occurred on October 17, 2023: (a) to whom were the Minister of Foreign Affairs' comments on October 17, 2023, that “Bombing a hospital is an unthinkable act, and there is no doubt that doing so is absolutely illegal”, which were posted on X (Twitter), addressed; (b) on what basis did the Minister of Foreign Affairs assess that the explosion at the Gaza hospital was illegal; (c) when did the Minister of National Defence notify the Minister of Foreign Affairs that the government’s statement, the “more likely scenario is that the strike was caused by an errant rocket fired from Gaza”, would be issued; and (d) did the Minister of Foreign Affairs change her position regarding the illegality of the explosion at the Al Ahli hospital following the statement in (c) from the Minister of National Defence, and, if not, why not?
Q-18872 — October 24, 2023 — Ms. Blaney (North Island—Powell River) — With regard to the design selection of the National Monument to Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan: (a) what surveys did the government conduct to solicit feedback on the monument’s design that were conducted (i) online, (ii) in-person, (iii) by mail; (b) on what date was each survey in (a) conducted; (c) how many respondents to surveys in (a) were (i) veterans of Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, (ii) Canadian veterans, (iii) active service members in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), (iv) family members of CAF members or veterans, (v) family members of veterans who served in Canada’s mission in Afghanistan, (vi) members of the general public; (d) how was each survey in (a) communicated with potential respondents, especially with veterans of Canada’s Mission in Afghanistan, their families, and current CAF members; (e) what were the costs associated with each survey in (a), broken down by survey; and (f) what was the reason given by the government as to why survey results would be used to select the monument over the advice of the commemorative advisory committee?
Q-18882 — October 24, 2023 — Ms. Blaney (North Island—Powell River) — With regard to sexual misconduct complaints within the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) for calendar years 2022 and 2023: (a) what is the current total number of complaints received by the (i) chain of command, (ii) Military Police, (iii) Military Police Complaints Commission; (b) of the complaints received in (a), what specific administrative actions were taken, including the (i) initial counselling, (ii) recorded warning, (iii) counselling and probation, (iv) release from the CAF; (c) how many complaints are before a military tribunal; (d) broken down by province or territory, what is the total number of cases that have been transferred to (i) the RCMP, (ii) provincial police forces, (iii) municipal police forces; (e) what is the total number of cases that have been declined or sent back to the military; and (f) of the cases in (d) and (e), what is the average number of days for the relevant jurisdiction to accept or reject the case?
Q-18892 — October 24, 2023 — Ms. Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) — With regard to the Canada Infrastructure Bank (CIB): (a) since 2017, what are the total expenditures by the CIB on projects that were not completed, indefinitely delayed or otherwise abandoned, including projects announced that never reached the Financial Close stage; (b) what is the breakdown of the expenditures in (a) by (i) project name and project partners, (ii) category and type of expenditure; (c) to date, how many (i) unsolicited project proposals has the CIB received, (ii) solicited proposals has the CIB proactively pursued; and (d) of the projects announced to date, how many of those were the result of (i) the CIB seeking those investments out, (ii) unsolicited proposals in which partners sought out CIB investment in their project?
Q-18902 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to Canada’s census of agriculture and government information about farmland in Canada: (a) how many farm properties exist, broken down by federal electoral district; (b) how many different entities own agricultural land, broken down by federal electoral district; (c) how many different farm businesses are located in each federal electoral district; (d) what is the total number of acres of farmland in each federal electoral district; and (e) what is the average size of farms, in acres, in each federal electoral district?
Q-18912 — October 24, 2023 — Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — With regard to the Auditor General’s report entitled “Modernizing Information Technology Systems”: why does the government not retain historical data as cited in section 7.40 of the report?
Q-18922 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) — With regard to the finding in the Auditor General’s report entitled “The Benefits Delivery Modernization Programme”, that “Employment and Social Development Canada, in 2017, encountered numerous obstacles and delays in its implementation of the programme and had to make difficult choices about the sequence of key steps”: (a) what were these obstacles and delays; and (b) what difficult choices were made?
Q-18932 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Uppal (Edmonton Mill Woods) — With regard to the Federal Skilled Worker Program, in the past five years: (a) how many and what percentage of applications exceeded the six months service standard for processing; and (b) of the applications in (a), how many and what percentage took (i) six months to nine months, (ii) nine months to one year, (iii) one year to 18 months, (iv) 18 months to five years, (v) more than five years, to be processed?
Q-18942 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) — With regard to the Auditor General’s report entitled “Modernizing Information Technology Systems”, in section 7.44: (a) what are details of the 22 high-risk projects monitored by the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), including, for each, the (i) name of the department or agency overseeing the project, (ii) project name, (iii) description, (iv) action taken by the government to address the concerns raised in the report; and (b) what are the total expenditures to date, and the project future expenditures of each of the 22-high risk projects monitored by the TBS?
Q-18952 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) — With regard to the Auditor General’s report entitled “Modernizing Information Technology Systems”, in section 7.50: (a) which departments or agencies have requested funding for “modernization needs” and how much has each one requested; and (b) which departments or agencies were represented by the 83% of Chief Technology Officers that expressed they were not satisfied with the available mechanisms for funding modernization projects?
Q-18962 — October 24, 2023 — Mr. Morrice (Kitchener Centre) — With regard to the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) administration of Part XIII of the Income Tax Act over the past 20 tax years: (a) has the CRA held any Canadian resident tenant (i.e. residential or commercial) liable for failing to withhold and remit the tax payable by their non-resident landlord or required a Canadian resident tenant (i.e. residential or commercial) to pay any outstanding taxes of their non-resident landlord; (b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, what are the total number of instances of this occurring, broken down by tax year, tenancy type (i.e. residential or commercial), and total amount of funds that the Canadian resident tenant was held liable to pay; (c) does the CRA have any internal policies, directives, standards or guidelines on administering Part XIII of the Income Tax Act within the context of a relationship between a Canadian resident tenant (i.e. residential or commercial) and a non-resident landlord; (d) if the answer to (c) is affirmative, what are the details of any such documents; (e) has the CRA modified, or does the CRA have plans to modify in the future, its policies, directives, standards or guidelines on administering Part XIII of the Income Tax Act following the ruling of the Tax Court of Canada in 3792391 Canada Inc. V. The King, 2023 TCC 37; and (f) if the answer to (e) is affirmative, what are the details of any such modifications?
Q-18972 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Angus (Timmins—James Bay) — With regard to the Aboriginal Head Start in Urban and Northern Communities program, broken down by fiscal year and province or territory, since November 2015: (a) what is the annual budget of this program; (b) what are the details of all activities funded by this program, including the (i) community or First Nation that received funding, (ii) amount of funding received, (iii) number of children expected to benefit; (c) how many proposals for funding were denied funding; and (d) what is the total amount of lapsed spending by this program?
Q-18982 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Angus (Timmins—James Bay) — With regard to the Nutrition North program, broken down by province or territory and fiscal year since 2015-16: (a) what is the total amount of funding directed towards culturally appropriate retail and community-based nutrition education activities; (b) how many initiatives received funding for the purpose of (i) nutrition workshops, (ii) healthy cooking classes, (iii) in-store sampling of healthy food, (iv) knowledge and skill building related to traditional or country food harvesting and preparation, (v) gardening, (vi) training of community workers, (vii) the development of local nutrition education materials; and (c) what are the details of all initiatives in (b), including the (i) name of the community, organization, or company that received funding, (ii) date the funding was received, (iii) amount of funding?
Q-18992 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Zarrillo (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — With regard to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit and the Canada Recovery Benefit: (a) how much does the government estimate is owed in repayments; (b) how many individuals owe repayments; (c) how many individuals in (b) reported an income below the low-income cut off on their 2022 income tax return; (d) what is the lowest amount owed; (e) what is the highest amount owed; (f) what is the average amount owed; (g) of the individuals owing money, how many does the government estimate were victims of fraud; (h) of the total estimate amount owed, how much does the government expect to (i) successfully recover, (ii) recover from those whose income is below the low-income cut-off; and (i) how much does the government intend to spend on staff time and resources to recover these debts, broken down by department, agency or other government entity?
Q-19002 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Zarrillo (Port Moody—Coquitlam) — With regard to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB): (a) broken down by province or territory, what is the total number of individuals who have had their government benefits or credits applied to outstanding CERB or CRB debt; (b) of the individuals in (a), what is the total number who have had tax refunds or benefit payments offset to recover debt, broken down by costs recovered from (i) individual tax returns, (ii) the Canada Child benefit, (iii) provincial or territorial child benefits, (iv) GST or HST credits, (v) Canada Disability Benefits, (vi) Climate Action incentive?
Q-19012 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Lewis (Haldimand—Norfolk) — With regard to Infrastructure Canada’s program funding: (a) since 2015, has Infrastructure Canada become aware of any projects funded by the department that have, or are alleged to have, employed illegal labour or projects in which any employee, or individual working in relation to the project, was not paid the minimum hourly wage required by federal or provincial law; (b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, what are the details of each instance, including the (i) name of project, (ii) project description, (iii) summary of wrongdoing or allegations, (iv) date on which the department became aware, (v) description of the actions taken, including the dates of each action, (vi) date on which the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities or the minister’s office was first notified, (vii) actions taken by the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, if any; and (c) what mechanisms are in place to ensure that no projects receiving government funding employ illegal labour or labour that is not paid the minimum hourly wage required by law?
Q-19022 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — With regard to the government’s response to the situation in Sudan: (a) how many people have been evacuated from Sudan who are (i) Canadian citizens, (ii) Canadian permanent residents, (iii) family members of Canadian citizens or permanent residents, since April 1, 2023; (b) what special immigration measures has the government implemented for people leaving Sudan; (c) what additional special immigration measures is the government examining or considering for people leaving Sudan; (d) is the government investigating allegations against any Canadian firms relating to their relationships with Sudanese military or paramilitary groups, and, if so, which firms are under investigation; (e) what is the government’s position regarding (i) the presence of the Wagner Group in Sudan, (ii) calls for the listing of the Wagner Group as a terrorist entity?
Q-19032 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — With regard to visas for international students in Canada: how many international students (i) are currently studying in Canada, (ii) are studying at institutions accredited by Universities Canada, (iii) are in post-graduate studies, (iv) have transferred institutions within Canada during their period of study, (v) have completed their program of study in the last year, (vi) dropped out of their program of study in the last year, (vii) died in the last year, (viii) died by suicide in the last year?
Q-19042 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — With regard to members of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) posted in Europe: are members of the CAF still being asked to pay for their own meals upfront and then seek reimbursements, and, if so, how many are currently required to do this, in total, and broken down by rank and location of service?
Q-19052 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to the government's recently published draft Clean Electricity Regulations: (a) how many megawatts of unabated fossil fuel electricity does Environment and Climate Change Canada estimate will be remaining on Canada's electricity grid in 2035; and (b) how many tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions will this represent on an annual basis?
Q-19062 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Genuis (Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan) — With regard to Canadian citizens detained or incarcerated abroad, in total, and broken down by country of detention or incarceration: (a) how many citizens are detained or incarcerated; (b) how many citizens are detained in circumstances that violate their human rights; (c) how many citizens are detained for offenses that would not be considered offenses if committed in Canada; and (d) how many Canadian detainees is the government seeking to have released?
Q-19072 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to the Northern Residents Tax Deduction: (a) what is the total number of claimants and the total amount of residency deduction claimed between 2018 and 2022, broken down by province; and (b) what is the total number of claimants and the total amount of residency deduction claimed by residents of Haida Gwaii between 2018 and 2022?
Q-19082 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to federally owned lands in British Columbia: (a) what federally owned lands fall within the municipal boundaries of the (i) City of Terrace, (ii) the District of Kitimat, (iii) Town of Smithers, (iv) City of Prince Rupert; and (b) for each parcel in (a), what is the (i) size in hectares, (ii) current use?
Q-19092 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Bachrach (Skeena—Bulkley Valley) — With regard to the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative: (a) how much of the initiative's $650 million budget has been allocated within each of the strategy's pillars; (b) what projects have received funding commitments and under which pillars do these fall; and (c) what is the total amount of funding that has been disbursed under each of the pillars?
Q-19102 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Davies (Vancouver Kingsway) — With regard to Health Canada’s authorization of the Comirnaty Omicron XBB.1.5 and Spikevax XBB.1.5 vaccines: (a) is there any clinical data demonstrating efficacy of these vaccines, and, if so, what data; (b) is there any clinical data demonstrating safety of these vaccines, and, if so, what data; (c) is there any data suggesting that previously authorized messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) vaccines are outdated with respect to currently circulating variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; (d) is there any concern that currently authorized mRNA vaccines will help select for more successful variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; (e) is there any data suggesting that disease-induced immunity is stronger than vaccine-induced immunity from authorized mRNA vaccines for COVID-19; (f) do currently authorized mRNA vaccines prevent COVID-19 infection; (g) do currently authorized mRNA vaccines prevent COVID-19 transmission; and (h) what positive health impact do currently authorized mRNA vaccines have on recipients?
Q-19112 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North) — With regard to the government’s policies governing information technology (IT) projects, delivery, and contracting: (a) what policies and procedures are in place to ensure independent assessment and oversight, as well as ensuring value-for-money, on IT projects over $2.5 million; (b) what contract vehicles are in place for departments and agencies to secure the resources needed to perform the procedures in (a); (c) what are the details of each contract related to (b), including, for each, the (i) date the contract came into force, (ii) vendor, (iii) amount, (iv) description of goods or services provided; and (d) what were the total expenditures on federal IT (i) infrastructure, (ii) software, (iii) services, (iv) consultants, in each of the last three years, in total and broken down by department or agency?
