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SRSR Committee Report

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List of Recommendations


As a result of their deliberations committees may make recommendations which they include in their reports for the consideration of the House of Commons or the Government. Recommendations related to this study are listed below.

Recommendation 1

That the Government of Canada explore policies and incentives to encourage entrepreneurial investment from large investment funds, including public pension plans.

Recommendation 2

That the Government of Canada review and revise federal procurement practices to increase, wherever possible, investment in Canadian start-ups and small- and medium-sized enterprises commercializing new products and services.

Recommendation 3

That the Government of Canada consider expanding the Innovation Asset Collective model to other industries, either within the existing organization or through the establishment of parallel organizations in other industries.

Recommendation 4

That the Government of Canada, in collaboration with the provinces, territories and other stakeholders, undertake a review of Canada’s support system for intellectual property, research and development, and commercialization, with an aim towards identifying and addressing redundancies, gaps and inconsistencies.

Recommendation 5

That the Government of Canada, in partnership with the provinces, territories and post-secondary institutions, identify promising practices for post-secondary technology transfer and fund the implementation of those practices.

Recommendation 6

That the Government of Canada establish comprehensive IP education and awareness materials, available through the Canada Innovation Corporation and other existing IP programs, directed towards different industries, demographic groups and stages of innovation.

Recommendation 7

That the Government of Canada establish taxation measures, potentially including the creation of a patent box, to encourage the commercial development of intellectual property and the retention of intellectual property within Canada.

Recommendation 8

That the Government of Canada update the National Security Guidelines for Research Partnerships to provide research institutions and organizations with clarification in regards to jurisdictions and organizations that present potential risks to Canada’s national security.

Recommendation 9

That the Government of Canada, in collaboration with the provinces, territories and other stakeholders, identify key sectors in which to foster innovation, such as through ongoing support of the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy and the National Quantum Strategy.

Recommendation 10

That the Government of Canada undertake a review of the Copyright Act in order to study appropriate remuneration for Canadian content creators, particularly as it relates to educational material.

Recommendation 11

That the Government of Canada undertake a review of Canada’s intellectual property regulation regime in comparison with other jurisdictions to ensure international competitiveness in regard to timelines, protection and interoperability.

Recommendation 12

That the Government of Canada undertake additional data collection and analysis on Canada’s intellectual property landscape, including an expanded version of the 2019 Survey on Intellectual Property Awareness.

Recommendation 13

That the Government of Canada launch communities of practice and mentorship programs to support the participation of under-represented groups in intellectual property development and commercialization.

Recommendation 14

That the Government of Canada, in collaboration with Indigenous governments, organizations and communities, explore the impacts of Indigenous data sovereignty and collective rights on intellectual property policies.