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TRAN Committee Report

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List of Recommendations


As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. collaborate with provinces, municipalities, destination marketing organizations, and local tourism businesses in planning the development of the HFR rail network, and that VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. prioritize the inclusive growth of rural and regional tourism businesses as part of its broader economic development goals for the project.

Recommendation 2

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. collaborate with provinces, municipalities, destination marketing organizations, and eco-tourism businesses in designing promotional materials emphasizing the environmental benefits of HFR, and promoting the project to ecologically minded tourists.

Recommendation 3

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. consult with Indigenous governments, Indigenous tourism operators, Indigenous tourism associations, Indigenous financial institutions, and provincial and municipal governments to ensure the HFR project supports the flow of tourists to Indigenous tourist destinations, and supports the growth of the Indigenous tourism sector.

Recommendation 4

The Minister of Transport require VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. to provide within six months a budget and a timetable for completing this project, including an analysis of the incremental cost between HFR and HSR, and that this report be tabled in the House of Commons and reported to committee.

Recommendation 5

That the government look to countries with successful publicly operated high-speed rail systems, such as Spain, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany, to inform the procurement and operations model of the HFR project.

Recommendation 6

That the government release the Joint Project Office’s full, unredacted report on the HFR project.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada and VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. ensure that the design of the future HFR service be centred on the objective of providing a mode of transportation that is competitive with travel by car and by air, in order to maximize modal shift.

Recommendation 8

The Minister of Transport require VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. to provide, within a reasonable timeframe, an analysis of the impact a dedicated rail line will have on the use of the existing VIA rail service in the Toronto-Quebec City corridor. The report must look at the impact of ridership on the existing line after a new faster dedicated line is in operation, the viability of maintaining current services on the existing line both the number of trains and on time performance, and the possible impacts on freight traffic of continuing passenger rail service on the corridor and that this report be tabled in the House of Commons and referred to committee.

Recommendation 9

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. collaborate with provinces and municipalities to ensure seamless connectivity between the HFR service and local and regional transit systems, and that travel time between municipalities served by the HFR network be calculated from downtown-to-downtown, including transit connections as needed.

Recommendation 10

That the Government of Canada and VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. ensure that HFR does not result in a reduction of service to communities currently served by VIA Rail and that VIA's regional rail services be connected to the future HFR service wherever possible.

Recommendation 11

That a stop for the future train service be implemented to serve the city of Trois-Rivières.

Recommendation 12

That layout plans for infrastructures associated with the hub role be developed, in cooperation with the City of Drummondville, to promote the harmonious and appropriate integration of these infrastructures with the projects currently being analyzed by the City for the central station.

Recommendation 13

That work be undertaken to develop train schedules for Drummondville departures and arrivals; these revised schedules should address concerns about train frequency and service times and should ensure that VIA Rail meets the commitment it made several years ago to increase the number of trips a day from five to eight.

Recommendation 14

That a governance mechanism be quickly put in place to make coordinated decisions, thus allowing effective communication and collaboration with cities.

Recommendation 15

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. ensure that the future HFR service will operate, as much as possible, on dedicated tracks to ensure the reliability of passenger rail service while also limiting disruptions to the freight rail network.

Recommendation 16

That work be carried out to identify all available spaces on the Montreal – Quebec section to double the tracks or, at the very least, add sidings to reduce the number and duration of the all too frequent stopping periods of the train and, thus, ensure greater reliability.

Recommendation 17

That stations be located at strategic crossroads which will maximize connectivity with other modes of transport.

Recommendation 18

That VIA HFR-VIA TGF Inc. work with, where possible, Amtrak, as well as regional, municipal, and provincial transportation services, in developing the HFR network, to improve intermodal and international travel and enhance tourism.