Q-19122 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North) — With regard to the government’s approach to information technology (IT): (a) what were the total expenditures on (i) research or IT database subscription services, (ii) benchmarking, (iii) value-assurance services for IT, in total, and broken down by department or agency and by each client department of Shared Services Canada; (b) which companies or stakeholders were consulted when Public Services and Procurement Canada made the decision to eliminate the National Master Standing Offers for Research (IT database subscription services) and Benchmarking for IT services that was previously in place for research and benchmarking services; (c) what are the details of the consultations in (b), including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) who was consulted, (iii) the feedback received; (d) what are the details of any outside consultants or service providers that have been involved in the development of a new contracting vehicle for these services, and what are the details of each, including the (i) name of the individual or firm, (ii) contract value, (iii) date of the contract, (iv) description of the goods or services provided; (e) how many government employees or full-time equivalents worked on the redesign and consultations; (f) what are the (i) travel, (ii) hospitality, costs associated with the redesign and consultations incurred to date, in total, and broken down by year and type of expense; (g) how many suppliers does the government use for research (IT database subscription services), benchmarking and value-assurance services relating to IT, and who are the suppliers; (h) how many of the suppliers in (g) include retired civil servants from the government; (i) what steps does the government take to ensure these service providers aren’t conflicted through partnerships, alliances, downstream implementation conflicts and other contractual arrangements; (j) how many and which departments and agencies use research (IT database subscription services), benchmarking and value-assurance services; and (k) for each department or agency in (j), what service providers are contracted to provide these services?
Q-19132 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest) — With regard to government funding provided to Greenfield Construction or its subsidiaries: what are the details of all funding, since November 4, 2015, broken down by department or agency, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the amount, (iii) the type of funding (i.e. repayable loan, grant, contract), (iv) the purpose of funding or the project description, (v) the repayment terms, if applicable, (vi) whether there has been a change order associated with the funding, and, if so, what are the details, including the revised amount of the change order?
Q-19142 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Williamson (New Brunswick Southwest) — With regard to government funding provided for projects at or in the vicinity of North Head Harbour on Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick: what are the details of all funding, since November 4, 2015, broken down by department or agency, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the amount, (iii) the type of funding (i.e. repayable loan, grant, contract), (iv) the purpose of funding or the project description, (v) the repayment terms, if applicable, (vi) whether there has been a change order associated with the funding, and, if so, what are the details, including the revised amount of the change order?
Q-19152 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to cost estimates related to the Benefits Delivery Modernization Programme: (a) what methodology was used by Employment and Social Development Canada to conclude the programme would cost $1.7 billion; and (b) what methodology was used by the third-party review to conclude that the cost would be between $2.7 billion and $3.4 billion?
Q-19162 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Nater (Perth—Wellington) — With regard to VIA Rail Canada: what are the details of all meetings involving the current President and CEO and one or more government officials not employed by VIA Rail Canada, including elected and non-elected officials of all federal, provincial, and municipal governments, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) location, including if the meeting was in person or virtual, (iii) names and titles of the attendees, (iv) purpose of the meeting?
Q-19172 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Majumdar (Calgary Heritage) — With regard to Global Affairs Canada and foreign aid funding: (a) what are the details of how much funding was received by (i) the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs funding, (ii) the United Nations Development Programme, (iii) the World Health Organization, (iv) the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, (v) the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, (vi) the World Food Programme, (vii) any other organization that received over $1 million in foreign aid funding in the last fiscal year; (b) for each organization in (a), on what date were they last audited to ensure that their funding was being spent appropriately; and (c) what were the findings of each audit in (b)?
Q-19182 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Arnold (North Okanagan—Shuswap) — With regard to efforts by the government to combat illegal fishing by vessels off the British Columbia coast, broken down by year since 2019: (a) how many boats were intercepted for allegedly engaging in illegal fishing; and (b) what are the details of each incident where a vessel was intercepted, including, for each, the (i) name, (ii) country of origin, (iii) location where the vessel was intercepted, (iv) type of alleged illegal fishing, (v) resulting action (i.e. fine, seizure, criminal charges, etc.), (vi) quantity of illegal fish caught, broken down by species?
Q-19192 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) — With regard to the government’s approach to a digital services tax (DST): (a) will the DST still go into effect as of January 1, 2024, as planned; (b) how much revenue is the government expected to receive as a result of the retroactivity of the tax back to 2022; (c) how much DST revenue is the government projected to receive in 2024; (d) has the government done a cost-benefit analysis on the DST, and, if so, what are the details, including the findings of the analysis; and (e) what are the details of all communication or representations the government received from representatives of other G20 countries related to the implementation of a DST since the proposal was first unveiled, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) country, (iii) type of communication, (iv) summary of the comments or concerns raised?
Q-19202 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Davidson (York—Simcoe) — With regard to government expenditures on aircraft rentals or charters since December 1, 2020, broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation and other government entity: (a) what is the total amount spent on the rental of aircraft; and (b) what are the details of each expenditure, including the (i) amount, (ii) vendor, (iii) dates of rental, (iv) type of aircraft, (v) purpose of the trip, (vi) origin and the destination of flights, (vii) titles of passengers, including which passengers were on which segments of each trip?
Q-19212 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Davidson (York—Simcoe) — With regard to Indigenous Services Canada’s funding of the seasonal ferry Aazhaawe that travels between Virginia Beach, Ontario, to the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation on Lake Simcoe: (a) how much funding has been provided related to the ferry by Indigenous Services Canada, broken down by year for each of the last five years; and (b) what costs are covered by this funding, including whether (i) fuel costs, (ii) maintenance and repair costs, (iii) operations costs, (iv) other costs, broken down by type, are covered?
Q-19222 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Steinley (Regina—Lewvan) — With regard to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) and information technology (IT): (a) what policies and procedures are in place to ensure independent assessment and oversight, as well as ensuring value-for-money, on IT projects over $2.5 million; (b) does the TBS have a policy regarding the role of research (IT database subscription services), benchmarking and value-assurance services in IT, and, if so, what is that policy; (c) how many contracts are currently in place for research (IT database subscription services), benchmarking and value-assurance services in IT; (d) what is the total value of the contracts in (c); (e) how many suppliers does the TBS use for research (IT database subscription services), benchmarking and value-assurance services; (f) of the suppliers in (e), how many suppliers include retired civil servants from the government; (g) what steps does the TBS take to ensure these service providers aren’t conflicted through partnerships, alliances, downstream implementation conflicts and other contractual arrangements; and (h) did the TBS request research, benchmarking or value-assurance services for the development of the ArriveCan app, and, if so, what are the details of what was done?
Q-19232 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) — With regard to rescue missions by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard: (a) how many search and rescue missions were required to respond to incidents arising from the recreational cod or groundfish fishery in each of the last five years, broken down by month, year and province or territory; and (b) what are the details of each mission since 2018, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) location, (iii) incident summary?
Q-19242 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) — With regard to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans: (a) what was the average hourly catch rate, per net, of northern cod, broken down by area for fishing areas 2J, 3K and 3L, in 1988, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, for the commercial and stewardship fisheries; (b) what was the average catch rate, per net, of northern cod, broken down by area for fishing areas 2J, 3K, and 3L, in 1994, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023, in the sentinel fishery program; and (c) what is the annual cost to carry out the sentinel cod fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador in 1994, 2005, 2015, 2020 and 2022?
Q-19252 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Small (Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame) — With regard to Marine Protected Areas in Atlantic Canada and the Canadian Arctic: (a) how many new Marine Protected Areas are planned by 2025 in Atlantic Canada, and what are the details, descriptions, and locations of each area; (b) how many new Marine Protected Areas are planned by 2025 in the Canadian Arctic, and what are the details, descriptions, and locations of each area; (c) for each new area in (a) and (b), what are the (i) latitudinal and longitudinal coordinates, (ii) protection goals and the planned fighting restrictions; and (d) what percentage of Canada’s (i) Atlantic waters, (ii) Arctic waters, are Marine Protected Areas as of now, and what will the percentage be in 2025 and 2030?
Q-19262 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Tochor (Saskatoon—University) — With regard to the Auditor General’s report entitled “The Benefits Delivery Modernization Programme”: (a) what were the total expenditures associated with the June 2022 review by the Treasury Board Secretariat; (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by line item and type of expense; (c) what were the total expenditures associated with the March 2021 schedule review; (d) what is the breakdown of (c) by line item and type of expense; and (e) what were the costs associated with the delays associated with the March 2021 schedule review?
Q-19272 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Tochor (Saskatoon—University) — With regard to exhibit 8.2 in the Auditor General’s report entitled “The Benefits Delivery Modernization Programme”: (a) in reference to the June 2022 case study, what were the transformational steps that were postponed; (b) in reference to the November 2022 case study, (i) by how much did costs actually increase since the study was conducted, (ii) are initial cost estimates for software and implementation still well below the average comparator project and the industry average; and (c) in reference to the March 2023 programme review, were there delays to the migration component, and, if so, how long were they?
Q-19282 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to the export of Canada’s plastic waste under the Basel Convention: (a) what measures are in place to ensure that plastic waste exported without a permit is clean, sorted, and intended for recycling; (b) how many times since January 1, 2021, has the government imposed punitive measures on companies for failing to comply with these requirements; (c) does the government monitor the final country of destination for plastic waste exported to the United States, and, if so, what specific processes are in place to accomplish this; (d) does the government track the exported plastic waste that is (i) covered under export permits, (ii) exempted from the permit process, to determine if this waste is recycled or disposed of safely, and, if so, what specific processes are in place to accomplish this; (e) since November 4, 2015, has the government conducted research to evaluate the potential impact that banning the export of plastic waste would have on stimulating investments in a national circular economy, and, if so, what are the details of this research, including (i) who conducted it, (ii) its methodology, (iii) its findings; and (f) what are the details of each punitive measure in (b), including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) name of the company, (iii) type of punitive measure, including the amount fined, (iv) incident summary?
Q-19292 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — With regard to the carbon footprint resulting from the Minister of Environment and Climate Change’s air travel: (a) what are the details of all trips involving air travel taken by the minister since January 1, 2019, including, for each, the (i) dates, (ii) origin and the destination, (iii) purpose of the trip, (iv) number of travellers accompanying the minister, (v) estimated carbon footprint resulting from the minister’s travel, (vi) estimated carbon footprint resulting from the delegation’s travel, (vii) total expenditures related to the trip, broken down by each traveller and type of expense; and (b) for each trip in (a), were virtual or other options that did not involve air travel considered, and, if so, why were the other options not chosen?
Q-19302 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Gazan (Winnipeg Centre) — With regard to federal spending on settlement services and newcomer housing in the electoral district of Winnipeg Centre, broken down by fiscal year since November 2019: (a) what is the amount of federal funding committed for the purpose of (i) settlement services, (ii) newcomer housing; (b) what are the details of all initiatives that received funding, including the (i) name of the organization that received funding, (ii) date the funding was received, (iii) amount of funding; and (c) what is the total amount of lapsed spending?
Q-19312 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) — With regard to the government’s response to homelessness and tent cities: (a) what are the details of all programs currently in place to deal with homelessness and tent cities; (b) for each program in (a), how much funding is allocated in (i) the current fiscal year, (ii) each of the next five fiscal years; (c) which of the programs in (a) involve funding for addiction treatment and recovery; (d) how is the funding for each program tracked, monitored and audited; and (e) does the government have any quantifiable goals for reducing the number of homeless Canadians, and, if so, what are they, nationally and broken down by region?
Q-19322 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Ferreri (Peterborough—Kawartha) — With regard to expenditures on social media influencers, including any contracts which would use social media influencers as part of a public relations campaign, since January 1, 2021: (a) what are the details of all such expenditures, including the (i) vendor, (ii) amount, (iii) campaign description, (iv) date of the contract, (v) name or handle of the influencer; and (b) for each campaign that paid an influencer, was there a requirement to make public, as part of a disclaimer, the fact that the influencer was being paid by the government, and, if not, why not?
Q-19332 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — With regard to the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF), since the program officially launched in 2018: (a) how many applications for funding have been received from the City of Windsor, Ontario; (b) of the applications in (a), how many have been approved; (c) what is the total amount of funding distributed in Windsor, Ontario, through the fund since its official launch; (d) does the government have a plan in place to assist with increased inflationary costs to the currently approved projects; and (e) does the government plan to increase the total federal DMAF fund due to the ever-increasing costs associated with DMAF projects?
Q-19342 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — With regard to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s (GLFC) machinery of government interface with the government, its financing and its obligations to Canada under the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries Between the United States of America and Canada (1954) : (a) from what statute(s) or Act(s) of Parliament does the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard derive the legislative authority to function as the lead minister; (b) does the existing legislative authority of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard negate, alter or eliminate the GLFC Privileges and Immunities Order (originally made under section 3 of the Privileges and Immunities (International Organizations) Act and subsumed into section 16 of the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act); (c) what are the primary functions and operational limitations of the ministers responsible for the interface functions pursuant to all relevant statutes and regulations; (d) does the Great Lakes Convention Act, or any other statutes, regulations or Acts of Parliament, provide any ministers with the authority to direct the commission or the commission’s routine activities and programming beyond Parliament’s prerogative to approve annual budget allocations to the Commission; (e) what are the implications of paragraph 10(2)(b) of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Act for the interaction of Canada with the commission; (f) has Canada’s annual financial allocation to the commission been “fenced” as described by the Department of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard (DFO) officials during their testimony on June 8, 2023, to the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans (FOPO); (g) what is the precise nature, structure and limitations of the “fencing” structure described by DFO officials during testimony on June 8, 2023, to the FOPO; (h) what sources, officials, or departments would possess the authority to alter, reverse or eliminate the financial “fencing” described by DFO officials during their testimony on June 8, 2023, to FOPO; (i) who or what body is the Canadian Contracting Party as described under Article II; (j) what is the role of Parliament with regard to supervision, directing and oversight of the activities and programming of the commission; (k) if the Contracting Party is not Parliament, what is the role of Parliament with regard to the supervision, direction and oversight of the Contracting Party; (l) does the existing legislative framework provide the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard with the authority to administer the Great Lakes Fishery Convention Act or does the legislative framework provide specific ministerial authority, and, if so, what is the precise nature and limit of that authority; (m) does the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries Between the United States of America and Canada (1954) stipulate that commissioners are representatives of the Contracting Parties, and, if so, does this stipulation provide commissioners with the authority to represent Canada at Commission meeting and events; and (n) does the Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries Between the United States of America and Canada (1954) provide for a specific authority for any minister(s) to directly represent Canada at commission meetings and events?
