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RNNR Committee Report

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  • a) Strong social consensus on the goal and pathways to sustainability is fundamental. Social dialogue has to be an integral part of the institutional framework for policymaking and implementation at all levels. Adequate, informed and ongoing consultation should take place with all relevant stakeholders.
  • b) Policies must respect, promote and realize fundamental principles and rights at work.
  • c) Policies and programmes need to take into account the strong gender dimension of many environmental challenges and opportunities. Specific gender policies should be considered in order to promote equitable outcomes.
  • d) Coherent policies across the economic, environmental, social, education/training and labour portfolios need to provide an enabling environment for enterprises, workers, investors and consumers to embrace and drive the transition towards environmentally sustainable and inclusive economies and societies.
  • e) These coherent policies also need to provide a just transition framework for all to promote the creation of more decent jobs, including as appropriate: anticipating impacts on employment, adequate and sustainable social protection for job losses and displacement, skills development and social dialogue, including the effective exercise of the right to organize and bargain collectively.
  • f) There is no “one size fits all”. Policies and programmes need to be designed in line with the specific conditions of countries, including their stage of development, economic sectors and types and sizes of enterprises.
  • g) In implementing sustainable development strategies, it is important to foster international cooperation among countries. In this context, we recall the outcome document of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio +20), including section VI on means of implementation.

Source: International Labour Organization, Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all, 2015.