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INAN Committee Report

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Appendix B: List of Briefs


The following is an alphabetical list of organizations and individuals who submitted briefs to the committee related to this report. For more information, please consult the committee’s webpage for this study.

Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation

Assembly of First Nations

British Columbia Specific Claims Working Group

British Columbia Treaty Commission

Cadeau, Francis

Cold Lake First Nations

Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership

File Hills Qu'Appelle Tribal Council

First Nations Financial Management Board

First Nations Lands Advisory Board

First Nations Summit

Garlow, Nahnda

Innu Takuaikan Uashat Mak Mani-Utenam

Inuvialuit Regional Corporation

Lac Ste. Anne Métis Community Association

Mikisew Cree First Nation

Northwest Territory Métis Nation

Ontario Land Trust Alliance

Six Nations of the Grand River

Standing Water Nation

Tanner, Jim