Q-19352 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Masse (Windsor West) — With regard to the housing crisis and affordable housing in Canada: (a) will the government commit to the recommendations of the Canadian Real Estate Association to (i) create a permanent national housing roundtable to bring together housing stakeholders in order to address the housing crisis through an inclusive, holistic approach that emphasizes collaboration, innovation and policy coordination, (ii) leverage federal infrastructure funding with municipal, provincial and territorial partners requiring the creation of more housing supply, (iii) develop a housing workforce immigration strategy to attract tradespeople from abroad while streamlining the immigration process for qualified professionals willing to work in the construction industry; and (b) how much funding for affordable housing has been distributed to the City of Windsor, Ontario, through federal government programs over the last five years, from January 1, 2018, through present, including (i) what federal funding programs were applied for, (ii) the amount of funding distributed, (iii) the list of specific projects funded, (iv) whether the funding was in the form of grants or loans?
Q-19362 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the Pacific Salmon Strategy Initiative: (a) how much of the $647 million pledged for the initiative has been spent since the announcement in budget 2021; (b) what are the objectives and deliverables of the fund; (c) how are the objectives and deliverables measured; and (d) what are the details of each project funded through the initiative, including, for each, the (i) date of the announcement, (ii) project description, (iii) project location, (iv) funding recipient, (v) projected total project cost, (vi) amount of federal contribution towards the total project cost, (vii) expected completion date of the project?
Q-19372 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the Canada Emergency Business Account (CEBA): (a) as of October 25, 2023, in total, how many businesses that received CEBA funding have repaid their loan in full; and (b) what is the total dollar amount owing on the principal balance of outstanding loans?
Q-19382 — October 25, 2023 — Ms. Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock) — With regard to the government’s Rapid Response Mechanism and the reaction to the Spamouflage campaign: (a) which members of Parliament were targeted; (b) which other elected officials, including at a provincial, territorial, or local level were targeted; (c) which unelected officials or individuals were targeted; (d) on what date did the government first become aware of the program; and (e) for each individual in (a) through (c), on what date did the government (i) become aware that that individual was targeted, (ii) notify that individual that they were being targeted?
Q-19392 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation (CMHC) funding for Indigenous housing in Edmonton, broken down by fiscal year since 2015-16: (a) what are the details of all funding applications received, including the (i) name of the requester, (ii) amount requested, (iii) status of the application, (iv) amount of funding granted, (v) progress on the project; (b) what actions has the CMHC undertaken to make it easier for Indigenous housing providers to apply for funding; (c) does the CMHC record data on potential applications who have abandoned projects because of burdensome or overly complicated application procedures, and, if so, what indicators does the CMHC use to make the process easier; and (d) what is the CMHC doing to ensure that Indigenous housing providers, such as Tribal Chiefs Ventures Inc., are not encumbered by debt when co-investing in Indigenous housing?
Q-19402 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to the Post-Secondary Student Support Program, broken down by fiscal year since 2008-09 and by province or territory: (a) what are the details of all funding arrangements made with Indigenous governments and organizations concerning this program, including the (i) name of the First Nations or First Nations-designated organization, (ii) amount of funding to cover eligible expenses for students, (iii) number of students who received support; and (b) what is the total annual expenditure by the government on this program?
Q-19412 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Green (Hamilton Centre) — With regard to contract work performed for the Canadian Border Services Agency, since November 2015, and broken down by fiscal year: (a) what is the total number of contracts awarded to (i) GCStrategies, (ii) Dalian Enterprises Inc., (iii) Coradix Technology Consulting, (iv) Moravej Inc., (v) 10583308 Canada Inc.; (b) what are the details of all contracts in (a), including the (i) date the contract was awarded, (ii) value of the contract, (iii) number of amendments to the initial contract; and (c) what is the total number of government employees who reviewed, processed and approved each contract in (a)?
Q-19422 — October 25, 2023 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC): (a) is the independent impartial report completed by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton regarding the allegations of mismanagement of SDTC and provided to the minister available to the public; (b) if the report in (a) is published, where is it published on a government of Canada website; (c) if the report in (a) is not published, when and where will it be published on a government of Canada website; (d) when and where will the government publish its action plan to correct any reported deficiencies; and (e) what further additional oversight will be implemented to ensure that SDTC is delivering on expected outcomes and provides value added investment of public funds?
Q-19432 — October 26, 2023 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to government actions in relation to the Nisga’a Nation’s totem pole that was in the possession of the National Museum of Scotland: (a) what day was the totem pole returned to British Columbia; (b) what were the total costs incurred for transporting the totem pole back to Canada; and (c) is the Canadian government responsible for paying for any restoration or future upkeep on the totem pole, and, if so, what are the estimated one-time costs and annual estimated costs?
Q-19442 — October 26, 2023 — Mr. Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) — With regard to the Canadian Passport Order, since November 4, 2015, in order to prevent the commission of any act or omission referred to in subsection 7(4.1) of the Criminal Code: (a) how many passports has the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (i) refused, (ii) revoked, (iii) cancelled; and (b) what is the monthly breakdown of (a)(i), (a)(ii) and (a)(iii)?
Q-19452 — October 26, 2023 — Mr. Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) — With regard to the 6,880 suspicious transactions related to the Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children referred by the Philippines to FINTRAC and shared with the RCMP during the 18 month period ending on December 2022: (a) how many RCMP investigations related to suspicious transactions have either been initiated or are ongoing; and (b) what were the results of the investigations in (a)?
Q-19462 — October 26, 2023 — Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) — With regard to penitentiary farms, and agriculture and agri-food employment operations of CORCAN at the Joyceville and Collins Bay Institutions: (a) of the $4.3 million allocated over five years in budget 2018 for agriculture and agri-food employment operations at penitentiary farms, what funds have been spent, at what locations, and for what purposes, broken down by fiscal year since 2017-18; (b) what funds have been spent from Correctional Service of Canada's (CSC) capital budget and CORCAN’s Revolving Fund, broken down by source, on operations, infrastructure, equipment, and improvements to the penitentiary farm and agriculture and agri-food employment facilities at the Joyceville and Collins Bay Institutions, at what locations, and for what purposes, broken down by fiscal year since 2017-18; (c) what funds have been spent, and from what budget, on each of management services, engineering and maintenance, security, environment, design coordination, facilities planning, capital implementation, project leaders, tender packages and tender calls, Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) fees and disbursements, consultant fees and disbursements, CSC salaries, travel costs, contingencies, project management services, geotechnical and architectural consultant work, quality control and testing, water and electrical supply analysis, hydrogeology, design and construction contract administration, and contracts and service agreements with PSPC, with regard to penitentiary farm and agriculture and agri-food operations at the Joyceville and Collins Bay Institutions, broken down by fiscal year since 2017-18; and (d) at present, what is the total estimated project cost, including a 15% contingency?
Q-19472 — October 26, 2023 — Mr. Reid (Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston) — With regard to the abattoir at Joyceville Institution, which ceased operations on September 30, 2022: (a) what funds have been spent from Correctional Service of Canada's (CSC) capital budget, CORCAN’s Revolving Fund, and Joyceville Institution’s budget, broken down by source, on each of repairs, operations, staffing, security, and maintenance, broken down by fiscal year from 2011-12 to 2022-23; (b) what revenues have been collected from abattoir operations by Joyceville Institution, CORCAN, and CSC, broken down by fiscal year from 2011-12 to 2022-23; (c) what funds have been spent on third party apprenticeship and vocational certification for offenders employed in the abattoir, broken down by fiscal year from 2011-12 to 2022-23; (d) how many offenders have been employed in the abattoir, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (e) what is the average number of hours spent by an individual offender working in the abattoir, based on number of hours per offender from 2020 to 2022; (f) how many offenders have been registered for a retail meat cutter apprenticeship with the provincial authority, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (g) how many offenders have earned third party vocational certification with the provincial authority through employment in the abattoir, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (h) what is the number of accident reports involving offenders, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (i) what is the number of security incidents involving offenders, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (j) what is the number of accident reports involving staff employed by CSC, broken down by year from 2012 to 2022; (k) what repairs are required to bring the abattoir facility to code for operations; and (l) what are the estimated costs of repairs required to bring the abattoir facility to code for operations?
Q-19482 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) — With regard to the Housing Accelerator Fund: (a) from which municipalities has the government received action plans; (b) of the action plans in (a), which ones are (i) accepted, (ii) rejected, (iii) still under consideration; (c) broken down by each municipality, how much funding will they be eligible for once their plan is approved; (d) which municipality has received funding to date and how much has each municipality received; and (e) what is the total amount disbursed from the Fund to date?
Q-19492 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) — With regard to the program Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy, administered by Infrastructure Canada and formerly by Employment and Social Development Canada, since the program’s inception in 2019: (a) how many individuals have been lifted out of (i) homelessness, (ii) chronic homelessness, as a result of the program, in total, and broken down by year; (b) how much funding has been dispersed through the strategies, in total, and broken down by entity receiving the funding; (c) how much funding did each entity in (b) receive; (d) how many employees or full-time equivalents are assigned to work on this program; (e) were there any outside consultants hired to work on this program, and, if so, what were the details of each contract, including the (i) vendor, (ii) amount, (iii) date, (iv) description of the goods or services provided, including the scope of work; and (f) what performance metrics have Infrastructure Canada and Employment and Social Development Canada used to evaluate the success of this program and how do the results compare?
Q-19502 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) — With regard to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF): what is the breakdown of the religions or denominations that CAF members identify as, in total, and broken down by branch of the CAF, including the number and percentage of CAF members for each?
Q-19512 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) — With regard to the current backlog at Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) related to the designated lines and inquiry options for members of Parliament, broken down by month for the last two years: (a) how many members offices made inquiries about cases; (b) how many cases were represented by the inquiries in (a); (c) what was the average time between when an inquiry was made by a member of Parliament and a decision was made by IRCC; (d) what was the average backlog, either in time spent on hold, or the wait time before an appointment was available for members offices attempting to present cases to IRCC; and (e) what is the current backlog of cases involving inquiries by members of Parliament?
Q-19522 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) — With regard to usage of the government's fleet of Challenger aircraft, since September 1, 2023: what are the details of the legs of each flight, including the (i) date, (ii) point of departure, (iii) destination, (iv) number of passengers, (v) names and titles of the passengers, excluding security or Canadian Armed Forces members, (vi) total catering bill related to the flight, (vii) volume of fuel used, or an estimate, (viii) amount spent on fuel?
Q-19532 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Duncan (Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry) — With regard to Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC): what specific interests and potential conflicts were identified in the ethical disclosures for each member of SDTC’s executive team, broken down by individual?
Q-19542 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Carrie (Oshawa) — With regard to Health Canada’s (HC) approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines: (a) did Pfizer disclose that Process 1 vaccine formula was used during the original trial to obtain their safety and efficacy data while Process 2 was invoked following the Interim Order to massively upscale production of vaccine doses whereby DNA was cloned into a bacterial plasmid vector for amplification in Escherichia coli (E. coli) before linearization with the possibility of potential residual DNA; (b) was HC aware of the quantum of linearized DNA fragments present in each dose of the Pfizer vaccine prior to releasing the vaccine to Canadians, and, if so, what was the amount of acceptable residual DNA per vaccine dose and the method used to measure it; (c) if the response to (b) is negative, has HC since confirmed the quantum of linearized DNA per vaccine dose per mRNA manufacturer, and, if so, what method was used; (d) do the risks of residual DNA meet HC’s standards for transfected foreign DNA; (e) did Pfizer and BioNTech disclose to HC the presence of the Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoter-enhancer-ori used to amplify the production of Spike mRNA in the DNA plasmid used to produce the mRNA; (f) has HC confirmed the presence of SV40 sequences in the Pfizer vaccine, and, if so, is the amount of SV40 within safe limits and how was it tested; (g) if the response to (f) is negative, when and who will conduct the study to confirm the presence of SV40 and by what method; (h) how were contaminants and impurities addressed throughout the regulatory process for both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna products; (i) are further studies planned to investigate how these contaminants and impurities will impact human subjects given transfection for both products, and, if so, who will conduct the investigation and when will it be conducted; (j) is HC considering regulating these products as gene therapy products; and (k) how does HC plan to inform those Canadians who received the mRNA products about the adulteration of these products, specifically SV40 in Pfizer and heightened levels of DNA plasmids in both Pfizer and Moderna products, to ensure fully informed consent?
Q-19552 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Berthold (Mégantic—L'Érable) — With regard to the grocery rebate announcement made by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance at Rabba Fine Foods in early July 2023: (a) did any of the minister’s staff members remove, or request that the store remove, the price tags from the food in the background of the announcement, and, if so, why was this done; and (b) if the answer to (a) is negative, what is the minister’s explanation as to why there were no prices visible in the background of her announcement?
Q-19562 — October 27, 2023 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — With regard to fossil fuel subsidies provided by the government since November 1, 2015: (a) how many new subsidies have been established, broken down by (i) year, (ii) dollar amount, (iii) program; and (b) how many existing subsidies have been repealed, expired, or are no longer funded, broken down by (i) year, (ii) dollar amount, (iii) program?
Q-19572 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Bragdon (Tobique—Mactaquac) — With regard to the October 26, 2023 announcement temporarily pausing the carbon tax on deliveries of heating oil: when the three year pause is completed in November 2026, does the government plan to tax home heating oil at the current carbon tax rate of $65 per tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), or will it be taxed at a higher rate, and, if so, what will that rate be?
Q-19582 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Morantz (Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley) — With regard to the Prime Minister: has the Prime Minister ever received any formal requests from any of the Liberal members of Parliament representing ridings in Manitoba asking that the carbon tax be paused or removed from natural gas or other sources of home heating, and, if so, what are the details, including the (i) requester, (ii) date the request was made, (iii) summary, (iv) Prime Minister's response?
Q-19592 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to the current Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Official Languages: (a) has the minister advocated or taken other action to convince the Prime Minister to remove or pause the carbon tax from natural gas or other sources of home heating; (b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, what are the details, including for each action, the (i) date, (ii) description of the action taken, (iii) response received; and (c) if the answer to (a) is negative, why not?
Q-19602 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Barlow (Foothills) — With regard to the Prime Minister: has the Prime Minister ever received any formal requests from the member for Edmonton Centre or the member for Calgary Skyview asking that the carbon tax be paused or removed from natural gas or other sources of home heating, and, if so, what are the details of the requests, including the (i) requester, (ii) date the request was made, (iii) summary, (iv) Prime Minister's response?
Q-19612 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) — With regard to the replacement of the structure at Rideau Hall known as "the Barn": (a) what were the total expenditures related to the completion of the Barn; (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by the amount spent on (i) labour, (ii) materials, (iii) design, (iv) consultants, (v) other expenses, broken down by type; (c) what are the details of all contracts signed in relation to the project, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) vendor, (iii) amount, (iv) detailed description of what goods or services the vendor provided, including to which part of the construction or design they contributed, (v) manner in which the contract was awarded (sole-sourced, competitive bid); (d) what is the square footage of the new Barn, in total and broken down by each floor and section of the Barn; (e) what are the intended, as well as potential, uses of the Barn; (f) what are the Barn's amenities; (g) how much do each of the Barn's features and amenities cost, broken down by feature or amentiy; (h) for each expenditure related to the Barn, who approved each expenditure; (i) what was the Barn's budget or projected cost when the design was approved in 2019; and (j) how much over budget was the Barn's final cost and what is the explanation for the overage?
Q-19622 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to the processing times for applications submitted to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, as of October 30, 2023: (a) what are the processing times for the temporary programs, broken down by month in 2023 for (i) study permits, (ii) work permits, (iii) temporary residents; and (b) what are the processing times for permanent residency programs, broken down by month in 2023 for (i) privately sponsored refugees, (ii) federal government assisted refugees, (iii) the live-in caregiver program, (iv) the caring for children program, (v) spouses and partners, (vi) children and other family class applicants, (vii) parents and grandparents?
Q-19632 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive (FTHBI) announced by the government in 2019, from September 1, 2019, to date: (a) how many applicants have applied for mortgages through the FTHBI program, broken down by province and municipality; (b) of those applicants, how many have been approved and accepted mortgages through the FTHBI program, broken down by province and municipality; (c) of those applicants in (b), how many approved applicants have been issued the incentive in the form of a shared equity mortgage; (d) what is the total value of incentives (shared equity mortgages) under the program that have been issued, in dollars; (e) for those applicants who have been issued mortgages through the FTHBI, what is the value of each of the mortgage loans; (f) for those applicants who have been issued mortgages through the FTHBI, what is the mean value of the mortgage loan; and (g) what is the total aggregate amount of money lent to home buyers through the FTHBI to date?
Q-19642 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) — With regard to meetings between the government and Trane Technologies or Brookfield Renewable Partners: (a) has the Prime Minister, any cabinet minister, or any ministerial staff had meetings with Trane Technologies or Brookfield Renewable Partners executives or employees, since November 4, 2015, and, if so, how many times; and (b) what are the details of all such meetings including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) names and titles of the attendees, (iii) purpose of the meeting, (iv) location, (v) type of meeting (in person, hybrid, virtual), (vi) agenda items, (vii) costs associated with the meeting, if known?
Q-19652 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Viersen (Peace River—Westlock) — With regard to the government’s decision to deploy Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) equipment and personnel to the Indo-Pacific from March to October 2023: (a) how many CAF personnel were deployed; (b) what other CAF assets were deployed; (c) what is the estimated cost of the deployment; and (d) what is the percentage of time since October 21, 2019, that His Majesty’s Canadian Ships spend patrolling Canadian waters compared to international waters, broken down by ship?
Q-19662 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Davidson (York—Simcoe) — With regard to contracts provided by the government to Trane Technologies or Brookfield Renewable Partners since January 1, 2021, broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation, or other government entity: (a) what is the total amount spent on contracts; and (b) what are the details of all such contracts, including (i) the amount, (ii) the vendor, (iii) the date and duration, (iv) the description of goods or services provided, (v) the specific goals or objectives related to the contract, (vi) whether or not the goals or objectives were met, (vii) whether the contract was sole-sourced or awarded through a competitive bidding process?
Q-19672 — October 30, 2023 — Mr. Kmiec (Calgary Shepard) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada's Express Entry program: how many construction or trades workers have been admitted through the program, broken down by stream, year, and each of the major and minor groups within category 7 of the National Occupational Classification codes (trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations), since 2016?
Q-19682 — November 1, 2023 — Mr. Morrice (Kitchener Centre) — With regard to formal consultations and engagements between the federal government and the provincial and territorial governments or long-term care industry organizations on the Safe Long Term Care Act: (a) what are the details of the discussions or meetings, including, for each, the (i) date and location, (ii) participants, (iii) subject matter discussed, (iv) outcome; (b) do any supporting documents related to these discussions or meetings exist, including, but not limited to, e-mails, briefing notes, memos and reports, and, if so, what are the details of such documents; (c) were any reports or briefs submitted to the federal government by the provincial or territorial governments or long-term care industry organizations, and, if so, what are the details of such documents; and (d) what is the government’s projected timeline for tabling the legislation in Parliament?
Q-19692 — November 1, 2023 — Mr. Perron (Berthier—Maskinongé) — With regard to the Local Food Infrastructure Fund (LFIF): (a) how are organizations that have submitted an application that complies with the program told that their application will not be considered due to a lack of funds and that the evaluation criteria were changed during the program; (b) how is it that on the government website the LFIF program still shows the original criteria, causing other organizations to prepare applications that will not be considered; (c) how and on what criteria was the decision made to allocate resources to certain communities rather than to others; (d) how are funds allocated to the LFIF program distributed, broken down by municipality and by province or territory; (e) why does the government website still show the original criteria, even though organizations are being told by letter that their application will not even be assessed because the criteria have changed; (f) what is the total amount allocated to the program; and (g) are there any plans to replenish these funds so that applications submitted in good faith by organizations can be properly assessed, and, if so, when?
Q-19702 — November 7, 2023 — Mr. Simard (Jonquière) — With regard to the Canada Greener Homes Initiative administered by Natural Resources Canada: (a) for each of the two programs, the Canada Greener Homes Grant and the Canada Greener Homes Loan, what are the (i) eligibility criteria, (ii) total budget allocated for Canadians, broken down by province and territory, (iii) various amounts that can be allocated as grants or loans to install equipment or appliances based on the eligibility criteria; (b) for the Canada Greener Homes Loan program administered by the private Vancouver-based company Intellifi Corporation, what are the actual terms of the service contract entered into with this company, including (i) the tendering process that led to the selection of the company, (ii) the value of the contract and the amounts committed by Natural Resources Canada to the company, (iii) the duration of the contract and the date on which it ends, (iv) an exhaustive description of the company’s responsibilities; and (c) given that Quebec residents submit their applications through the provincial program Rénoclimat, which then forwards them to Natural Resources Canada, and that since spring 2021, only 23% of the 48,000 applications forwarded by Quebec to Natural Resources Canada have been processed, and that Quebec applicants have complained about service efficiency and quality, including follow-up e-mails sent in English only, what resources are dedicated to processing these applications, such as the (i) entities involved in managing the applications, (ii) total number of employees able to process applications in English only, (iii) total number of employees able to process applications in French only, (iv) total number of employees able to process applications in both official languages, (v) total number of applications submitted in each of the two official languages, broken down by year since the program was implemented, (vi) minimum language skills required of employees responsible for processing applications in French, (vii) name and year of the computer operating system used to administer and manage applications eligible for the program, (viii) number of applications processed per quarter and the number of applications, (ix) average number of days it takes to obtain a response for applications in French and applications in English?
Q-19712 — November 8, 2023 — Mr. Brunelle-Duceppe (Lac-Saint-Jean) — With regard to the Canada–Philippines Enhanced Defence Agreement: (a) what progress has been made on the agreement, and has it been signed by both countries; (b) what assessment of the state of human rights in the Philippines was carried out before the agreement was negotiated; (c) does the agreement include conditions for human rights monitoring and, if so, what are these conditions, and are they sine qua non to maintain the agreement between the two countries; (d) what mechanisms allow for the human rights situation to be monitored; (e) will the mechanisms in (d) include the consideration of the agreement by a parliamentary committee with participation from civil society organizations; (f) when will the terms or the wording of the agreement be made public; and (g) how can citizens access information on the programs and funding associated with the agreement?
Q-19722 — November 8, 2023 — Ms. Lantsman (Thornhill) — With regard to the government's response to evidence that Samidoun has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) and other entities that have been recognized by the government as terrorist entities: (a) when did Public Safety Canada (PS) first recognize Samidoun's ties to the PFLP, and what action, if any, has it taken in response to these ties; (b) what action, if any, was taken by PS to respond to events hosted by Samidoun that glorified terrorist and armed militants from the PFLP; (c) does the government recognize that Samidoun has raised money for the PFLP and entities tied to the PFLP, including the Union of Health Work Committees, and, if so, what action has the government taken to stop such financing; (d) has the government taken any action against Samidoun organizers, and, if so, what are the details, including dates of any such action; and (e) has PS examined whether Samidoun has ties to any organizations involved with or which have praised the October 7, 2023, terror attack committed by Hamas, and, if so, what were the findings?
Q-19732 — November 8, 2023 — Ms. Collins (Victoria) — With regard to the commitment in the December 16, 2021, mandate letter for the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to ban thermal coal exports from and through Canada as swiftly as possible, and no later than 2030: (a) what steps has the government taken to advance this commitment, including details and dates of consultations with (i) provinces and territories, (ii) stakeholders and the public; (b) for the years 2015 to 2022, broken down by year, how many tonnes of thermal coal have been exported (i) from, (ii) through, Canada; (c) for the years 2023 to 2030, broken down by year, how many tonnes of thermal coal are projected to be exported (i) from, (ii) through, Canada; and (d) what are the associated greenhouse gas emissions for the thermal coal exports identified in (b) and (c)?
Q-19742 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Brock (Brantford—Brant) — With regard to the fact-finding report prepared for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada by Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton (RCGT) dated September 26, 2023: (a) what are the government expenditures related to the report incurred to date, in total, and broken down by type of expenditure; (b) what are the details of the contract awarded to RCGT in relation to the report, including the (i) date, (ii) amount, (iii) vendor, (iv) start and end date, (v) initial contract value, (vi) current contract value, (vii) scope of the work; and (c) what are the details of any limitations (Cabinet confidence, unavailable records, etc.) faced by RCGT in the fact-finding exercise?
Q-19752 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Zimmer (Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies) — With regard to government support for the lnuvik Wind Project: (a) how much funding has been (i) allocated, (ii) delivered to date, to the project, by the government; (b) how much funding has been (i) allocated, (ii) delivered to date, by other sources, broken down by source (private sector, territorial government, etc.); (c) what is the government estimate on the total costs required to complete the project; and (d) what is the projected timeline for when the project will be completed and producing power?
Q-19762 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Allison (Niagara West) — With regard to Health Canada (HC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC): (a) what do HC and PHAC know about the origins of COVID-19; and (b) how and when was the knowledge in (a) obtained?
Q-19772 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Falk (Provencher) — With regard to the government's requirement during the COVID-19 pandemic that civil servants provide proof of vaccination, broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation or other government entity: what were the total costs associated with implementing the vaccine requirement, broken down by type of cost, including any legal costs or expenses incurred as a result of legal activity (settlements, mediation agreements, etc.)?
Q-19782 — November 16, 2023 — Ms. Rood (Lambton—Kent—Middlesex) — With regard to Farm Credit Canada's (FCC) Indigenous Agriculture and Food section: (a) how many employees or full-time equivalents (FTE) are currently assigned to the section; (b) is the section currently fully-staffed, and, if not, (i) when will it be fully-staffed, (ii) how many employees or FTEs will be assigned to the section once it is fully staffed; (c) what is the projected annual budget for the administration of the section for each of the next three years, in total, and broken down by type of projected expense; (d) broken down by each of the last five years, how many different Indigenous or First Nations (i) farmers, (ii) entrepreneurs (excluding farmers), (iii) economic development corporations, (iv) communities, have received financing from FCC; (e) what was the total amount of financing received in (d); and (f) what is the breakdown of (d) and (e) by province or territory and type of farm or business?
Q-19792 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the $5 billion in funding through the Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements to British Columbia, committed in the 2021 Fall Economic Statement, in response to extreme weather events: (a) how much of this commitment has been delivered to British Columbia to date, in total, and broken down by specific project funded; (b) when will the outstanding amount be delivered; and (c) what is required before the outstanding amount is provided to British Columbia?
Q-19802 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Vis (Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon) — With regard to the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot Program: (a) how are communities chosen for the program; (b) which communities are participating in the program, broken down by province or territory; (c) for each community in (b), how many workers have participated in the program; (d) how does the government quantity the program's level of success; and (e) does the government have any evidence or statistics which demonstrate that the program has measurably reduced labour shortages, and, if so, what is it?
Q-19812 — November 16, 2023 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — With regard to the government's promotion of heat pumps: (a) how many applications for funding through the Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program have been received; (b) of the applications in (a), how many (i) were denied, (ii) were granted, (iii) are still awaiting a decision; (c) how many heat pumps have been installed through the granted applications in (b); (d) what is the breakdown of (a) through (c), by province or territory; (e) how many applications for funding for heat pumps have been received through the Canada Greener Homes Grant; (f) of the applications in (e), how many (i) were denied, (ii) were granted, (iii) are still awaiting a decision; (g) how many heat pumps have been installed through the granted applications in (f); and (h) what is the breakdown of (e) through (g), by province or territory?
Q-19822 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North) — With regard to the Canada Revenue Agency and net worth assessments of individuals, broken down by year since 2015: (a) how many net worth assessments have been done; (b) of the net worth assessments in (a), how much additional taxes have been (i) assessed, (ii) recovered; (c) of the net worth assessments conducted, how many were based on leads from the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada or other government entities which focus on money laundering; and (d) of the net worth assessments in (c), how much additional taxes have been (i) assessed, (ii) recovered?
Q-19832 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Lobb (Huron—Bruce) — With regard to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC): what were the expenditures incurred by NSERC related to the reception on November 1, 2023, titled "Celebrating Excellence: Honouring Canada's Top Natural Sciences and Engineering Researchers", in total, and broken down by item?
Q-19842 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) — With regard to the Climate Action Incentive Payment and the government's plan to increase the rural top-up rate from 10 to 20 percent of the baseline amount starting in April 2024: how will the rate increase be funded, including whether the increase will come from general revenue or from carbon tax revenue?
Q-19852 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) — With regard to the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission’s Broadband Fund: (a) what are the details of all projects approved for mobile connectivity through the fund, including, for each, the (i) recipient, (ii) location, (iii) project description, (iv) number of households that will receive new broadband service, (v) number of households that will receive upgraded broadband service, (vi) amount of funding, (vii) project start and completion dates, (viii) date the project application was received, (ix) date the project was approved; and (b) what is the total amount of funding provided to projects, to date, under the program?
Q-19862 — November 16, 2023 — Mr. Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) — With regard to government funding to, and agreements, with Ducks Unlimited and Ducks Unlimited Canada since November 4, 2015, broken down by department or agency: (a) what are the details of all funding including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) amount, (iii) recipient, (iv) project description or reason for funding, (v) program under which funding was provided; (b) was any of the funding in (a) for the purpose of acquiring land, and, if so, what are the details of those funding agreements and of the related lands, including, for each, the (i) location, (ii) size, (iii) land description; and (c) what are the details of all federal land acquired by Ducks Unlimited or Ducks Unlimited Canada, including, for each, the (i) date of acquisition, (ii) location, (iii) size of land, (iv) land description, (v) amount paid, (vi) summary of terms, (vii) government entity which previously owned the land?
Q-19872 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Carrie (Oshawa) — With regard to direction or advice provided by the government to pathologists or provincial coroners’ offices, since January 1, 2020: (a) has any direction or advice been given regarding the need to perform autopsies related to (i) post-vaccination deaths, (ii) vaccinated persons or children of a vaccinated mother who die of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, respectively, (iii) those vaccinated persons whose cause of death is considered “uncertain”, “unknown” or “undetermined”, (iv) those vaccinated healthy individuals who died suddenly and unexpectedly; (b) for each positive response in (a), what was the date and direction or advice provided; (c) for each negative response in (a), why was no direction or advice provided; (d) has the government provided specific immunohistochemistry (IHC) recommendations or other guidance to provincial coroners’ offices to enable identification (via immunostaining) of the spike protein or the SARSCoV-2 nucleocapsid protein in organ tissues, and, if so, (i) how was this protocol developed, and by whom, (ii) what was the recommendation or guidance; (e) if the answer to (d) is negative, has Health Canada or any federal health agency or organization offered funding to develop said assays; (f) how has the government been differentiating between vaccine-related and vaccine-unrelated deaths; (g) has the government tracked autopsies of persons whose deaths have subsequently been considered as correlated with, or caused by the mRNA vaccines, and, if so, what does the data from the autopsies show; (h) if the answer to (g) is negative, why has this data not been collected; (i) has the government recommended, advised, directed or guided pathologists with respect to staining for spike protein when performing histopathologic examinations of surgical and biopsy specimens from individuals who are alive, and, if so, what advice, direction or guidance was provided; and (j) if the answer to (i) is negative, why was this not done?
Q-19882 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) — With regard to the statement made by Mr. Derek Hermanutz, Director General, Economic Analysis Directorate, for Environment and Climate Change Canada on November 9, 2023, at the Standing Committee of Environment and Sustainable Development that “I think we're probably in a world where we could say with some rough analysis that up to one-third, potentially, of the emission reductions that we're projecting to 2030 would come from carbon pricing,”: (a) what analysis did the government use to produce this projection; (b) has the government made this analysis and emission reduction projection public to Canadians, and, if so, where can Canadians locate it; (c) when was this analysis and projection initially made; (d) what are the titles of the individuals at the executive level or higher who conducted or oversaw the analysis in (c); and (e) does the government measure the annual amount of emissions that are directly reduced from federal carbon pricing, and, if so, (i) how is it measured, (ii) what is the amount of emissions that have been reduced in Canada directly and specifically from federal carbon pricing, broken down by year?
Q-19892 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) — With regard to the Ministers' Regional Office (MRO) in Toronto, between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2022: (a) what were the total expenditures related to hosting or attending videoconferences at the MRO in Toronto, broken down by year; (b) what is the breakdown of the expenditures by videoconference, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) name and title of the minister or other individual hosting, (iii) purpose of the meeting, (iv) total expenditures, (v) breakdown of expenditures by type (audio-visual costs, Zoom fees, catering, etc.), (vi) number and titles of attendees, broken down by those at the MRO in Toronto versus those participating from another location?
Q-19902 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Muys (Flamborough—Glanbrook) — With regard to government contracts signed with DALIAN Enterprises since November 4, 2015, broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation, or other government entity: (a) what are the details of all such contracts, including, for each, the (i) date signed, (ii) value, (iii) start and end date of the work, (iv) detailed description of the goods or services, (v) details on how the contract was awarded (sole-sourced, competitive bid), (vi) titles of officials who approved or signed off on the contract; and (b) for each contract in (a), what is the current status, including if any aspects of the contract remain open, or if the contract has been completed and settled?
Q-19912 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) — With regard to the $150,000,000 write-off by the Public Health Agency of Canada listed in Volume Ill of the 2023 Public Accounts of Canada for an "unfulfilled contract by a vendor": (a) who was the vendor; (b) what part of the contract was unfulfilled; (c) what is the reason the vendor gave for not fulfilling the contract; (d) was the contract awarded through a sole-source or competitive bid process; and (e) does the vendor have any connections, or have its executives made any donations, known by the government, to the Liberal Party of Canada, or to any Liberal members of Parliament, and, if so, what are the details?
Q-19922 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) — With regard to section 3.32 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development's report “Hydrogen's Potential to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions”: why did Natural Resources Canada not factor in the modelling how (i) the supply of hydrogen and associated costs that would be deployed to meet the projected demand, (ii) the existing grid and infrastructure could accommodate electrification ambitions, as well as hydrogen production from renewable generation?
Q-19932 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Dowdall (Simcoe—Grey) — With regard to exhibit 3.2 in the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development's report "Hydrogen's Potential to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions": (a) in reference to the near-term phase, what are the total cost projections and current costs of the (i) development of new hydrogen supply and distribution infrastructure and mature market application, (ii) launching of pilot projects in regional hubs, including pre-commercial applications for heavy-duty trucks, transport equipment for seaport goods, power generation, heat for buildings, and industrial feedstock, (iii) development and implementation of additional policy and regulatory measures needed to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050; (b) in reference to the mid-term phase, what are the total cost projections and current costs of the (i) addition of new regional hubs, (ii) rapid expansion of adoption of fuel cell electric vehicles and transit buses, (iii) increase in new and large­scale hydrogen production, to be commercialized in regional hubs, to enable hydrogen and natural gas blending for industry and as feedstock for chemical production; and (c) in reference to the long-term phase, what are the total cost projections and current costs of (i) an increase of new commercial applications supported by supply and distribution infrastructure, (ii) the commercial launch and rapid expansion of new ways to use hydrogen in transportation, (iii) building of more dedicated hydrogen pipelines, (iv) an increase in the supply of low-carbon intensity hydrogen throughout Canada, allowing heavy-emitting industries to adapt operations to decrease carbon emissions, (v) increased production of hydrogen, which could also position Canada as a large scale exporter of hydrogen?
Q-19942 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Barlow (Foothills) — With regard to the targets outlined in the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Clean Air, Strong Economy, since January 1, 2022: (a) what are the projected (i) job losses in Canada, broken down by province, (ii) loss of investment within Canada from entities from other countries, (iii) costs for the treasury to convert to carbon neutral, as a result of the government's plan to achieve the targets; and (b) what are the realized (i) job losses in Canada, broken down by province, (ii) loss of investment within Canada from entities from other countries, (iii) costs for the treasury to convert to carbon neutral, to date, resulting from the government's plant to achieve the target?
Q-19952 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Mazier (Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa) — With regard to meetings and tours attended by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change: (a) how many meetings or tours attended by the minister were located on farms, since October 26, 2021; and (b) what are the details of each meeting or tour in (a), including the (i) date, (ii) category and type of farm, (iii) province or territory in which the farm was located, (iv) event description or the purpose of the minister’s attendance?
Q-19962 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to the Canada Student Financial Assistance Program, broken down by month since November 2015: (a) how many borrowers have defaulted on their student loans; (b) of the borrowers in (a), what was the number of borrowers holding debt (i) under $10,000, (ii) between $10,000 and $20,000, (iii) between $20,000 and $30,000, (iv) between $30,000 and $40,000, (v) between $40,000 and $50,000, (vi) between $50,000 and $75,000, (vii) between $75,000 and $100,000, (viii) more than $100,000; and (c) of the borrowers in (a), how many identified as (i) a person living with a disability, (ii) First Nations, Inuit, or Métis, (iii) living with dependents, (iv) women?
Q-19972 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Desjarlais (Edmonton Griesbach) — With regard to the repayment of Canada Student loans, broken down by month since November 2015: (a) how many borrowers applied for financial hardship provisions; (b) of the applications in (a), how many were (i) approved, (ii) not approved; (c) how many defaulted loans were transferred to the Canada Revenue Agency for the purpose recovery actions; and (d) of the recovery actions in (c), how many borrowers saw reductions to their (i) GST rebate, (ii) Canada Child Benefit, (iii) Canada Disability Benefit, (iv) climate action incentive payment, (v) COVID-19 benefits, or (vi) individual tax returns?
Q-19982 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Maguire (Brandon—Souris) — With regard to the meeting between the office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the Mayor of Swan River, Manitoba, referred to in the government’s response to petition 441-01673: (a) what was the (i) date, (ii) time, (iii) location, of the meeting; (b) what were the titles of all attendees representing the government who attended the meeting; (c) why was the meeting initiated; (d) what were the outcomes of the meeting; (e) were there any presentations or briefing materials provided during, or in advance of the meeting, by the government; and (f) did the representatives in (b) take any notes during the meeting?
Q-19992 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Davidson (York—Simcoe) — With regard to memorandums or directives provided to government officials related to the conducting of background checks on visa applicants, since January 1, 2019: what are the details of all such memorandums or directives, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) sender, (iii) recipients, (iv) type of documents, (v) title, (vi) details of the directive provided, if applicable, including which categories of visa applicants are subject to the directive?
Q-20002 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Hoback (Prince Albert) — With regard to the government's projections related to hydrogen production in Canada: (a) what are the government's current projections for production for the year (i) 2025, (ii) 2030, (iii) 2035, (iv) 2050; and (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by (i) grey, (ii) blue, (iii) green, hydrogen?
Q-20012 — November 20, 2023 — Mr. Hoback (Prince Albert) — With regard to section 3.56 of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development's report entitled "Hydrogen's Potential to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions": of the models referred to in the section, what specific models were used and what were the conclusions of each model?
Q-20022 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Barrett (Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes) — With regard to government contracts signed with GCstrategies since November 4, 2015, and broken down by department, agency, Crown corporation, or other government entity: (a) what are the details of all such contracts, including, for each, the (i) date signed, (ii) value, (iii) start and end date of the work, (iv) detailed description of the goods or services, (v) details on how the contract was awarded (sole-sourced, competitive bid), (vi) titles of officials who approved or signed off on the contract; and (b) for each contract in (a), what is the current status, including if any aspects of the contract remain open, or if the contract has been completed and settled?
Q-20032 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Melillo (Kenora) — With regard to bonuses paid out to government officials in the 2022-23 fiscal year, broken down by department or agency: (a) what was the total amount paid out in bonuses; and (b) how many and what percentage of officials (i) at or above, (ii) below, the executive (EX) level (or equivalent), received bonuses?
Q-2004 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Allison (Niagara West) — With regard to requests made by CBC/Radio-Canada to social media companies to take down, edit, ban, or change in any other way social media content, posts, or accounts, since January 1, 2020: what are the details of all such requests, including (i) who made the request, (ii) the date, (iii) the social media platform, (iv) the description of the original content including the name or the handle associated with the post, (v) the description of the change requested, (vi) whether the social media company abided by the request?
Q-20052 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the Parliamentary Budget Officer's analysis of the Supplementary Estimates (B), 2023-24: what is the breakdown of the $500 million that is being frozen across 68 organizations to achieve the reductions in 2023-24, by organization and by object code?
Q-20062 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the events attended in Toronto on September 22, 2023, by the Prime Minister with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, broken down by event: (a) how were the attendees chosen; (b) who vetted the attendees; (c) what process was used to vet the attendees; (d) how many people were in attendance; and (e) what were the costs associated for each event, broken down by item?
Q-20072 — November 21, 2023 — Mr. Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) — With regard to the $669,650 contract awarded to KPMG to provide advice on how to save money on consultants: (a) what advice did KPMG provide to the government; and (b) does the government consider the advice to be worth $669,650?
Q-20082 — November 21, 2023 — Ms. Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) — With regard to the surveillance infrastructure for tuberculosis (TB): (a) since 2015, broken down by province, what was the incidence of TB in Canada generally, and for First Nations, Inuit and Métis in Canada; (b) what date will the government publish the next Tuberculosis in Canada report; (c) how does Health Canada, the Public Health Agency of Canada, Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada, and Indigenous Services Canada collaborate with the recommendations outlined in the TB in Canada report; (d) what are the demographic criteria included in Canada’s TB surveillance system to appropriately disaggregate data to identify gaps in care and is this disaggregated data shared with provincial health departments; (e) how much funding is dedicated to Canada's TB surveillance system and dissemination strategy, including the launch of the TB in Canada report; (f) what is the average response time between when a TB outbreak is declared by a public health authority, and when that data is reflected in the national TB surveillance system; and (g) what steps is the Public Health Agency of Canada taking to ensure that the recommendations of the Pan-Canadian Health Data Strategy are implemented for tuberculosis data?
Q-20092 — November 21, 2023 — Ms. Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) — With regard to Indigenous Services Canada's monitoring of access to clean drinking water on reserve, broken down by province: (a) how many First Nations reserves do not have a community-based drinking water quality monitor; and (b) what percentage do not have a back-up or alternate?
Q-20102 — November 21, 2023 — Ms. Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) — With regard to the utilization of the Canadian small business tax rate by oil and gas companies: (a) how many oil and gas companies, broken down by their primary line of business, such as upstream exploration and production, midstream transportation and storage, downstream refining and distribution, and others, have claimed the small business tax rate, in each of the last five fiscal years; (b) what percentage does this represent of all oil and gas companies operating within the country; (c) what is the total amount of tax revenue received from oil and gas companies that claimed the small business tax rate, in each of the last five fiscal years; (d) how does the amount of oil and gas companies claiming the small business tax rate compare to agriculture and forestry, both in number and as a percentage of total companies in the respective sector; (e) are there any mechanisms or audits in place to ensure that larger oil and gas entities are not creating smaller subsidiaries primarily to benefit from the small business tax rate, and, if so, how many audits or investigations related to this issue in the oil and gas sector have been initiated in the past five fiscal years; and (f) broken down by province, where are the oil and gas companies claiming the small business tax rate primarily operating?
Q-20112 — November 22, 2023 — Mr. Redekopp (Saskatoon West) — With regard to government responses to document production orders adopted by the House of Commons and its committees: (a) does the government acknowledge the authority of the House and its committees to compel the production of documents through the power to send for papers and records; (b) does the "suggested key messages" briefed to the Office of the Deputy Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship by departmental officials, on May 2, 2022, that "Parliamentary committees may request documents from the government, but the government is of the view that they cannot compel their disclosure" represent the government's official position, and, if not, what is the government's official position; (c) if the answer to (b) is negative, what remedial action has been taken to ensure that the Department of Citizenship and Immigration is correctly informed about the House's constitutional authority to compel the production of documents; (d) are the key messages prepared for an assistant deputy minister of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration on April 28, 2022, for a briefing to be provided to the deputy minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, specifically that "even in the face of an order from the House of Commons, it remains open to protect personal information from disclosure if ministers wish to do so" reflective of the government's official position; (e) if the answer to (d) is negative, what remedial action has been taken to ensure that the department is correctly informed about ministers' authority to override orders of the House and its committees; and (f) is it the position of the government that ministers have any discretionary authorities to redact documents ordered by the House or its committees to be produced, and, if so, on what grounds and lawful authority may orders of the House and its committees be overridden "if ministers wish to do so"?
Q-20122 — November 22, 2023 — Mr. Patzer (Cypress Hills—Grasslands) — With regard to the ArriveCAN application: (a) how many employees were assigned to work on ArriveCAN, broken down by year and by executive level versus non-executive level; (b) broken down by each component in (a), how many and what percentage of those employees received bonuses; (c) what was the total amount paid in bonuses each year to employees that worked on ArriveCAN; and (d) what is the breakdown of (c) by executive level versus non-executive level?
Q-20132 — November 22, 2023 — Mr. Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) — With regard to government information about housing: (a) how many non-primary residences are located within the greater area of (i) Edmonton, (ii) Vancouver, (iii) Calgary, (iv) Toronto, (v) Montréal; (b) of the residences in (a), how many are owned by (i) Canadian residents, (ii) non-residents; (c) what is the breakdown of (a) and (b) by vacant units versus occupied units; and (d) what is the breakdown of (a) by type of owner (foreign individual, domestic corporation, etc.)?
Q-20142 — November 22, 2023 — Mr. Aboultaif (Edmonton Manning) — With regard to Nutrition North Canada (NNC), broken down by year since January 1, 2016: (a) what was the total amount of funding committed through the (i) NNC retail subsidy, (ii) harvesters support grant program; (b) what was the total amount of funding paid out through the (i) NNC retail subsidy, (ii) harvesters support grant program, for each year; (c) how much of the $163.4 million committed in budget 2021 to expand NNC has been delivered to date; and (d) what is the itemized breakdown of how the money in (c) was spent?
Q-20152 — November 22, 2023 — Mrs. Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) — With regard to the usage of the government's Hercules aircraft since January 1, 2016, excluding flights into war or conflict zones: what are the details of the legs of each flight which included the Prime Minister or other ministers as passengers, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) point of departure, (iii) destination, (iv) number of passengers, (v) names and titles of the passengers, excluding security or Canadian Armed Forces members, (vi) total catering bill related to the flight, (vii) volume of fuel used, or an estimate, (viii) amount spent on fuel?
Q-20162 — November 22, 2023 — Mrs. Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) — With regard to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and the October 6, 2023 directive for CAF reconstitution from the Chief of the Defence Staff and the deputy minister: (a) how many and what percentage of CAF members are considered non-essential; (b) how many and what percentage of those considered non-essential have been ordered to "temporarily cease activities" to focus on the reconstitution order; (c) what is the breakdown of how many CAF members have been reassigned to focus on the reconstitution order by the unit or squadron they were with; and (d) what are the details of each analysis conducted, including timelines, findings, and number of personnel involved, related to the part of the directive stating that "Before reductions in staffing processes and/or the ceasing of activities and tasks that do not directly contribute to CAF reconstitution efforts, an analysis shall be conducted to determine the impacts on Public Service processes and activities, and solutions will be devised in collaboration with ADM(HR-Civ) to mitigate negative second and third order effects"?
Q-20172 — November 22, 2023 — Mr. Dreeshen (Red Deer—Mountain View) — With regard to the orders in council adopted since November 4, 2015: (a) how many orders in council have not been published on the Privy Council Office website; and (b) with respect to each order in council not published, (i) what is the number assigned to it, (ii) what is the date on which it was adopted, (iii) who was the minister who gave the recommendation to adopt it, (iv) which departments, agencies or Crown corporations did it concern, (v) what is its subject-matter, (vi) did it enact regulations exempted from examination, publication or registration under the Statutory Instruments Act?
Q-20182 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. Ruff (Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound) — With regard to Old Age Security (OAS), for the 2022 tax year: (a) how many OAS payment recipients were not residents of Canada for tax purposes; and (b) how much was paid out in OAS payments to the recipients in (a)?
Q-20192 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. Melillo (Kenora) — With regard to the Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario (FedNor), since August 12, 2021: what are the details of all contracts over $1,000 awarded by FedNor, including, for each, the (i) vendor, (ii) vendor location, including the postal code, the municipality and the province, (iii) value, (iv) economic object code, (v) description of the goods and services, including the volume, if applicable (vi) date the contract was signed, (vii) start and end date?
Q-20202 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. Melillo (Kenora) — With regard to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act Action Plan 2023-2028: (a) what is the date each measure will (i) begin to be implemented, (ii) be fully implemented; and (b) for each measure in (a) where implementation dates are not available, why are dates not available?
Q-20212 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. Deltell (Louis-Saint-Laurent) — With regard to legal services and the Department of Justice: (a) what are the total legal costs incurred by the government for the case of Responsible Plastic Use Coalition v. Canada (Environment and Climate Change); and (b) what is the breakdown of the costs?
Q-20222 — November 24, 2023 — Mrs. Wagantall (Yorkton—Melville) — With regard to the government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic: (a) has the government commissioned, contracted, or otherwise obtained the services of Dr. Mark Walport, the former Government Chief Scientific Adviser in the United Kingdom, to examine the Government of Canada's response to the COVID-19 pandemic; (b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, (i) what are Dr. Walport's mandate and terms of reference, (ii) when did Dr. Walport begin his work, (iii) when will Dr. Walport issue an interim report, (iv) when will Dr. Walport issue a final report, (v) what is the value of the contract or other renumeration that Dr. Walport has received or will receive from the government for his work, (vi) why has the government not yet made any public announcement about obtaining Dr. Walport's services?
Q-20232 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. Webber (Calgary Confederation) — With regard to preparations made by the government for witnesses representing any department, agencies, or Crown corporation, including ministers, who appeared or were scheduled to appear before parliamentary committees during the current Parliament: (a) were any off-site meetings or retreats held for that purpose or where committee preparations occurred in any way; (b) if the answer to (a) is affirmative, what are the (i) dates, (ii) locations, (iii) list of attendees, (iv) scheduled date and subject of related committee meeting, (v) name of the committee, for each; (c) what were the expenditures related to each such meeting or retreat in total and broken down by item; (d) what are the details of any contracts signed in relation to such meetings, retreats, or preparations, including any contracts with consultants who were involved with the preparations in any way, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) vendor, (iii) amount, (iv) description of the goods or services, (v) location, if applicable, (vi) date and name of the related committee meeting or scheduled committee meeting?
Q-20242 — November 24, 2023 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to the $43,463,029 on page 133 of the Public Accounts of Canada 2023 Volume 3 related to the P.C. 2020-304, May 5, 2020, Certain Goods Remission Order: (a) what is the breakdown of the $43,463,029 by the type of goods which had their duties, tariffs or import costs reduced; and (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by country where the goods originated?
Q-20252 — November 27, 2023 — Mr. Seeback (Dufferin—Caledon) — With regard to the $26 million for defending the Canadian softwood lumber industry in both the 2023-24 and 2024-25 fiscal years, as laid out in budget 2023: what is the itemized breakdown of how this funding has been spent to date, and will be spent, including who has received or will be receiving the funding and how much each recipient has received or will be receiving?
Q-20262 — November 27, 2023 — Mr. Tolmie (Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan) — With regard to meetings hosted or held by executives from Crown corporations which occurred at off­site locations, such as resorts or conference centres, since January 1, 2016, broken down by year: what are the details of each such meeting, including the (i) date, (ii) location, including the address, (iii) name of the venue, (iv) purpose of the meeting, (v) list of attendees, (vi) total expenditures relating to the meeting, (vii) itemized breakdown of the expenditures?
Q-20272 — November 27, 2023 — Ms. Ashton (Churchill—Keewatinook Aski) — With regard to the effective tax rate paid by high-income individuals and businesses: (a) from 2015 to 2023, what was the effective tax rate paid by those making above (i) 1 million, (ii) 2 million, (ii) 5 million, CAD; (b) what was the average effective tax rate paid by the top (i) 1%, (ii) 0.1%, (iii) 0.01%, of income earners from 2015 to 2023; and (c) what was the effective capital gains tax rate of the top (i) 1%, (ii) 0.1%, (iii) 0.01%, of capital gains earners from 2015 to 2023?
Q-20282 — November 27, 2023 — Mr. Chambers (Simcoe North) — With regard to the Bank of Canada's (BOC) digital Canadian dollar consultation: (a) what are the details of all memorandums or briefing notes that have been sent from or received by the BOC in relation to the topic, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) type of document, (iii) sender, (iv) recipient, (v) title, (vi) file number; (b) what are the details of all studies the BOC has done since 2016 related to the topic, including, for each, (i) the date, (ii) the methodology, (iii) who conducted the study, (iv) the results; and (c) what (i) was the input received, (ii) were the overall findings, from the digital Canadian dollar consultation, which occurred from May 8 to June 19, 2023?
Q-20292 — November 27, 2023 — Mr. Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) — With regard to the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry's trip to Japan in November 2022: (a) what was the minister's detailed itinerary on the trip; and (b) what are the details of all meetings or tours attended by the minister during the trip, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) time, (iii) location, (iv) list of attendees, including the organization represented by each attendee, (v) agenda items, (vi) topics discussed and decisions made?
Q-20302 — November 27, 2023 — Mr. Perkins (South Shore—St. Margarets) — With regard to the Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry's trip to the United Kingdom to attend the Al Safety Summit 2023: (a) what was the minister's detailed itinerary on the trip; and (b) what are the details of all meetings or tours attended by the minister during the trip, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) time, (iii) location, (iv) list of attendees, including the organization represented by each attendee, (v) agenda items, (vi) topics discussed and decisions made?
Q-20312 — November 27, 2023 — Mrs. Vecchio (Elgin—Middlesex—London) — With regard to the government and Gender-Based Analysis Plus (GBA+): what were the results of the GBA+ analysis and the subsequent actions taken for (i) Bill C-75, An Act to amend the Criminal Code, the Youth Criminal Justice Act and other Acts and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, (ii) Bill C-48, An Act to amend the Criminal Code (bail reform), (iii) Bill C-9, An Act to amend the Judges Act, (iv) Bill C-5, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act?
Q-20322 — November 27, 2023 — Mrs. Gray (Kelowna—Lake Country) — With regard to expenditures related to the cabinet retreat which took place in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, from August 21 to 23, 2023, including expenses incurred by the Privy Council Office as well as by other departments or agencies, and including travel expenses incurred by ministers, ministerial staff, and others: (a) what are the total expenditures related to the retreat incurred to date; (b) what is the breakdown of the expenditures by type of expense (accommodation, hospitality, audio-visual, etc.); and (c) what are the details of all expenditures in excess of $1,000, including, for each, the (i) amount, (ii) vendor, (iii) description of the goods or services provided; and (d) what are the details of all travel expenses incurred by ministers and their staff, broken down by individual, including, for each, (i) the title, (ii) the amount spent on airfare, (iii) the amount spent on other transportation, (iv) the amount spent on accommodation, (v) the hotel or venue name, (vi) the amount spent on meals or per diems, (vii) other expenses, broken down by type?
Q-20332 — November 28, 2023 — Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — With regard to departments and agencies lowering performance targets in order to claim that more targets are being met: (a) which targets have been lowered, or otherwise adjusted in a manner to make it easier to meet, since 2016; and (b) for each target in (a), (i) on what date was it adjusted, (ii) what was the previous target, (iii) what is the new target, (iv) what is the rationale for adjusting the target?
Q-20342 — November 28, 2023 — Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — With regard to podcasts sponsored by government departments or agencies, since January 1, 2016: what are the details of all such sponsorship agreements, including, for each, the (i) name of the podcast, (ii) subject matter, (iii) date the sponsorship began, (iv) date the sponsorship ended, if the agreement has concluded, (v) total amount paid to date, (vi) terms of the sponsorship, if the agreement is still in effect?
Q-20352 — November 28, 2023 — Mr. Moore (Fundy Royal) — With regard to podcasts run by government departments or agencies, since January 1, 2016: (a) what are the details of each such podcast, including the (i) name of the podcast, (ii) subject matter, (iii) date the podcast started, (iv) uploading schedule or how often new episodes are uploaded, (v) number of employees or full-time equivalents assigned to the podcast, (vi) expenditures to date related to the podcast, in total and broken down by type; and (b) what are the details of any contracts signed by the government related to the podcasts, including the (i) vendor, (ii) value, (iii) date, (iv) description of the goods or services provided?
Q-20362 — November 28, 2023 — Mr. Warkentin (Grande Prairie—Mackenzie) — With regard to claims by the Prime Minister that senators appointed by him are independent: (a) what are the details of all messages sent by the Prime Minister, any minister, or any ministerial staff to Senator Marc Gold since January 1, 2023, including, for each, the (i) sender (ii) type of message (e-mail, text, letter), (iii) title, (iv) summary of the contents, (v) date; (b) what are the details of all government meetings where Senator Gold was invited, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) meeting title, (iii) names and titles of invitees, (iv) location; and (c) has Senator Gold ever been invited to any cabinet meetings, and, if so, how many?
Q-20372 — November 28, 2023 — Mr. Kurek (Battle River—Crowfoot) — With regard to the new passport's development, design, production, and distribution: (a) other than the $284 million contract with the Canadian Bank Note Company, were any other contracts awarded related to the passport, and, if so, what are the details of each, including the (i) vendor, (ii) value, (iii) date, (iv) description of the goods or services provided, (v) manner in which the contract was awarded (competitive bid, sole-sourced)?
Q-20382 — November 29, 2023 — Mrs. Stubbs (Lakeland) — With regard to the comments by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on November 8, 2023, that "tens of thousands of people across the Prairies are getting the chance to replace their home heating oil": what is the breakdown of the number of homes on the Prairies that currently use home heating oil, broken down by each of the Prairie provinces?
Q-20392 — November 29, 2023 — Mr. Ellis (Cumberland—Colchester) — With regard to the figure in the Fall Economic Statement 2023 showing that 14,480 children in Nova Scotia have been helped by Canada Dental Benefit payments: (a) what is the breakdown of the ages of these children; (b) how many of the 14,480 children were eligible for Nova Scotia's Children's Oral Health Program for those age 14 and younger; (c) of the 14,480 children, how many received benefits (i) through both the federal and Nova Scotia benefits, (ii) only through the federal benefits, (iii) only through the Nova Scotia benefits; and (d) are parents of those under 14 eligible to receive benefits through both programs for the same procedure, and, if so, what is the priority for which benefits get used first?
Q-20402 — November 29, 2023 — Ms. Lantsman (Thornhill) — With regard to the grant of approximately $133,800 that the government provided to the Community Media Advocacy Centre (CMAC) and Laith Marouf: (a) how much of the $120,000 paid out through the grant contract has been recovered to date and when was the money recovered; (b) if the money hasn't been recovered, what is the government's plan to recover the money, and by what date will the money be recovered; (c) has the government examined any "anti-racism" training provided or developed by Marouf or the CMAC in relation to the grant for anti-Semitic elements, and, if so, what were the results; (d) what specific actions, if any, has the government taken to correct any harm caused by any anti­Semitism which was promoted through this grant by the CMAC or Marouf; and (e) what curriculum or training materials were developed in relation to the grant?
Q-20412 — November 29, 2023 — Mrs. Kramp-Neuman (Hastings—Lennox and Addington) — With regard to the comments from Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) Vice-Admiral Angus Topshee that the Navy is in a critical state: (a) what specific elements of the RCN does the government admit are in a critical state; and (b) for each element in (a), (i) how long has it been in a critical state, (ii) what specific action, if any, has the government taken over the past five years to improve the state of the element, (iii) by what date will the situation improve so that that element is no longer in a critical state?
Q-20422 — November 30, 2023 — Ms. Rempel Garner (Calgary Nose Hill) — With regard to the Decompression Program pilot project for front-line staff at Health Canada and the Public Health Agency of Canada: (a) when did the program begin; (b) is it still a pilot project, or is it a permanent program; (c) what has been the overall cost of the program since its inception; (d) what are the yearly operating costs; (e) what does the curriculum consist of; (f) how many employees have participated in the decompression, in total and broken down by branch and level (EX, AS, etc.); (g) what is the breakdown of (f) by year, including 2023 to date; (h) what is the qualification criteria to participate in the program; (i) what is the qualification and application process; (j) how long is the decompression program; (k) are employees permitted to enter the program multiple times, and, if so, how often are they permitted to enter the program; and (l) is the pilot project being expanded to other departments or agencies, and, if so, what are the details of the expansion?
Q-20432 — November 30, 2023 — Mrs. Goodridge (Fort McMurray—Cold Lake) — With regard to the government's Substance Use and Addictions Program and the funding of London InterCommunity Health Centre (LIHC) program: (a) what criteria has the government established to measure the success of the LIHC program, and are these success criteria being met; (b) how frequently does the government receive updates or reports from the LIHC regarding its performance and success in meeting the specified criteria; (c) what is the government’s explanation for why the number of overdoses increased following the implementation of the program; (d) what is the government’s explanation for why opioid-related deaths and hospitalizations are greater in the Middlesex—London area compared to the rest of Ontario; (e) is the government studying or assessing the diversion of drugs from the LIHC program; (f) what measures are being taken to prevent the diversion of drugs from the LIHC program; and (g) how is the government educating the public about the harms of diversion?
Q-20442 — December 1, 2023 — Mrs. Roberts (King—Vaughan) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and the Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP): (a) how many refugees have entered Canada, in total and broken down by refugee program, each year since 2016; (b) what were the total expenditures through the RAP each year since 2016; (c) what is the breakdown of (b) by year and refugee program; and (d) what is the breakdown of (b) and (c) by type of spending or allowance?
Q-20452 — December 1, 2023 — Mr. Shipley (Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte) — With regard to Correctional Service Canada (CSC), in total and broken down by year since 2016: (a) how many times has CSC overridden an inmate's security level in relation to the security level cut-off scores in the Custody Rating Scale; (b) of the instances in (a), how many times was the level of custody overridden to be (i) lower, (ii) higher, than cut-off scores; (c) what is the breakdown of (a) by security level overridden from and to (minimum security to maximum security, maximum security to medium security, etc.); and (d) of the inmates who were classified as (i) dangerous offenders, (ii) high-profile offenders, (iii) multiple murderers, how many had their security level overridden to a lower classification?
Q-20462 — December 1, 2023 — Mr. Soroka (Yellowhead) — With regard to the Canada Revenue Agency's (CRA) approach to carousel schemes and other GST/HST fraud, broken down by year since 2018: (a) what is the CRA's estimate on the amount of unwarranted payments it has paid out through GST/HST fraud; (b) of the amount in (a), how much does it estimate involved carousel schemes; (c) how much of the money paid out in (a) and (b) has been recovered to date; (d) how much of the money paid out in (a) and (b) does the CRA expect to recover; (e) what is the breakdown of where the fraudulent companies were located; and (f) what is the breakdown of the countries where the bank account into which the unwarranted payments were transferred to or cashed from?
Q-20472 — December 1, 2023 — Mr. McCauley (Edmonton West) — With regard to the approximately $150 million and other contracts paid by the government to SNC-Lavalin for field hospitals: (a) what are the details of each time field hospitals have been used to date, including, for each, the (i) dates the hospitals were used, (ii) location, (iii) number of patients seen, (iv) types of services offered in the field hospitals; (b) has any of the equipment or supplies for the field hospital expired or needed to be replaced, and, if so, what are the details, including, for each, (i) the type of equipment or supplies, (ii) the date of expiration, (iii) whether the item was replaced, (iv) the date of the replacement, if applicable, (v) the replacement cost; (c) what is the current status and location of the field hospitals; and (d) what are the details of all contracts signed to date, other than the $150 million contract with SNC-Lavalin related to the hospitals, including any contracts to replace expired supplies equipment, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) vendor, (iii) value, (iv) description of the goods or services, (v) manner in which the contract was awarded (sole-sourced, competitive bid)?
Q-20482 — December 1, 2023 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to funding provided by the government to the United Nations and other international organizations for the purpose of fighting climate change since January 1, 2016, and broken down by year: (a) what was the total amount spent; (b) what are the details of each funding agreement, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) recipient, (iii) purpose of the funding, (iv) amount of the funding; and (c) for each funding agreement in (b), (i) what has the government done to ensure that the money was spent appropriately, (ii) has an audit been conducted, and, if so, what were the findings?
Q-20492 — December 1, 2023 — Mr. Garon (Mirabel) — With regard to recreational boating schools in Quebec accredited under Transport Canada’s TP-15136 standard: how many schools are currently accredited in Quebec, what are the names of these schools and in what municipalities are they located?
Q-20502 — December 4, 2023 — Mr. Leslie (Portage—Lisgar) — With regard to the purchase of zero-emission vehicles by the government, since January 1, 2016, broken down by year, and by department, agency, Crown corporation, or any other government entity: (a) how many zero-emission vehicles have been purchased in total, broken down by make and model; (b) what was the total cost of purchasing the vehicles; (c) what was the average cost per vehicle, overall and broken down by make and model; (d) of the vehicles in (a), how many are (i) still in service, (ii) no longer in service; (e) of the vehicles that are no longer in service, how many have been sold; and (f) of the vehicles sold, what was the average sale price, overall, and broken down by make and model?
Q-20512 — December 4, 2023 — Ms. Blaney (North Island—Powell River) — With regard to Veterans Affairs Canada: what was the amount and percentage of all lapsed spending in the department, broken down by fiscal year since 2012-13 to present?
Q-20522 — December 4, 2023 — Mr. Jeneroux (Edmonton Riverbend) — With regard to Health Canada's (HC) July 18, 2023, approval of Zonnic flavoured nicotine pouches: (a) did the Minister of Health or anyone in the minister's office sign-off on the product's approval, and, if not, what was the highest level official at HC who signed-off on the product's approval; (b) what are the details of all memorandums or briefing notes sent or received since January 1, 2023, which mention the product or the application, including, for each, the (i) date, (ii) sender, (iii) recipient, (iv) type of document, (v) title, (vi) file number; and (c) does the Minister of Health or the minister's office receive lists of products which HC is about to approve, and, if so, on what date were they received?
Q-20532 — December 4, 2023 — Mr. Baldinelli (Niagara Falls) — With regard to expenditures on accommodations by the government, broken down by department or agency, and by year since January 1, 2016: (a) what were the total expenditures on (i) Airbnb, (ii) Vrbo, rentals; and (b) how many different purchases or rentals do the amounts in (a) represent?
Q-20542 — December 4, 2023 — Mr. Lobb (Huron—Bruce) — With regard to the High Frequency Rail project and the final report expected in late 2023 to inform government decisions on opportunities to enhance rail service in Southwestern Ontario: (a) is the final report complete, and, if so, what is the website address where the report can be found; and (b) if the final report is not yet complete, when will it be, and what is the reason it was not ready in late 2023?
Q-20552 — December 4, 2023 — Mr. Redekopp (Saskatoon West) — With regard to Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and media reports that medical doctors have been denied permanent residency due to factors including their age and marital status: (a) since January 1, 2016, and broken down by year, how many medical doctors’ applications for permanent residency have been denied; and (b) what is the breakdown of (a) by the (i) reason their application was denied, (ii) country of origin, (iii) age range, (iv) marital status?
Q-20562 — December 5, 2023 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to the awarding of the $8.9 million ArriveCan sole-sourced contract to GC Strategies: who (i) signed, (ii) authorized, the contract?
Q-20572 — December 5, 2023 — Mr. Albas (Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola) — With regard to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance's involvement in the World Economic Forum (WEF): (a) is the minister still a member of the WEF's board of trustees, and, if not, why is she no longer a board member and on what date did the minister cease to be a board member; and (b) if the minister resigned from the board, what was the reason for the resignation?
Q-20582 — December 5, 2023 — Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) — With regard to Crown-Indigenous relations: (a) what (i) criteria, (ii) framework, (iii) legal test, was used by the government to determine that each of the communities represented by the Métis Nation of Ontario holds rights under Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982; and (b) what specific evidence or information did the government use to arrive at the conclusion that each and all of the communities represented by the Métis Nation of Ontario are Section 35 rights-holders?
Q-20592 — December 5, 2023 — Mr. Schmale (Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock) — With regard to the required compliance audit to be included in the government's Indigenous Business Directory: (a) when was the last time that (i) Coradix Technology Consulting, (ii) DALIAN Enterprises Inc., were the subject of a compliance audit, broken down by the client department or agency which provided contracts to either of the companies since January 1, 2016; and (b) for each audit in (a), what were the results?
Q-20602 — December 5, 2023 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF): (a) how many CAF members have been forced to take a lower pension amount due to being sent to a lower paying transition unit, due to age, injury, or other factors, prior to retirement; (b) are the CAF members in (a) able to have a pension based on their highest earning years, including allowances, and, if not, why not; (c) what measures are in place to ensure that the CAF does not try to intentionally lower pension payments by placing higher earning CAF members into lower earning transition units prior to the CAF member's release; (d) how many CAF veterans are currently receiving a pension based on a rate based on a transition unit rather than based on their highest earning unit; (e) what is the CAF doing with the extra money resulting from lower pension payments; (f) how many Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) members have participated in missions or operations but still been denied full danger pay and risk allowances; (g) what is the rationale for providing regiments operating at the same time and place with full danger pay and risk allowances while denying it to special forces; (h) does the rational take into consideration that special forces tasking is often more dangerous, and living conditions are equally poor, and, if not, why not; (i) what mechanisms are in place for CSOR members who have been denied danger pay or risk allowances to appeal the denial; (j) how much money is the government saving by denying danger pay and risk allowances to CSOR members; (k) what is the government doing with the money it is saving by denying danger pay and risk allowances to CSOR members; and (l) how does the government justify denying full danger pay and risk allowances to CSOR members who participate in assignments abroad when their conditions are worse than other CAF regiments in the same place at the same time?
Q-20612 — December 5, 2023 — Ms. Gladu (Sarnia—Lambton) — With regard to government spending for photographers or photography service contracts since January 1, 2020, broken down by department or agency: (a) what are the details of each contract including, for each, how much was spent; (b) what were the dates and durations of the contracts; (c) what was the initial and final value of the contracts; (d) what were the details of all events or occasions for each contract including (i) date, (ii) location, (iii) title of event or event description; and (e) who was the vendor?
Q-20622 — December 6, 2023 — Mrs. Roberts (King—Vaughan) — With regard to the First Home Savings Account (FHSA): (a) how many accounts are currently active; (b) what is the total cumulative amount held in all accounts; (c) what is the average and median account balance; (d) how many accounts have over (i) $1,000, (ii) $5,000, (iii) $10,000, (iv) $20,000, in them; and (e) what is the breakdown of the number of FHSA accounts by the owner’s income bracket?
Q-20632 — December 6, 2023 — Mr. Van Popta (Langley—Aldergrove) — With regard to the government’s response to reports that the BC Cancer Agency was refusing to provide life-saving cancer treatment and instead suggested that a patient receive medical assistance in dying (MAID): (a) what assurances, if any, does the government have to ensure that patients are given the opportunity to receive potentially life-saving treatment prior to being asked to consider MAID; (b) what specific remedies within the federal law, if any, are available to patients whose provincial cancer treatment agencies suggest MAID and refuse to offer life-saving treatment in a timely manner; (c) has Health Canada had any communications with the BC Cancer Agency or the British Columbia Minister of Health regarding what errors were made in this situation, and, if so, what are the details of those communications; and (d) what measures, if any, are in place to ensure that provincial cancer agencies do not use MAID as a mean to save money or as a reason to not provide treatment in a timely manner?
Q-20642 — December 6, 2023 — Mr. Majumdar (Calgary Heritage) — With regard to Global Affairs Canada’s funding to the West Bank and Gaza: (a) does the Representative Office of Canada to the Palestinian Authority receive a budget for spending on aid related projects, and, if so, how much is this budget in (i) 2023-24, (ii) 2024-25; (b) what oversight, if any, does Global Affairs Canada (GAC) in Ottawa exercise over the Representative Office of Canada to the Palestinian Authority in terms of (i) vetting grantees, (ii) approving projects, (iii) auditing projects; (c) how does GAC ensure that funds are not misappropriated by terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine; (d) what are the details of Canada’s “enhanced oversight policies” regarding international aid to the West Bank and Gaza; (e) what are the details of all grants Canada is currently providing to organizations in the West Bank and Gaza, including, for each, the (i) funding recipient organization, (ii) amount, (iii) purpose of the funding or the project description, (iv) local implementing partners; (f) is the government providing funding to World Vision for its work in Gaza via the Humanitarian Coalition, and, if so, how much funding is it providing; and (g) what action is being taken in response to intelligence reports detailing Hamas’ use of Gaza hospitals for terror, including what kind of reviews GAC is taking to examine funding provided to humanitarian organizations that were active in Gaza hospitals?
Q-20652 — December 6, 2023 — Mr. Cooper (St. Albert—Edmonton) — With regard to the government’s Challenger aircraft: what was the purpose, number of passengers, titles of non-military passengers, and costs associated with Challenger flights (i) CFC3062, which departed North Bay and arrived in Ottawa on December 4, 2023, (ii) CFC3062, which departed Trenton and arrived in North Bay on December 4, 2023, (iii) CFC3062, which departed Barrie-Orillia and arrived in Trenton on December 4, 2023, (iv) CHAL18, which departed Ottawa and arrived in Barrie-Orillia on December 4, 2023, (v) CFC3082, which departed somewhere in or near Haiti and arrived in Ottawa on December 2, 2023, (vi) CFC3082, which departed Georgetown and arrived somewhere in or near the Cayman Islands on December 2, 2023, (vii) CFC3082, which departed Ottawa and arrived in Georgetown on December 1, 2023?
Q-20662 — December 6, 2023 — Mr. Aitchison (Parry Sound—Muskoka) — With regard to the Prime Minister: which senators did the Prime Minister personally call to discuss Bill C-234, An Act to amend the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act?
Q-20672 — December 6, 2023 — Mr. Barlow (Foothills) — With regard to the AgriRecovery announcement for 2023 to support farmers and ranchers in Western Canada: (a) on what date did the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-food receive funding requests from each of the Western provinces under the AgriRecovery framework; (b) on what date did the minister come to an initial agreement with each of the Western provinces, and what were the agreed upon amounts; (c) what was the final amount offered to each province; (d) if the amount offered is lower than the amount agreed upon, what is the rationale for why the amount is lower; and (e) were any ministers, other than that of Agriculture and Agri-Food involved in the decision about what funding level to provide, and, if so, which ones?
Q-20682 — December 7, 2023 — Ms. McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) — With regard to Canada’s military trade with Israel: (a) is Global Affairs Canada (GAC) aware of any evidence of use of Canadian military goods or technology, including components, by Israel in the current war; (b) has GAC conducted an internal review of previously authorized arms export and brokering permits to Israel since October 7, 2023, and, if so, (i) what branch or sector organized, (ii) what was the outcome of, the review, and if not, why not; (c) has GAC reviewed any applications for arms export and brokering permits to Israel since October 7, 2023; (d) has GAC issued any arms export permits to Israel since October 7, 2023; (e) has GAC reviewed its assessment on export permits to Israel in light of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the situation in the West Bank; (f) has GAC identified any serious violations of international humanitarian law or international human rights law since October 7, 2023; (g) in GAC’s analysis, do the deaths of over 6,500 children and 4,000 women amount to serious violence against women and children; (h) has GAC reviewed its risk assessment of small arms exports to Israel given reports that the Israeli government has been arming extremist settlers in the West Bank, and given reports of Israeli soldiers participating alongside settlers in violent acts against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank; (i) how does GAC define “serious” when assessing risk of (i) a serious violation of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, (ii) serious acts of violence against women and children, under section 7 of the EIPA; (j) has GAC sought to mitigate the risk that Canadian arms exports to Israel could be used in serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and, if so, what were those mitigation measures; (k) have Canadian officials ever denied an arms export or brokering permit for the transfer of military goods to Israel, and if so, when and under what circumstances; (l) what assessments has GAC conducted with regard to Canada’s obligations under the Arms Trade Treaty and violence in Israel and Palestine since October 7, 2023; (m) since 2015, have GAC officials conducted a review to determine the risk associated with Canada’s arms exports to Israel, and if they have been used in serious violations of international humanitarian law or international human rights law in the occupied Palestinian territories (OPT), and, if so, what were the findings of this or these reviews; (n) are Israeli companies vetted for connection to serious violations of international humanitarian or human rights law in their bids for government contracts; (o) does Canada currently procure military goods or technology that is “battle-tested” in the OPT; (p) has Canada conducted an assessment of Elbit Systems for risk of complicity in breaches of international law in the occupied Palestinian territories; (q) given Israel’s arms trade relationship with Azerbaijan and their involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, has GAC, since 2021, reviewed arms trade export and brokering permits given Israel’s arms trade relationship with Azerbaijan and their involvement in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict; and (r) if the answer to (q) is affirmative, what branch or section handled the review, and what was the difference in risk evaluations between the export permits for Türkiye and export permits issued for Israel?
Q-20692 — December 7, 2023 — Ms. McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) — With regard to the government’s policy towards the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the International Court of Justice (ICJ): (a) does the government continue to oppose the ICC’s investigation into the situation in Palestine, and, if so, on what basis; (b) how many states does the government accept are parties to the ICC; (c) has the government communicated its opposition to the investigation into the situation in Palestine to the Prosecutor of the ICC, and, if so, when was the most recent time this occurred and has it happened since October 7, 2023; (d) does Canada work in conjunction or in collaboration with other states in its opposition to the ICC, and, if so, who are these states; (e) has the government of Israel communicated approval of the government’s opposition to the ICC’s investigation into the situation in Palestine; (f) has the Palestinian Authority communicated with the government regarding Canada’s opposition to the ICC’s investigation into the situation in Palestine; (g) does the government oppose an ICC investigation into alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity, and genocide, committed by Hamas; (h) what is the government’s position on the decision by the government of Belgium to pledge an additional €6 million to the ICC to financially support its investigation into the situation in Palestine; (i) what motivated Canada to submit its views opposing the ICJ’s advisory proceedings on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in East Jerusalem; and (j) prior to submitting its opposition to the ICJ’s advisory opinion, did government officials hold meetings with other states to coordinate efforts to oppose the case at the ICJ?
Q-20702 — December 7, 2023 — Ms. McPherson (Edmonton Strathcona) — With regard to the government’s policy towards international law and the situation in Israel and Palestine: (a) what is the government’s position on the role that international criminal law plays in addressing alleged war crimes, crimes against humanity, and acts of genocide committed in the context of the war between Israel and Hamas; (b) with respect to the November 2023 United Nations General Assembly vote which reaffirmed the illegality of Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights, what political and legal motivations led Canada to vote against the resolution; (c) does the government accept that Israeli settlements in Occupied Territories are illegal under international law; (d) does the government believe that, under international law, Gaza is a territory under occupation by Israel; (e) what is the government’s position on and response to the proposal by Israeli government ministers and Knesset members to “voluntarily move” Gazans to other countries and that Israel can no longer put up with the “existence of an independent entity in Gaza”; (f) what is the Canadian government’s position on the principle of proportionality, as it relates to attacks in Gaza by the Israeli Defence Forces, (i) does the government believe that all of the attacks on Gaza since October 7, 2023, have been proportional, (ii) if not, which attacks have not been proportional or which attacks require further investigation; (g) does the government accept that the lawful right of states to self-defence must be proportional, and what is the government’s position on the proportionality of self-defence under International Humanitarian Law; (h) what is the government’s legal position with respect to both the blockade and siege of Gaza, and does it accept that the blockade is illegal; (i) does the government accept that it is obligated to prevent the commission of genocide under international law, and what obligations does the government accept in this regard; (j) does the government accept that it is under obligation to punish any persons responsible for the commission of genocide under international law; (k) does the government believe that the Responsibility to Protect doctrine is of relevance to the situation in Palestine, and does the government accept that it has a responsibility to protect civilians in Gaza, (i) if so, then how so, (ii) if not, why not; (l) what specific obligations does the government believe follow from Common Article 1 of the Genocide Convention which requires all High Contracting Parties, including Canada, “to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances”; (m) should the opportunity arise, would the government be willing to exercise its universal jurisdiction powers, under the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, to prosecute, rather than deport, a person involved in the commission of genocide or war crimes in Israel or Palestine; and (n) does the government make any distinction between lawful and legitimate “unilateral actions” that are peaceful, non-violent and within the framework of international politics and diplomacy and “unilateral actions” that are illegal and war crimes (per the Rome Statute) under international law?
Q-20712 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Nater (Perth—Wellington) — With regard to Canadian ambassadors and consuls general assigned to place in the United States, broken down by each individual and by year from January 1, 2021 to date: (a) how many days were the ambassadors or consuls general at the location or area where they are stationed (e.g.: how many days was the Consul General of Canada in New York physically in the New York area); and (b) how many round trips did each ambassador or consul general make between Canada and their assigned post in the United States?
Q-20722 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — With regard to federal health care investments, since October 1, 2021: a) how many personal support workers have been trained as a result of federal funding, broken down by province or territory and by year; and b) how many family doctors, nurse practitioners and nurses have been hired as a result of federal funding, broken down by province or territory and by year?
Q-20732 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Julian (New Westminster—Burnaby) — With regard to the federal government’s healthcare funding plan announced in December 2011 for the years 2014 to 2024: which (i) healthcare sectors, (ii) provinces and territories, received less federal funding as a direct result of this decision, broken down by dollar amount and by year?
Q-20742 — December 7, 2023 — Mrs. Kusie (Calgary Midnapore) — With regard to expenditures made by departments, agencies and other government entities under Treasury Board Object Code 3259 (Miscellaneous expenditures not Elsewhere Classified), since January 1, 2020, and broken down by year: (a) what were the total expenditures; and (b) what are the details of each expenditure made under the code, including the (i) date, (ii) vendor, (iii) amount, (iv) description of the goods or services, including the volume, if applicable?
Q-20752 — December 7, 2023 — Mrs. Gallant (Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke) — With regard to Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA) rental properties at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa: (a) what is the electrical capacity of each unit; (b) what is the type and age of the heating and cooling units at each property; (c) is internet included with the rental of properties, and, if so, what is the internet speed; (d) how many maintenance or repair requests has the CFHA received, broken down by year from 2017 to date; (e) what is the breakdown of (d) by type of issue (mold, water leak, broken heating unit, etc.); (f) what is the current age of the roof of each property; (g) what renovations or upgrades have been completed since 2017, including the date and the unit to which each renovation was done; (h) what is the total number of units, broken down by the type of unit; (i) are any of the units in (h) uninhabitable, and, if so, which ones and why; and (j) what is the current retention factor value of each unit?
Q-20762 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) — With regard to expenditures on public relations, media training, or similar types of services for ministers or their offices, including the Office of the Prime Minister, since January 1, 2022: what are the details of each such expenditure, including the (i) date of the contract, (ii) amount, (iii) vendor, (iv) individual providing the training, (v) summary of the services provided, including the type of training, (vi) person who received the training, (vii) date of the training?
Q-20772 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) — With regard to the late-payment charges incurred by the government related to any type of telecommunications or cable services (telephone, cellular, data, cable, etc.), since June 1, 2020, in total and broken down by year, including 2023 to date, and by department, agency, Crown corporation, or other government entity: what is the total amount of late-payment charges and interest charges incurred for services provided by (i) Rogers, (ii) Bell, (iii) Telus, (iv) other telecommunications providers, broken down by provider?
Q-20782 — December 7, 2023 — Mr. Scheer (Regina—Qu'Appelle) — With regard to renovation, redesign and refurnishing of ministers' or deputy ministers' offices since January 1, 2020: (a) what is the total cost of any spending on renovating, redesigning, and refurnishing for each ministerial office, broken down by (i) total cost, (ii) moving services, (iii) renovating services, (iv) painting, (v) flooring, (vi) furniture, (vii) appliances, (viii) art installation, (ix) all other expenditures; and (b) what is the total cost of any spending on renovating, redesigning, and refurnishing for each deputy minister's office, broken down by (i) total cost, (ii) moving services, (iii) renovating services, (iv) painting, (v) flooring, (vi) furniture, (vii) appliances, (viii) art installation, (ix) all other expenditures?

2 Response requested within 45 days